Maliniak Method


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Lol, SORRY. I now see your IMPOSSIBLE TO MISS plain-text instruction in 1 post to click your profile thing. I should have read every single word of every post in this thread. What a horrendous forum citizen I am. :jackit:

Sadly I can't see your pics without signing up to that hairloss network site. Can you repost them here please, you can use something like

If this thing really works doing so will benefit others, thanks.


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I'm not here to help convince you. I don't care less. I am here to discuss progress with those trying this or show those who are interested how it is turning out for me so far. If you want to see my pics, put out the small faking amount of effort it takes to see them. I am done responding to you.


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Hairhopper, it is clear that nothing we say or do will convince you otherwise. Even if there were results you would find a way to discredit them. So just leave and let us to our fantasy world :)


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Or, just post pictures...

And actually drex it is effort. As much as I like being part of this community I do resent having to have my email address tied to it.

Each time I have to sign up for something like this I have to create a temporary email address, which is a pain in the arse. Sure I could have one dont-care email address but I've done that twice and amongst my many tons of logins for various online services it is the least frequent thing I use and I unfortunately tend to forget it.

If you actually think this sh*t works, please share your pics with everyone by posting them in this thread properly. You don't have to convince me, but you do have to convince all the other poor saps this quack wants to con. :)

Kids, fire sex toys at your head, it works. Some old guy says so.


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It's good to see you gentlemen are so open minded. If we all were as ignorant as you nothing would ever be investigated. Maybe draw some hair on your head with a Sharpie, it's guaranteed to work.


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I was agreeing with HairHopers comments re just posting the pictures normally and the email addresses point.

I dont like the idea of having to sign up for ANYTHING hairloss related.

Wayne Sunn

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I was hoping by now there'd be someone with some pictures to post. I've been at it since last summer, and did the Maliniak Method by the book, to the letter. There's been no improvement to my hair, but I hope some others will step up and post some pictures showing actual progress. That violet ray wand wasn't cheap, and yes, I bought the correct one. This just isn't working for me, and the lack of anyone else's (an impartial 3rd party) successful photos is not helping my morale.

May the rest of you have better luck.



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If there were really anything to the "Maliniak Method" at all, don't you think there would be a lot of discussion of it among serious doctors and scientists? :dunno:


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Wayne, you've been on this since the summer??? i remember you came on here in october asking lots of questions about it, never saying you had been doing it for several months. i found this post of yours on nov. 22....

Wayne Sunn said:
Guys (and gals), I went and bought one of those high powered violet ray wands to use with the Maliniak method, and the brand name I bought is Electro Technics. I bought the version with the on/off button.

And wow, I know what you guys have been saying now about the power of the better Tesla coil generators (violet wands). Even on the lowest setting, man, it takes some getting used to! It stings like crazy, and is super loud, so being discreet and using this device quietly is not an option. I even tried applying it to the sides of my head, when a spark nailed my right ear. It felt like an Eagle bit me or something. You don't want to know what I yelled at that moment. You've got to be real, real careful with these high voltage generating devices, especially around your eyes.

Cross your fingers for me, and all of us trying this. I hope this is not yet another disappointment, because this thread seems to have died, and I'm not seeing any new photos on Leon Maliniak's website to show his further hair growth, besides his previously posted photos. I saw his 2 facebook pages, but there's barely any interaction. And no one else as far as I know has come forward with any good news about this method. Or photos. Yes, photos can be faked, but when you're talking about a widespread problem where there is an ocean of claims floating around, people asking for proof is VERY reasonable, no matter who says it isn't.

I'm going to try this though. It sounds feasible. I hope it works and I will persist at it.

Wish me luck, I'm diving in.


so according to my calculations you've been doing this for 3.5 months at best.., am i wrong?

Wayne, i'm at the 4.5 month mark and i'm now starting to see some velus hair lengthening at the front of my scalp. An area where my vellus hairs were as thick as the ones on my forehead lol. one hair is even 1/4 inch long. its not much, but its more than minoxidil 5% ever did for me, which was the only thing that ever did anything for me in 15 years of trying stuff.


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Bryan said:
If there were really anything to the "Maliniak Method" at all, don't you think there would be a lot of discussion of it among serious doctors and scientists? :dunno:

if it had been around for 5 or 10 years with nobody getting results, then yes i'd agree with you. but nobody on here, at least, has even been properly doing it for even half a year


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why is this thread still alive? This is the dumbest theory ever.... no one has regrew any hair and no one will.
Can we redirect all this effort into something else?


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I can't believe the talk that this isn't working when it is working. Funny thing is when I first came to this site looking for help about 6 months ago, I noticed Bryan's posts and followed him for a while. Now he just proved a massive error in judgement. WTF? Why are you scaring off people?

I was on Propecia (Proscar) for 12 years before it stopped working. At 15 years I upped the dosage to no results except for a soft erection. I then came here and bought spironolactone and Copper Peptides and that didn't do squat either. I had about given up and resigned myself to hairloss when I saw a report on the success of botoxing the muscles holding down the galea and growing hair. That line of thinking and research led me to the Maliniak Method and I e-mailed Leon before I bought his book and he answered my questions.

I saw a few new hairs in weeks!! Now I even see a bit of a difference standing back in the mirror. You can not look at my pictures and tell me it is not working. I am taking and posting pictures on my schedule. I will be taking/posting another one early next week at 4 1/4 months and then again around Mar 25th at my 5 month mark and then 6 months.

As for you narrow minded naysayers who can't see how simple it is in front of your face, go buy a hat so your head doesn't get sunburned.


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There are people out there who would run a marathon every weekend for a year if that was the recipe to grow your hair back and you continue to complain because you have yet to form a 30 second strategy on how to work the internet. You should go buy a hat too.


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drex1999 said:
I can't believe the talk that this isn't working when it is working. Funny thing is when I first came to this site looking for help about 6 months ago, I noticed Bryan's posts and followed him for a while. Now he just proved a massive error in judgement. WTF? Why are you scaring off people?

I was on Propecia (Proscar) for 12 years before it stopped working. At 15 years I upped the dosage to no results except for a soft erection. I then came here and bought spironolactone and Copper Peptides and that didn't do squat either. I had about given up and resigned myself to hairloss when I saw a report on the success of botoxing the muscles holding down the galea and growing hair. That line of thinking and research led me to the Maliniak Method and I e-mailed Leon before I bought his book and he answered my questions.

I saw a few new hairs in weeks!! Now I even see a bit of a difference standing back in the mirror. You can not look at my pictures and tell me it is not working. I am taking and posting pictures on my schedule. I will be taking/posting another one early next week at 4 1/4 months and then again around Mar 25th at my 5 month mark and then 6 months.

As for you narrow minded naysayers who can't see how simple it is in front of your face, go buy a hat so your head doesn't get sunburned.

yeah yeah that's how all those snake oil testimonies start...

I've tried everything on the market and nothing seemed to work!!
Then I tried this product and wow I saw new hair in weeks!!



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I don't think we will have any trouble keeping this thread alive. I am at this since mid November and already am seeing positive results, will wait a little while before I start dancing in the street. Thanks for the updates Drex. Not even worth my time to comment on 2020 as I have seen some of his other posts. He is nothing but a little troll. Godspeed.