Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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time to change that name to David_PUA


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I think if she's overly into you, it won't matter if you wait 6, 12, 24, or 36 hours to respond.

Firstly while this sounds like an ideal logical thought, case-by-case it's not always true, and secondly and most importantly- why take that chance?

Well I don't know for certain how these "tactics" all go because I've never thought too much about it, I find it silly and an immature way to start any kind of interaction of possible relationship.

If I feel like texting her first then I will, rarely would I find I need to within a few days after first meeting. In terms of responding I'll respond if I see the text straight away, or it might be a few hours depending on what I'm doing, same way I'd respond to a friend or my mom texting me.

Has this attitude possibly benefited me or screwed up an opportunity for me? I guess I'll never really know.


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Firstly while this sounds like an ideal logical thought, case-by-case it's not always true, and secondly and most importantly- why take that chance?

Well I don't know for certain how these "tactics" all go because I've never thought too much about it, I find it silly and an immature way to start any kind of interaction of possible relationship.

If I feel like texting her first then I will, rarely would I find I need to within a few days after first meeting. In terms of responding I'll respond if I see the text straight away, or it might be a few hours depending on what I'm doing, same way I'd respond to a friend or my mom texting me.

Has this attitude possibly benefited me or screwed up an opportunity for me? I guess I'll never really know.

There is no silliness and immaturity here, other than the people telling me that I should put my life aside and grovel with a steady, break-free stream of text messages.

I liked but didn't love the date. I as "meh" about her. I did send her a text right after saying I had a good time, and messaged her a few days later. I had a very busy weekend and in fact I told her during the date that I had a busy weekend coming up with a lot of deadlines. These weren't made up, they were real deadlines.


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No thanks.



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Short girls are cute and easy to "move around" but they have downsides.

If you're relatively "big", you'll need to remain careful with them in bed.

Most of my time in bed with short girls were punctuated by "ah", "can you..." "it hurts!", "that's too far!".

Also, some positions just become too awkward, even good old missionary will feel weird.

I don't see that many tall guys with tiny girls. And when I do, I can't imagine the girl ever being comfortable with the guy in bed.

The guy has to have some upper edge, tallness can be one, not only makes him superior to other males, can look menacing which creates a feeling of protection for the girl and he can control them if she gets out of line, domestic violence against males isn't fiction.

I don't think anyone really finds short women attractive, the only people I see saying that are short women on Facebook, I'm short so of course I would target my interest in shorter women but it's out of cope and not by choice.


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There is no silliness and immaturity here, other than the people telling me that I should put my life aside and grovel with a steady, break-free stream of text messages.

I liked but didn't love the date. I as "meh" about her. I did send her a text right after saying I had a good time, and messaged her a few days later. I had a very busy weekend and in fact I told her during the date that I had a busy weekend coming up with a lot of deadlines. These weren't made up, they were real deadlines.

Considering you've expressed that you weren't having much luck until this one, you're very level headed about this.

A friend of mine who I often write about on here who for all I know is a virgin at 27, just has some interest from a girl recently (and she's like a 7 apparently, he can be bafflingly picky) and he was flat out texting her the last week (what Fred just described basically). Barely he never said a word to me and my other friends, even when he inevitably started getting the piss taken out of him for being so transparently on his phone for hours.

This week? I wasn't with them but he was in a foul mood and no mention of said girl and nobody even wanted to mention it. We've seen this before.

I guess there's taking your chances, and then theres going over the top, but you seem to have a good balanced attitude for sure David.


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Considering you've expressed that you weren't having much luck until this one, you're very level headed about this.

A friend of mine who I often write about on here who for all I know is a virgin at 27, just has some interest from a girl recently (and she's like a 7 apparently, he can be bafflingly picky) and he was flat out texting her the last week (what Fred just described basically). Barely he never said a word to me and my other friends, even when he inevitably started getting the piss taken out of him for being so transparently on his phone for hours.

This week? I wasn't with them but he was in a foul mood and no mention of said girl and nobody even wanted to mention it. We've seen this before.

I guess there's taking your chances, and then theres going over the top, but you seem to have a good balanced attitude for sure David.

There is no forcing things with women, there's no magic wand, they're receptive or they're not. That depends on who you are, and also their general mood at the time so even who you are might not matter.

Probably what happened to your friend is he got excited at having a prospect, and got really invested into this prospect and got carried away. To him, the woman was a rare event, a glorious opportunity. But to her he was just another guy, and maybe discardable if she has other choices and other opportunities. He may have also supersaturated her interest by flooding her with love, worship, and attention.


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Why do you feel the need to mention how tall you are in shoes? No sh*t you are a bit taller than without.

Bro I'm f*****g 7 feet (wearing stilts).

I was clearly just joking (the exclamation and smiley should have given it away) - I was playing on the desire everyone has to be a bit taller. :)


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Looks like asexuality has indeed many advantages. I'd never deal with this sh*t, and most women are like that. I'd have to be a 7+ like you to find a decent girl in terms of looks, personality and goals in life, hobbies, etc.
Yep it's RIP for me as well prob will find a 5 girl and be done with it.


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I'am a 6 who has the advantage of being tall.

The girlfriend told me many times that she couldn't have been with me if I was shorter than 1m80.

That's another thing I like about her: her honesty.

But let's not get carried away, she's still nursing a lot of blue-pilled delusions.

She sometimes says that women fall in love with men because of their personality.

I'm like:


I wonder if men fall more for personality than women? I know I do, I can't stand women that are full of themselves, act too confident and are the typical mean/bitchy girl, even if they're very attractive I would never give them the time of the day. Women that are friendly and don't have a mean bone in them I can't help myself and their appeal boosts tremendously.


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It's useless to call out women on their hypocritical crap (and they rarely believe it, they lie and happily so, they don't want people to know how picky and shallow they really are). Just put their mouths to good use, at least they'll shut up and do something truly useful, for once. I gave up listening to them years ago, whatever they say is always betrayed by their actions. I wouldn't be bored if they just admitted the truth, but that's asking too much I guess.
Lets keep coping Im sure one day we'll find the love we need




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Even though I was nuts about LEGO's as a kid and teen it wouldn't bring any joy at +30, shame as my interest list is shrinking each time it passes.
As long as there are memes and pizza we will be ok :)