Maliniak Method


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Yeh I'll give it a rest, thanks.

I sometimes forget that ranting in this particular subsection of this one forum is probably not going to help the kind of people that could potentially be misled by such a treatment anyway. Perspective needed :)


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hairhoper said:
Yeh I'll give it a rest, thanks.

I sometimes forget that ranting in this particular subsection of this one forum is probably not going to help the kind of people that could potentially be misled by such a treatment anyway. Perspective needed :)

Just to be fair I often make comments like this in a lot of threads so please don't feel singled out.


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Hello everyone,

I've been reading all the pages of this long thread. It's my first post here. Just realised how much hair I'd lost and how fast they are falling at this time. I've been looking for more information, discovered the skull expansion theory, galea, tom hagerty method, drugs such as finasteride, etc.. I haven't tried anything yet.

I am about to try the Maliniak method but judging by the persons here, who are trying it, for a long time now, it doesn't seem to work. Am I wrong? So I'd like more feedback from you. The device needed for this method is far from being cheap (I wonder why people/Mr Maliniak say it's a cheap method? maybe if compared to 20 years of drug treatment I suppose) so I'd like more information about your results before buying something like that. Personally, I think if it's 5 new hairs in one year, this cannot be called success.

So..thank you for any answer or recommendation. Well the hairloss is the problem, but it has become an obsession and I'm really tired of thinking of it most of the time, I wish I could do something and not have to shave.


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Anything hairloss related will cost hundreds over the course of a year except maybe discount minoxinil. Maybe that's why the claim. So let's tackle the Big 3 to start:

Finasteride: Helped me keep my hair for 12 years. It grew a tiny bit back at first but basically just maintained what I had. There comes a time when it just stops working. Note I lost a bit of sex drive on it but nothing drastic.

Minoxinil: Grows a bit of hair but mostly vellus hairs. It does not stop hairloss so as you have grown some, you continue to lose others. Not a long term solution.

Nizoral with ketakozanol: This is weak at best. Tests show minor results. I have used it and continue to use it but I never noticed results. I just like the stuff and it can't hurt is my theory.

Now for other stuff imo:

Vitamins/herbs don't work with any strength.

spironolactone didn't work for me. (S5)

Copper peptides didn't work for me (Folligen)

That's why I'm here. The rest of my story you already know.


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Thank you for your answer :)

I wish I could see someone with results after using this method... did you buy the violet ray available from Mr Maliniak website or did you get another?


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i had just about left this forum for good until i noticed the moderator started moderating. For this to be an informative thread, whether or not the topic works, its important to keep the immature troll posts to a minimum. Makes for pathetic reading..

Malcolm, 5 new hairs in one year would be success imo, if further hairloss stopped. I know we are all looking for a 'miracle,' but for me, even a reduction in hairloss would be a miracle.

Yes, Mr. Maliniak's wand that he is selling is expensive, and he IS trying to make money off it. That doesnt necesssarily mean it doesn't work tho, ..and we all know that healthy scepticism is a good thing in this field. I didn't buy 'his' specific product because i thought it was way too much money for somthing that i had no reasonable idea if it would do a thing on me. Just don't go and make the mistake of buying a 100$ one off ebay tho, they definately don't work.

He may hate me for this, but i don't think there is enough 'proof' to justify spending the big bucks and donating your first born YET. He used to recommend a number of devices that were cheaper than his, and basically the same thing; but i think he includes more attachments with his. 300$ was the cheapest one from his original list..

I don't have any photo evidence for you, i'm at the 5 month mark exactly since switching to the higher quality device. All its done so far that i can 'see' is lengthen and slightly thicken some peachy fuzz hairs in the hairline. The rest of my hair is 1mm long so i can't tell if there are any changes, but no new terminal hairs, but no lost ones either..


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Thank you Zambutu,

Well I agree that stopping hairloss is a success if you have decent hair. It's all about maintaining it but I'm becoming totally bald in the front so I wish for some regrowth :/ I feel that he's trying to make a lot of money with this too, that's what prevents me from buying this expensive device, too much secret, no info about the manufacturer, .... (I don't mind paying, having more proof)
He says that there are a lot of successful cases but I haven't seen any yet. Except his own photos. I believe his theory makes sense, I also believe that it could work because you can read a lot of info about the Tesla device and it has a lot of applications for health care.

But when you start reading he says that there are devices for 80$ but then you end up having to pay 600$ for the good one that works :/ So now I am looking for a good one but cheaper. I think some of you found them on Amazon?


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the 80$ ones he speaks of are extrememly used vintage ones like what he started with, not the cheapo new chinese ones.


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Malcolm, if you want to get in the game cheap, you can pick up an older one off EBAY as Zambutu says. I bought mine on there used. Just search for Violet Rays or High Frequencys as they were called long ago. Go through a few pages and you'll come across some older ones. Just ask your vendor if they still work before you pay. I'm only into this for $200 including the book and machine and my used machine is from the 80's. I'd bet if you were willing to buy an old one you'd only be into this all totaled for $100 if you really want to try it out.

The other choice is to continue to follow along for another month or two and see how us guinea pigs are doing before you jump in.


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Hey Malcolm, welcome to the thread. Best of luck with whatever you decide on. We are very much guinea pigs here and unfortunately it will take some time to determine whether it really works or not.

I personally believe it does. While I don't have photo proof for this, I could not deny that my crown had begun thinning. It wasn't too much that it actually showed in pictures, but under brighter lights I could definitely see a patch of thinner hair. This was one year ago before I started the method.

Now the thinning is hardly noticeable at all, and definitely doesn't look near as bad as it used to. Given my age and the fact that my hairline started receding so quickly, I suspect that the method is working because my hair hasn't gotten any worse in the past year, when experience tells me it should be.

Right now I am focusing on the temples. If I can get back a mature hairline i'll be one happy guy!


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It is 5 months today I started this. Another picture is up. I continue to see small improvement. Maybe you will see it too, maybe you won't. Ultimately, this photo journal is for anyone who wants to judge for themselves if this is worth their time or not.

If you do not like the angle of the picture, I could not care in the least. Basically, I try to comb the excess hair away from my target area and I hold the camera to my head and take around 5 pics and I post the best one. I left my head vice camera holder which gives the exact picture each time in my other pants.

My next pic will come one month from now at 6 months and we'll see where I land. Who knows, maybe between 5 and 6 months where the real magic happens, lol.


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I still maintain that your temple looks pretty good. There is no way it is worse though, so that in itself is a great sign.


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6 months: My final and complete review.

First thing, I put a 6 month pic up. Not too much different than the 5 month pic but I expected that. I only seem to gain a few hairs per square inch each month so at this point the difference is very slight month to month.

So, in my honest opinion, I believe I have now gained 5% of my hair I lost back. 5 out of every 100. That is both incredible and a bit disappointing. There are a lot of people who would pay a lot of money to gain 5% more hair but I had hoped for a bit more. That doesn't mean I am done. I still see new ones coming in so maybe at 12 months I will have 10% back, I don't know. I'll list my opinion of the pros and cons

- It did work! I haven't lost any hair and I also gained some. My hair looks better all over but it took a long while to get there. That's the whole deal right there isn't it?
- It's easy and enjoyable. This isn't a pain in the *** like minoxinil. I do it in 10 minutes or less before bed. I won't say I anticipate it but I have not tired at all of it. I have never once thought of skipping out due to lack of enthusiasm. I enjoy going to bed with the feeling it leaves.

- Fustratingly slow (for me anyway). It works but you need the patience of Mother Theresa for it to play out for you.
- If you still have any hair in an area, I would completely understand if you thought this wasn't working. It took many months before I was able to notice that my hair all over looked better.
- If you still have some hair, I would suggest doing a hair loss count in your sink/shower prior to starting so you will have an understanding later on of the benefits if you do another hair loss count once on the program.

So, would I recommend this? Absolutely!!! Without question!!! I think if you are just starting out on this though, I'd suggest you buy a used machine after you got the e-book to see if this is for you or not. After you are happy with where it is going, you can step in and put some cash behind a new machine.

All I hope is that the time I put in here helped someone who was in the position I was in. I am stepping back for now. I might put a new picture up at the 9 month mark just to see but I have done here what I wanted to do. For those who ask, I am not affilliated with, nor do I know anyone associated with this program. I did this solely to help anyone interested in it.

Best of luck to all, and to Leon Maliniak: Thank you!


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Hey Drex! Thanks for the post.

When you think about it, 6 months in the realm of hairloss isn't that long. If you were taking a mainstream drug, they would be telling you to wait at least a year if you haven't seen results. So I wouldn't be to worried about that.

If I may ask, how old are you?

For me being at college, sticking to the method religiously has been difficult, but 2 weeks ago I got new dedication and have done it every day without fail before I go to bed. I just got a haircut, and maybe it was just a good haircut, but I feel that my hair does look a bit better. In addition, when i feel my scalp at the temple area, I swear there is "fuzz" that wasn't thee a few weeks ago. Now that i've had a solid 2 weeks without missing one, I feel like i've set myself on a good path.

Good luck to you!


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I am 43 years old.

I started taking finasteride 16 years ago at age 27. It worked for 12 years and then it stopped and I started losing hair again. On year 15 I doubled the dosage with no results. I scaled it back down to 1/5th a proscar a day and when I started seeing results here, I stopped altogether.

So, the answer is I stopped finasteride 3-4 months ago but it had not worked for me for the past 3-4 years before that. I was just hesitant to stop completely in case it was helping in the slightest bit.


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why is this thread still alive? :dunno:

take this crap to immortalhair forums. enjoy your placebo effect


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2020 said:
why is this thread still alive? :dunno:

take this crap to IH forums. enjoy your placebo effect

You arrived here in the experimental section by your own choosing, which speaks volumes of how your plan of attack is working out for yourself, lol!


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drex1999 said:
You arrived here in the experimental section by your own choosing, which speaks volumes of how your plan of attack is working out for yourself, lol!

I'm only here to follow the new hair loss treatments THAT DEAL WITH PROSTAGLANDINS.

maliniak method won't work. hair transplants work. here you go - your theory is debunked. Also - Vin Diesel is bald. So what?

This thread has been alive for over a year. NO ONE HAS REGREW ANY HAIR. Time to call this theory bs and move on....


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If you had done any research prior to posting you would discover that Leon has answered the question regarding hair transplants. Whether his explaination is correct or not doesn't "debunk" whether the method works or doesn't. Just because something doesnt have a solid answer doesn't mean it doesn't work.