Maliniak Method

Armando Jose

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Hi Drex It is very interesting and it is in my own idea with pattern hairloss,
Is there photos of people using this technique?


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So you wanted to look one last time..not to respond to anything specific or provide any new evidence..but to direct ppl to another forum. :doh:


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Drex, what you are suggesting seems to basically be the same thing i've been doing for several months now since I stopped using the violet ray. Call me crazy but each subsequent haircut I get I feel like my hair looks better. It is most definitely NOT getting worse.


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HOLY CRAP! I can't believe it! Elliot Ramsey...Elliot Ramsey the guy who actually started this thread actually stopped using the Violet Ray??? Never thought I would see the day. What made you change your mind dude?

I personally found that the Violet Ray is a fantastic tool for everything BUT hairloss.
If you have a bruise or any kind of inflammation anywhere on your body, run the violet ray over it for about 20 - 40 seconds, wait about 30 minutes to an hour and you'll notice the inflammation comes right down.
I find the violet ray has some functionality similar to micro needling but definitely not the same. I use it for my skin, I find that over time, it can allow you to get rid of most scars and uneveness that skin can have post acne scars give. For hair I find that the violet ray is a little unstable because the power fluctuates depending on the angle that you have the ray at. So i'm never sure if I've zapped the area too hard and then I'm giving the follicle too much power and now retarding growth. I mean I tried it for sometime and felt that I thinned. And yes i bought the actual machine from wacky.
So instead of the Ray, I've been doing the perimeter massage and using a laser comb (had one from years ago). I actually have been looking into more what Drex has mentioned and I think i wanna try it.

Drex's quote mentions compression to the skull and blood flow. So using your fingers with a lot of pressure to bald areas or thinning areas. I'm thinking if you really want a lot of pressure, try a headstand. Tons of pressure and also Tons of blood flow. No i'm not joking or trying to be sarcastic. Headstands with neading technique may be good adjuncts to a regime. Any thoughts or am I just talking a lot of crap?


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:woot: it would be interesting to read the thread again knowing that Elliot has now quit using it.

Not sure what got deleted above...that I was responding to with the :uglylol:


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Yes, it is true. I forgot that I started this thread! I basically stopped because I tried other things (namely the Papilla Power stuff which is basically what Drex recommended in his post) and it made my scalp feel the same way that violet ray did, because this goes beyond just massaging, this is basically vigorous massage which I think has the same, if not better results.

I stopped using it on a regular over the summer. Like i've mentioned before, i'm basically at a point where hair loss doesn't really bother me that much anymore, because it is not getting visibly worse (i'm 22 now, started noticing it around 17 or 18). I know a couple guys who I started college with and they had obvious hair loss but it wasn't that far along, fast forward almost 4 years and they have it really bad. It's interesting watching them as a type of control to compare to myself.

That said, the violet ray definitely had benefits especially when it came to breakouts. But now my skin has been fairly healthy for at least the past year, so I haven't had much of reason to use it there either. The best part is that (as i have disclosed), I didn't have to pay for it. It's still sitting around in case I ever need to use it.

I'm sure if one were to re-read this thread you would find a fairly conflicted 18-21 year old who was just searching for alternative answers to a really bad problem. I probably said a lot of things I wouldn't say now, but I definitely don't regret it. Hopefully I have at least proved I am not Leon.


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Yes, it is true. I forgot that I started this thread! I basically stopped because I tried other things (namely the Papilla Power stuff which is basically what Drex recommended in his post) and it made my scalp feel the same way that violet ray did, because this goes beyond just massaging, this is basically vigorous massage which I think has the same, if not better results.

I stopped using it on a regular over the summer. Like i've mentioned before, i'm basically at a point where hair loss doesn't really bother me that much anymore, because it is not getting visibly worse (i'm 22 now, started noticing it around 17 or 18). I know a couple guys who I started college with and they had obvious hair loss but it wasn't that far along, fast forward almost 4 years and they have it really bad. It's interesting watching them as a type of control to compare to myself.

That said, the violet ray definitely had benefits especially when it came to breakouts. But now my skin has been fairly healthy for at least the past year, so I haven't had much of reason to use it there either. The best part is that (as i have disclosed), I didn't have to pay for it. It's still sitting around in case I ever need to use it.

I'm sure if one were to re-read this thread you would find a fairly conflicted 18-21 year old who was just searching for alternative answers to a really bad problem. I probably said a lot of things I wouldn't say now, but I definitely don't regret it. Hopefully I have at least proved I am not Leon.

I think you have proved you are not Leon Maliniak. I believe this. I just want you to know how lucky you are to have gotten one of those units for free. This bastard has charged people over $500 for the unit! LOL! Its still an awesome piece of hardware and definitely has to be one of the most powerful for human applications but I just personally don't feel the unit is really that safe for follicles. At least if the unit he was selling was more predictable and that the power was just the right power for follicles etc, etc, etc (i digress...) The thing is there is no sort of truly documented study for the Maliniak Method. I think we all need to throw the glove down and to try and challenge this gentleman to get an actual study going, instead of telling people to eat **** and die if you don't believe him. (For someone this old, he can sometimes act very childish. Were trying to solve a problem here people!)

At least with the laser comb and other units that are similar, the people that built it invested the money behind it to do the studies. The LLT is actually a technology that started 30 years ago and has actual proven studies of working. And yes I know the violet ray dates at least 100 years +. But in those 100 years+ can anyone point us to an actual study that shows this thing actually working for hairloss??? Malaniak is saying there are thousands of success stories but yet all the people that will come out of the wood work on camera and say it in f$%^ng Montreal, Canada. Anyone seeing a pattern here? All the videos are from his friends.

At least with the massage technique, an actual study was conducted documenting their actual results. The thing is guys, with the massage thing, no money changes hands??? Nothing to buy! I don't work for any company and am not encouraging anyone to purchase any specific product. When someone makes an actual recommendation as Drex has that clearly shows no financial gain to himself, it makes you scratch your head and think...maybe he isn't b.s ing???


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I had forgotten how much he charged. The TeslaBrush looks like a bargain compared to it :woot:


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That's the thing, nobody can make money off of massage, so the chances that there is something legitimately valid going on are greater. Even the Papilla Power guy knew he couldn't really make money off of it, so he had people sign a non-disclosure agreement before he told them the process. Not really sure why, but whatevs. I actually got him to tell me without signing it because I explained how awful it would be for me to go into town to get a legal authority to sign it. Not sure where he went off to, but I digress.

I think I am very lucky to have been given a free VR, and I'm not saying it doesn't work. I just think there are easier methods that do the same thing.


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That's the thing, nobody can make money off of massage, so the chances that there is something legitimately valid going on are greater. Even the Papilla Power guy knew he couldn't really make money off of it, so he had people sign a non-disclosure agreement before he told them the process. Not really sure why, but whatevs. I actually got him to tell me without signing it because I explained how awful it would be for me to go into town to get a legal authority to sign it. Not sure where he went off to, but I digress.

I think I am very lucky to have been given a free VR, and I'm not saying it doesn't work. I just think there are easier methods that do the same thing.

Towling does not give me near as much stimulation as massaging, and massaging doesn't even come close to the stimulation of a derma-roller. Derma-rolling just engorges your head with blood. I'm wondering if the violet ray device gives as much stimulation.


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Well I have been using my expensive violet wand daily for over 16 months now; along with scalp massages too of course. Sadly, I have to say that it simply does not regrow hair, my hair is significantly worse in fact. I've watched and waited, and enquired... it seems to me that the results are not pouring in on the internets. Original users and regrowth claimers are admitting to stopping using it, or changing their routine.

I added scalp scrunching/pinching 3 months ago. Other than that I've been petty much exclusive and consistant on the maliniak method. It doesnt work on me, Nothing has in 20 years. I'll give it 2 more months then i'll be on the prowl to try other things..


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I appreciate your honesty. I have little doubt that many here, myself included. at one time or another. have been seduced or at least enticed by the idea of trying a product that lacks credibility and/or scientific merit. This an all too familiar story. Some times we test the conventional rules of logic and our own intuition in order to establish or restore our own personal sense of control as we know it. I am glad you are back on the right track. Your experience has made you all the wiser person for it. Thanx again for sharing and all the best.
Well I have been using my expensive violet wand daily for over 16 months now; along with scalp massages too of course. Sadly, I have to say that it simply does not regrow hair, my hair is significantly worse in fact. I've watched and waited, and enquired... it seems to me that the results are not pouring in on the internets. Original users and regrowth claimers are admitting to stopping using it, or changing their routine.

I added scalp scrunching/pinching 3 months ago. Other than that I've been petty much exclusive and consistant on the maliniak method. It doesnt work on me, Nothing has in 20 years. I'll give it 2 more months then i'll be on the prowl to try other things..


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I think the seduction is needing to be trying something. I believe most aren't content to sit idle and wait for the magic cure pill to be invented. The problem is that nothing really works.... but.. hmm.. maybe the next scheme may give some results. there's always that lure.

I think that Leon really believes in his claims and isn't out there nefariously trying to dupe everyone. I've talked to him many times over the course to get this opinion. But regardless of all the amazing success stories he claims to personally receive, the proof is in the pudding. Not only my lack of results, but after 3 years out, it seems to be dead and abandoned online... it would be viral by now if really worked


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62 pages about this quackery.

For the 100th time: massaging, rubbing your head with a towel or applying a *** on your scalp will not have any influence on your androgenetic alopecia.

You can't be 100% sure.
According to studies, DHT and PGD-2 lead to hardening of the scalp tissue which becomes fibrotic and cannot support hairt grwth anymore, the follicle shrinks and dies.
It's clear, it can be seen on any bald man's head: in the bald spots skin is much harder, in full hair growth zones, skin is very elastic.
So, any method which can prevent skin on the scalp to get fibrotic, can be good for stopping male pattern baldness.
Who knows, maybe, after years of balding, you need to massage the scalp for hours a day, continuosult for ayear for example to get results.
This theory is so easy bashed because:
-no one has the patience to massage that much the scalp (we all want immediate results)
-hard massage leads to more shedding, and hair-loss sufferers are afraid of shedding.(even the understand well that the hairs which shed are in tellogen, and will eventually shed even if you don't touch them at all, but, we know, it's hard, when you have hair loss to apply methods which seem to push away more hair)

I don't think it isn't any truth in this theory with massaging, it is very clear to me that in the areas with thin hair scalp skin is much tight, much harder.
It is also easy to notice that balding man, in their great majority have BIG heads, looks like the head bones have grown way too big in the front and top, this aditionally puts pression on the scalp skin, keeps it tight and hard.
It is easy to see that there is minimum or no pressure at all in the scalp on sides and lower back, and scalp at the temple region and on the top of the scalp is in many cases very tight. it almost hurts if you want to "move it" a little bit.

Anyway, maybe the hurt that is done to hair follicles thorugh hardeniong of scalp tissue is irreversibe, but it is plausible that, massaging scalp daily as a preventive measure, before you loose much hair, can be good. So it is by no means a cure, but can help in prevention.

And unfortunately, when people start losing hair, they don't even think to massage agresively their scalp, they are afraid to touch it not to "lose" more hair.

Anyway, massaging your scalp you have nothing to lose. You don't pay any money, and even it doesn't regrow hair/stop hair loss, you will feel better after any massage.


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It's a shame that people think about the cost of something in terms of money. It's a mistake, they should evaluate their investment in terms of time.

Time is more valuable than money, you can never buy back time. Imagine you did a daily massage of your scalp for 30 minutes. You do it for a year, and you see no results (which is what will happen).

30x365/60: congratulations, you've lost 182 hours of your life you'll never get back. See, you do have something to lose.

Anyone considering trying a "hidden hair loss cure" method should think about the time lost, not the money.

Maybe, but you can do scalp massage while you're doing another activity...
I said, it's not a cure, but it can have positive effects.
And come on, many people lose more than 30 minutes a day on many useless activities...Many lose double this time at stop-lights in traffic in busy cities...


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Ok first let me say that I will not post on here after this so I am not getting in an argument. I don't work for anyone and I don't really care what you think about what I say next. I felt like I owe it to all these forums to post this as they have helped me very much. I have used Leon's method and without a shadow of a doubt it has worked and it still working. I massage really hard throughout the day (when ever I think about it), I brush really hard with a boars hair brush, and I use a violet ray from eBay once a day for 10 minutes (I also take my vitamins one a day men's). It works I can see it on my hairline I can rock a hipster comb over now. I have done this for a little iver a year with noticable results. I write this only for the person who choose to believe. Thanks


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I'm glad you are achieving results at least subjectively. Pics are generally the gold standard around here for demonstrating credibility. It's your choice but I'm in favor of seeing them also. Thanx for sharing and al the best.


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Another point supporting that scalp skin is harder in thinning areas: put cold water on your head with a shower.
If you do it on sides and back, it feels cold as ice, almost can't bear it too much.
But if you put the shower only on top of head or front, it doesn't feel as cold anymore. So scalp skin on the top is somehow numb...


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I think I can relate to what you are describing. Parallel or coincidence? I have had severe bouts of seborrhea derm. and my symptoms are most affected in regions of scalp where I have the hair loss. I have related this numbing you are describing to inflammation or a combination of mild fibrosis? Aggressive massaging or even scratching temporarily reduces the crazy itching and likely improves circulation possibly to our hair's detriment? I am hesitant to suggest it can reverse or lessen DHT follicular proliferation. It may actually augment inflammation, nevertheless you can't beat the wonderful sensation of a scalp massage. Female masseurs I am particularly fond of.:wub: