Maliniak Method


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I'm afraid I don't know where to get a good violet ray, since Mr. Maliniak provided one for me so that I could test the validity of his method.


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Hey everyone,

Leon informed me that his website is giving away a limited number of the ebooks, so for anyone who is wanting curious to find out about it now may be a good opportunity.


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noneother said:
where did you buy your violet ray machine?

i don't want to buy it off Maliniak as it's way too pricey!
you can get one made by "kinklab" for $100, search around for it. A poster on another forum said it has the same tesla coil in it, or that maliniak said it was ok. I'm not 100% certain on this though.


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Why do not you ask Maliniak directly, what brand he uses or where he orders the devices from? I am sure hes not building that electric stuff himself.


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I also downloaded the book too. But look at the funny things: the very first page says "Buy the proper electrical stimulator or YOU WILL NOT GET RESULTS. He makes a bold statement. And then in the book he writes ''you can get this device online by paying less than 100 dollars. The one i sell is 500 dollars, but i dnt wanna people think that i am trying to sell my machine''


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What do you people have to say about the fact that a new study contradicts your whole "science" and instead points out the real cause of hair thinning which is EXCESSIVE LEVELS OF PGD2.


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nicej29 said:
I also downloaded the book too. But look at the funny things: the very first page says "Buy the proper electrical stimulator or YOU WILL NOT GET RESULTS. He makes a bold statement. And then in the book he writes ''you can get this device online by paying less than 100 dollars. The one i sell is 500 dollars, but i dnt wanna people think that i am trying to sell my machine''

All he is saying is get a ray that is the same specs as Nikola Tesla used. You can go buy your own second hand one for 100, but he is saying make sure the specs meet Tesla. The specs are in the PDF, I can't remember which page.


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2020 said:
What do you people have to say about the fact that a new study contradicts your whole "science" and instead points out the real cause of hair thinning which is EXCESSIVE LEVELS OF PGD2.

When a male becomes castrated, does his level of PGD2 drop to 0 or is severely reduced? Even if it does, do we need to look at blocking PGD2 and DHT? or instead why not look at making follicles more resistant to both and whatever else is the cause?

It's obvious we still don't know everything about male pattern baldness and how it works.


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ugh.... there has been SOOOO many theories as to what causes hair loss. What makes you think your theory is right? It's not. You're wasting time. In a couple years everyone will forget this as it doesn't work...


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Let these guys test the method, what do you have to lose? Think about what you have to gain if this or some other method works.

We could be waiting forever for a biotech or pharma group to come up with a cure and these guys are only likely to look at creating a cure that involves them making lots of money. We should be encouraging more people to safely test products and see what happens.


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zeroes said:
nicej29 said:
I also downloaded the book too. But look at the funny things: the very first page says "Buy the proper electrical stimulator or YOU WILL NOT GET RESULTS. He makes a bold statement. And then in the book he writes ''you can get this device online by paying less than 100 dollars. The one i sell is 500 dollars, but i dnt wanna people think that i am trying to sell my machine''

All he is saying is get a ray that is the same specs as Nikola Tesla used. You can go buy your own second hand one for 100, but he is saying make sure the specs meet Tesla. The specs are in the PDF, I can't remember which page.

So what are the specs? Its jus a common high frequency generator. The variables should be frequency and current. He says in the
book that his machine can produce this range of frequencies, which any high frequency generator can vary. The current is variable too. So there are so specs, so called ''Tesla Specs''. Tesla was the name of the scientist who built this coil called Tesla coil.


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Download the eBook through his site, it has the specs on page 57. He also says to do the scalp massages. When I downloaded the free eBook it also included 2 videos; 1. for the scalp massage 2. how to use the violet ray.

Setup a fake email account if you are concerned.

I personally am not going to do this, I want to see more proof it works, but I was interested in his method and his theory so that is why I downloaded the free ebook.


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Good lord 2020, you just don't know how to stay away do you?

Considering there have been tons of theories about what causes hair loss, and so far there are no treatments that work 100%, i'll keep doing what I'm doing.

Can you handle that?


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I wonder if 2020 ever considered that the slight results we are seeing is (among many other reasons) because it could be possible that the electrical stimulation to the scalp from the rays might be working to eliminate or neutralize PGD2 in the scalp? That would be damn funny.


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2020 we are all friends in this war. We need a cure not a temp solution that the 'big 3' offer.

The only proven method to halt hair loss is castration, I think it's safe to say none of us want that.

The theory of circulation and the location of the galea to male pattern baldness area has some sound reasoning imo.

Let's give these guys a chance to see if it works. People can download the ebook for free and source their own wand and Maliniak won't get a cent out of it. Normally a scam has the scammer looking for money, what is the scammer getting in this case? If it's proven to work, he will become famous that is all I can think of.


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you didnt get my point friend. I know hes talking about minimum standards while choosing that machine. But thats what i was trying to explain you, there are no such standards called Tesla standards. Its just the name of a scientist and the coil made by him. Maliniak only gives the range of frequencies his machine can operate on, but frequency can be varied by every violet ray on market.
Even though he not directly compelling anybody to buy machine from him. He actually cannot, because thats not something by him. That machine has been in this world for so many decades. So even though it
looks like hes not compelling people to buy machine from him, but he does want people to do so, so that he can earn lots of money. The machine which he sells for 500 dollars, is available online for 100 bucks, which he does admit himself but at the same time hes confusing people about the standards and yells that it should be bought from him. Again there are no such standards. Every machine on this planet can vary the frequency. He admits himself that he has been playing around with different machines, different frequencies. He admits that he himself does not know the one single frequency which can be taken as the optimal frequency.
Now if he is really not after money, then he should have told in the book, or on the website, or when people ask him: that this machine from this manufacturer is the best. Go and buy this one. But he does not. Why cant he tell what machine he uses, where he buys it from. Hes not an electrical engineer, so hes not building that stuff himself. So he could tell people (atleast who buy his book) that you should buy this. He says buy from us, so that he can sell 100 dollar machine for 500. Think about it.
I am not saying his program does not work, It does seem logical. But all i am trying to say is you can buy your any machine.


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elliotramsey said:
Good lord 2020, you just don't know how to stay away do you?

Considering there have been tons of theories about what causes hair loss, and so far there are no treatments that work 100%, i'll keep doing what I'm doing.

Can you handle that?

The so-called "Maliniak Method" (and other issues relating to the "galea" theory) has already been SOUNDLY refuted by the early Rolf E. A. Nordstrom study. I think it's necessary to point that out, for any newbies that happen to come by, and stumble upon this thread.