"losing Your Hair Is A Choice" - Hair Loss Talk


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It is a choice. And shame on guys who don't castrate themselves.

Because you chose not to do that (I think...) buckthorn, you made that choice.

This was funniest sh*t i have read on here.


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You're right Buckthorn, hair loss is not just simply a choice. Plenty of people desperately want to keep their hair, but medications do not work for everyone and can cause side effects for plenty of people. Such a quote just sounds like something spoken from a slick and disingenuous advertisement.
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Any women who judges you for lack of hair is a superficial c*** who is not worth your time. And basing your entire self worth on your hair or lack of is a sign of a serious mental illness. Almost all of you guys on this site are suffering from severe body dysmorphic disorder. Yes hair loss sucks and is depressing. But there are millions of bald men out there living happy lives not spending their time wasting away on a hair loss forum.

You have been brainwashed by Hollywood and celebrities making you compare yourself to other people. Make the best of what you got and what you can control.

Life is short. Imagine being blind or deaf, or having no limbs or cancer or some other terminal disease. Now that is life altering. I understand the psychological impact of hair loss and how it can seriously mentally f*** you up especially if you are young or if you don't feel you have a good head shape.
Get used to being invisible, at best.


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My Regimen
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Get used to being invisible, at best.

I have a couple of bald friends, and trust me, they aren't invisible.

It's what society drills into you man.

We are all different. Being depressed about hair loss will ruin and waste your life unless you go on treatment and hope it works without devastating side effects or spend thousands on hair transplants.

I understand how psychologically devastating it is. It put me into a suicidal depression. But I realized I am not my hair. And I don't want to spend the rest of my 20's wasting my life away and being depressed.

You are not inferior because you have hair loss. It does not make you a "subhuman"


My Regimen
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I have a couple of bald friends, and trust me, they aren't invisible.

It's what society drills into you man.

We are all different. Being depressed about hair loss will ruin and waste your life unless you go on treatment and hope it works without devastating side effects or spend thousands on hair transplants.

I understand how psychologically devastating it is. It put me into a suicidal depression. But I realized I am not my hair. And I don't want to spend the rest of my 20's wasting my life away and being depressed.

You are not inferior because you have hair loss. It does not make you a "subhuman"

So then why are you here?

Seriously go get laid.


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I have a couple of bald friends, and trust me, they aren't invisible.

It's what society drills into you man.

We are all different. Being depressed about hair loss will ruin and waste your life unless you go on treatment and hope it works without devastating side effects or spend thousands on hair transplants.

I understand how psychologically devastating it is. It put me into a suicidal depression. But I realized I am not my hair. And I don't want to spend the rest of my 20's wasting my life away and being depressed.

You are not inferior because you have hair loss. It does not make you a "subhuman"
I respect your opinion and applaud you.
Really I do, but I've been around a while and much to my disappointment, to the majority of society... after you suffer significant hair loss, well to them... you really are just "the bald guy."

I wish things were different, dude. But, anyway, that's just my experience, yours may be different.
Perhaps you can maintain your individuality once you hit NW4? Who knows...

I wish you all the best. It would be a shame to spoil your wide eyed optimism.
I won't try and do it.


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Let me think.... Oh, yes. I lost count. They have even humiliated me online by using pictures of me taken at my workplace. I talked about these things in "some of my posts". I guess you did not read them?

You look definitely better than Shrek


But better than Hulk (I don't know)



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Why, thank you. Just a little question, what is the Arabic translation for "You dense mother-f****r"?

It was not for insulting you. I wanted only to remind you that you look good.
And if your colleagues make fun of you, then take a metal stick and beat them up.


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It was not for insulting you. I wanted only to remind you that you look good.
And if your colleagues make fun of you, then take a metal stick and beat them up.
Yep, great idea. Then Dante can post from prison while being sodomized.


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He's either making fun of me big time, or is simply trolling. I refuse to believe he's being serious, but as I said, sometimes I overestimate people.

Why trolling. I am serious. Don't let them do that to you.


My Regimen
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My Regimen
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Hello, first of all, if you feel offended then I am sorry. It wasn't my intention.

I am a student, and I stated "if they make fun of you", that means there should be a reason.
I was never insulted like that.

Thanks for the clarification. I have seen how your people beat disarmed soldiers with belts after the failed coup d'état, so it doesn't really come as a surprise that a snide remark about your hairline warrants a thrashing with a metal stick.


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Thanks for the clarification. I have seen how your people beat disarmed soldiers with belts after the failed coup d'état, so it doesn't really come as a surprise that a snide remark about your hairline warrants a thrashing with a metal stick.

I am a muslim (turkish). Fault of some muslims is not the fault of Islam. And To beat disarmed soldiers with belts is also not right for me.

If you think insulting a person because of looks (hair, face ...) is less hurting than beating a person, then you are false here.


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If going bald became a choice would be interesting to see if all those "I like the shaved look", "I look better bald", "My wife likes my baldness" would still be of this opinion.
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