Look At This Hot Guy And His Average Gf. People's Response Are So Mean


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f*****g RIP


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Anybody watch Arranged Marriage (reality TV show)? It's a show where people who don't even know
their future spouses names marry!

After watching three marriages, one was a total disaster. They were both ambitious people with
almost identical personalities and family goals.

Now, fast forward. It wasn't so much the guy had diffuse hair thinning. He had six bumps all over
his face. And she's like, I'm not attracted to him. Then, on camera (not fake, of course...), she says
how she's starting to like him. She was an eight out of ten. He was probably a five.

They had FOUR experts arrange marriages, with four different specialties. Of the three couples, I think
two will get divorced. One is a sure fail. One was a huge success.

This was after each participant spent a whole day filling out online questions, and lots of discussions
among the four match makers! One was the spiritual adviser, the sexual adviser, and the other two
were very forgettable!

There was one really unnattractive woman. And she was being realistic, not trying to be choosy. She knew
her stock value, so to speak. The producers THROUGH her over a bus! They said her standards were too

Think she was too ugly for TV, in my opinion.


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Speaking of which, I had a date planned for Tuesday (yesterday), but the girl said something came up, can we reschedule? I gave her three choices and she chose Thursday night. I made a reservation and she said "I'll see you then, great !"

I'll be there, but I've been burned by women so many times. Maybe she got busy with work or with friends, it's possible. Or maybe she met Chad on Tuesday night, he fucked her brains out, she won't call me to cancel because that's awkward, and I'll show up to my reservation for two on Thursday night and sit alone, and apologize to the waiter like a dork.

Did she show up? How did it go?

All of your dates are through Tinder?


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Did she show up? How did it go?

All of your dates are through Tinder?

We did go out on Thursday, she was super enthusiastic afterwards. She messaged me ten minutes afterwards with a bunch of exclamation marks. I wasn't sure myself but I did message her a few days later and she never wrote back so whatever.

She was smart, fit, sociable. But, she was very very short, like 5'0 or less. Major buzz kill.

I'm now chatting with two other girls from bumble. Most of my dates are from Jswipe. Tinder has been a wasteland. I use it but get no traction there.

One of the two girls I'm chatting with now is super friendly. She is a speech pathologist, we'll see how it goes. I'll meet her next week.


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We did go out on Thursday, she was super enthusiastic afterwards. She messaged me ten minutes afterwards with a bunch of exclamation marks. I wasn't sure myself but I did message her a few days later and she never wrote back so whatever.

She was smart, fit, sociable. But, she was very very short, like 5'0 or less. Major buzz kill.

I'm now chatting with two other girls from bumble. Most of my dates are from Jswipe. Tinder has been a wasteland. I use it but get no traction there.

One of the two girls I'm chatting with now is super friendly. She is a speech pathologist, we'll see how it goes. I'll meet her next week.

That's good to hear. Five foot tall is short. But then, you're five foot ten, right?

(Not short, average height for a guy is five foot eight, (Mark Whalberg)).

In New York, everybody LOOKS taller. I'm not kidding. I'm six foot one, but I feel short or the same size.

Usually I look down on people (no pun intended). But in New York, I look up at a lot of people.


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That's good to hear. Five foot tall is short. But then, you're five foot ten, right?

(Not short, average height for a guy is five foot eight, (Mark Whalberg)).

In New York, everybody LOOKS taller. I'm not kidding. I'm six foot one, but I feel short or the same size.

Usually I look down on people (no pun intended). But in New York, I look up at a lot of people.

Yeah, if you go out on the social scene in NYC, expect to see an average height WELL above the national average. I'm also 6'1" (6'1.75" in shoes! :D), but I distinctly remember feeling like I was surrounded by yetis when I was out in the city many times. I'm not sure if it's because the average height is taller, or because since taller guys tend to get more play they also tend to go out more and be seen. This one place I remember going to I could swear the average height was like 6'2", with many dudes above 6'3".


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I'm 5'11. Average height in the USA is 5'10.

To be honest, given how far I am on the incel spectrum I'd be very scared about ending up with a short (e.g. 5'0) woman. What if we have sone and they end up 5'5?


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Yeah, if you go out on the social scene in NYC, expect to see an average height WELL above the national average. I'm also 6'1" (6'1.75" in shoes! :D), but I distinctly remember feeling like I was surrounded by yetis when I was out in the city many times. I'm not sure if it's because the average height is taller, or because since taller guys tend to get more play they also tend to go out more and be seen. This one place I remember going to I could swear the average height was like 6'2", with many dudes above 6'3".

I suspect that New York attracts a lot of alphas, and that the New York social scene will be even worse.


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I did message her a few days later

Were you not really into her? Is that why you took so long to message back? She probably got offended that you respond to her till days later. Personally 5' 0" isn't a deal breaker for me.

I'm now chatting with two other girls from bumble. Most of my dates are from Jswipe.

Seems like you are getting plenty of action. At least you are going out and meeting women. You are playing the game right, instead of getting serious with the first girl that shows up for a scheduled date.


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To be honest, given how far I am on the incel spectrum I'd be very scared about ending up with a short (e.g. 5'0) woman. What if we have sone and they end up 5'5?

It could happen. My mom was 5'6" and dad was 5'8", I am 5'11". Roll of the dice really, just like this hair loss sh*t. My daughter is shorter than me and her mom. You never know.


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It could happen. My mom was 5'6" and dad was 5'8", I am 5'11". Roll of the dice really, just like this hair loss sh*t. My daughter is shorter than me and her mom. You never know.
In statistics, you usually have a mean and a standard deviation. Sometimes the expected outcome is bad and you get lucky and get a good outcome. But you shouldn't expect it.

Were you not really into her? Is that why you took so long to message back? She probably got offended that you respond to her till days later. Personally 5' 0" isn't a deal breaker for me.

Seems like you are getting plenty of action. At least you are going out and meeting women. You are playing the game right, instead of getting serious with the first girl that shows up for a scheduled date.
According to blue pill player theory, if she's offended shouldn't she end up wanting me more?

I'm not getting plenty of action. These are just first dates. I find it very discouraging, but it's important to try.

I think that many of the guys who are not even trying will look bad on their lives with regret one day.


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To be honest, given how far I am on the incel spectrum I'd be very scared about ending up with a short (e.g. 5'0) woman. What if we have sone and they end up 5'5?

@Exodus2011 would agree with you.

I also would not risk making babies with a 5'0 woman.


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I'm not getting plenty of action. These are just first dates. I find it very discouraging, but it's important to try.

You might not be getting the desired outcome right now, but the real value is in the experience. Many won't even try. They expect a babe to walk up to them and spread their legs. You are putting yourself out there and it is going to pay off no doubt. At least you are getting dates with attractive women. I am assuming they know what you look like before the date, and if they do, at least you know you are good looking enough to get somebody that's attractive. You just have to close the deal once you find somebody that you think you might want to spend some more time with.


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I think that diet and health is a big factor for height as well. I know you can still be fucked genetically whatever you do, but my mom is 5'1, due to many issues I had I ate terribly until I was about 20 (no fruit or veg, shite food all the time, plus didn't eat enough, was skinny), I'm 5'9 (same as my dad), my brothers are all 6'1+. There is little doubt in my mind that this is due to my poor diet.

5ft girl is perfect for me, although I don't even want kids anyhow.