Maliniak Method


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I don't see why you would have to use a violet ray

Minoxidil should do the job just right instead of that thing


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Well I can't speak for whoever Hobbes is, but if you have an admin verify my IP address you will find out that I am from Ohio, whereas Maliniak is from Canada.. so i'm afraid we are different people.

I realize there isn't tons of amazing "evidence" that tells whether or not it works. But I know for me, with a combination of this, and other methods such as Tom Hagerty's scalp exercise and Papilla Power, that I am confident I have done a lot to help slow or stop my hairloss. The point is, i'm not here to provide you with irrefutable proof that one method works and another doesn't (you can go digging into my posting history to try and refute what I just said all you like, but the fact is that opinions and thoughts change over time). I believed that Maliniak was sincere since he literally gave me a free violet ray device with the only condition that I report back my experience with it and his method. Take it as you will, but I don't know too many scammers who give users free products and ask them to honestly report their findings. But what do I know, i'm just a 21 year old college student.

Why is it hard to provide solid proof? Basically, it's because I still have 95% of the hair that I have always had. It's not like I claimed I was totally bald and regrew all my hair. I didn't. My temples were receding, and that in combination with my already huge forehead made it look like I have a big problem. Myself, I'm pretty confident that I at least stopped the receding. Do I have the hair I had when I was 17 or 18? No, but I would hate to see what my hair would look like now had I not tried to do anything about it. My best friend years ago teased me that I was balding. Today, he is balding, and just the other day he mentioned how I must just have a high hairline.. because it hasn't gotten any worse! I know at least 2 other guys who had mild to moderate balding issues when I first met them in school. 2 years later, and they have lost almost all of their hair, yet I still have mine. Basically, there is personal evidence to myself that it helps. Whether or not it makes any difference to you is not my problem.

I have nothing to loose or gain from talking about maliniaks method. I have been staying clear of of this forum (it's the only hair loss forum I am apart of) because posts based on experiences and opinions are immediately assumed to be the work of a scam artist. I realize Jacob has his own strong reservations/opinions and apparent hatred for Maliniak, but lumping me into that category just because I am using it and reporting my own observations and opinions about it is unfair and diminishes the purpose of these forums: to hopefully have decent, civilized conversations about hairloss.

Anyway, that's all I have to say.

1st let's get one thing straight. There is no "hatred" for anybody. I hate what he does, not him himself. And you are not just using it and reporting your own observations and opinions on it. You're defending someone who is trying to make money off a system/regimen in which he uses the word "cure" and all kinds of other sleazy snake-oil tactics. I recall you even commenting on how great Leon's pictures were when they were first posted. There's nothing great about them. You're also commenting on other suspicious posters- saying how great things are looking for them, etc. I was just reading some more of the earlier posts in this thread, and when someone posted about a certain wand, you said "The device from Kinlab has not been recommended by Leon Maliniak. " That is just ODD to be coming from just any normal poster. And that's just one of them. you're just any 'ole poster. Do you really think all the others- here and at IH etc..are not in on it in some way?


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even if his method does work, which hasn't even come close to being proved, i honestly would not deal with moron maliniass simply because of the way he does things. holier-than-thou, i am a genius, buy my book, if you don't then good luck staying bald, bull****.

dr. nigam? there's a guy who does things the right way. he doesn't fight people or insult them or get defensive, he listens to the forums, he goes out of his way to inform us and to respond to criticism, he invites people to his clinic for free treatments, he documents everything, etc., etc.

is he a wacky guy just like maliniass making big claims with less than stellar evidence? absolutely. am i skeptical of him? absolutely. but he at least carries himself with some dignity, respects others, and has the right mentality when it comes to marketing oneself in the hairloss industry.


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Yep Jacob im suspicious of complex too.

thanx for being honest eliotramsey, its a breath of fresh air. however u have admited malaniak gave u a free violet ray in exchange for testimonial on the forums. Do u not see anything wrong with this? Also malaniak is smart enough to use different people aka his business partners to log in from different ip's and post. I sincerely hope u are legitimate, and not just one of his partners trying to make a buck.

Yes he gave me a free violet ray, but it wasn't in exchange for good testimonials. I never said it was a miracle cure (i know he has), and I even admitted several times that I don't have enough time to use it every single day like i'm supposed to. If I were a partner, or someone benefiting from posting here then I would never say that even I have problems keeping up with it. Nor admit to using different techniques that other people have developed because by that reasoning, I am not truly on the maliniak method, something he seems to have repeatedly said is 100% necessary. No, i'm 21 years old and go to college in Ohio working towards my degree this coming year. I could give you more info than that but I would rather no one in the real world know that i participate here.

And yes, I have commented on others' apparent progress, namely Drex's (i wish he would come back), because based on the pictures of his temples. I believed I saw progress. I'm no doctor or scientist or whatever but in my OPINION I thought I saw progress, so I encouraged him. At the very least it hadn't gotten any worse.


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And yet I think it was Drex who was one of those who refused to post additional pictures. Which were not just requested by me. I do not trust or believe anyone who is able to and has no problem posting pictures, but then makes excuses for not providing additional ones.

And again..the other posters....Complexx...etc...


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I'm with Jacob...well nearly.

Pictures tells the story. If you got proof then let us see it. There's nothing better than people using the thingie who then post their progress ongoing to show the stuff works.

Now about the people that doesn't post I see 2 reasons: They are promoting for the makers...or they are lying cuz they aren't bald and got it all in their head.
The part with the complex? crap... You can perfectly take pictures of your head where no one would be able to tell who you are. I've done it with my own to show whatever progress I get in the future. As long as you don't see the face, people are mostly anonymous.

I've been interested in the laser-light stuff too for some time but all the places I check the pictures aren't there. Orrrr the pictures are there but they used something else too, mainly minoxidil or finasteride. The studies done on the subject is scarce which is too sad. If there was a cure which worked 100%, I'm quite sure everyone would go "TAKEMYMONEY" and buy it. Why? Because it was a way out of out male pattern baldness hell.
Anyway I hope they will do a through study with at least 500 people ;)


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My Idea

Yep Jacob im suspicious of complex too.

thanx for being honest eliotramsey, its a breath of fresh air. however u have admited malaniak gave u a free violet ray in exchange for testimonial on the forums. Do u not see anything wrong with this? Also malaniak is smart enough to use different people aka his business partners to log in from different ip's and post. I sincerely hope u are legitimate, and not just one of his partners trying to make a buck.

Well...I gotta say, I'm the person that got this forum restarted after a few months of inactivity. Jacob says some very, very, very valid points as well as the other naysayers of the Maliniak method. Those stating that it works such as Drex actually has proof that everyone here can't deny it actually worked.

Here's my 2 cents. I have actually bought the violet Ray some time late last year. I have used the violet ray on scars of all types, and you know what? The violet ray really does seem to get into scars, and break them up. The process is really slow, it can take a few months depending on the scar, but it does pretty much smoothen out the scar and restore the original look of the skin.

This is in part why I think that there may be some (and I repeat...some) validity to Maliniak's method as odd and cloak and dagger as it may seem. I do however disagree with Maliniak on many points of his theory. In my opinion, his Method should not be the ONLY thing that a person uses. I have been using it on my scalp for the last few months using my own protocol.

I'm using Finasteride, Spectral RS (not Dnc, this is the non-minoxidyl spectral, I don't want my follicles dependant on that stuff), and da da da da...Maliniak's scalp massage techniques. I have to say that at one point I was just using the Maliniak method, and I felt I was starting to lose hair. Bear in mind I wasn't following he suggestion to the letter, based on the fact that he's saying to do the massage twice a day for 10 minutes plus use the violet ray twice a day for 10 minutes. I mean COME ON! That's 40 damn minutes of working on my scalp. As much as I love my hair, I got other things to do with my time.

Also I feel that using the violet ray everyday and twice a day is counter intuitive. I'm using the violet ray every other day. To me doing it every other day allows the skin to rebuild collagen in the scalp. Sort of like you know the dermal roller approach, to getting rid of scars, skin tags, etc?

So finally, much like the Hair laser comb, some state that it works but people that believe in the laser comb will tell you, if you just use that you will go bald, because the laser comb alone is not enough. Which is why I feel my approach is better, because I feel that I'm balancing my hormone levels with Finasteride, yea I have adult acne, and I notice that when i'm on Finasteride, I have considerably less acne and have it under control. I'm also working on it with a tonic that directly has an effect on the scalp for hours and lastly, I try and do the massage everyday and the violet ray every other day. Jacob, just try the massage, just for fun, massage all around your scalp it actually is pretty relaxing! Don't kill me Jake plllllease, don't beat me up! Jacob I just want you to know and everybody else here that you are all bright people, and this is why i restarted commenting here because there are bright people here and I'd like everyone to treat each other with respect and work together at debunking the crap and finding methods that might work synergistically.

Maliniak method could HELP, but to me I wouldn't trust just this and nothing but this. Follicles are too valuable to play around with!
Gentleman, ladies your comments. Please be kind, LOL

Your buddy in arms,



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Those stating that it works such as Drex actually has proof that everyone here can't deny it actually worked

Actually we can..and have. At least there were no additional pictures that would have cleared it up(again..even ppl such as Slowmoe thought it was a good idea for him to provide them). I'm not even sure if he was only doing the M-method stuff either...anyway.

The violet ray idea was not Leon's. In fact he seemed to have been claiming the "cure" or the answer prior to him even jumping on that bandwagon. I, and others..have posted about such devices in the past. Others even talked about using 'em. So it's not the device that's the problem- notice the latest ones I posted that seem to make more sense- for the scalp at least. It's Leon's claims, and some of those who either are enamored with him for some odd reason- don't want to say anything negative because they got a free wand or whatever..or worse, and there's a pretty good chance of it in some cases that they are buddies of his and/or work for/with him in some way.

As for trying the massages myself...I use that Hair Sonic device while shampoo'n..pretty much every other day lately. Sometimes just a few times a week. That's as much time I'm going to spend on ANY type of massage :crazy: Especially when there's no evidence so far that it's doing a whole lot for anybody. But I will stick with the Hair Sonic since it wasn't exactly cheap. I do love how my scalp feels afterwards. And like you....I use a # of other things because it just makes sense.

Just imagine if Leon wasn't making these outrageous claims...wasn't telling ppl to GO BALD if they didn't follow him/use his device..wasn't putting ppl to sleep with his long responses(there's a thread on that in a non-hair loss forum I should try to dig up)...didn't have those ridiculous Youtube videos up...there weren't these ppl that one just has to wonder if they're even Leon himself...etc. I mean you really have to take a lot of crap out to then say- well, it's worth trying..maybe it does something..he knows what he's talking about..etc. I can see why anyone getting a free wand and book would then go out and at least give it a try. But I'm not seeing why else anyone would bother :dunno: Buying a wand/violet ray kind of makes sense to at least try. But from him?


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As i've said before, yes he gave me a free violet ray to try out, and while I may have defended some of his statements in the past, before I realized how redundant and possibly misplaced they were, I have been honest in my experience with it.

Heck, if I had the extra money laying around, I would probably buy the approved modern day device that was linked a few posts back, because it sounds like it could be safer to use and I would like to give it a try.


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Fair enough :cool:
Ya damn skippy fair enough. Jacob, you know...I'm not gonna be anybody's kiss *** here, but for the most part that 2nd to last posting of yours really does make a lot of damn sense. Something used to tug at me when he would say this is a cure. So I think you are in your intellectual rights to say, "stop right there, this is not a cure". Its do have to sift thru a river of crap that is coming out of his mouth before getting to something useful. He actually may have stumbled onto a coupla good things but I think his "method" of promoting himself would seem a little flawed. I mean anyone that has studied hair loss long enough would be able to see that it occurs through multiple pathways. This is why an approach that deals with these pathways from different angles seems to make the most sense. This is why I agree with you, telling a person to use my method or go bald, is almost like saying, "eat **** and die". Kind of sounds like he's telling people off by saying this is the cure, this is the only thing you need ....20 minutes of massage and 20 minutes of violet ray work a day.

So Leon, with all do respect, you did stumble onto something that I feel has some merit, but 40 MINUTES A DAY? ARE YOU NUCKING FUTS!


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Well there is a reason why I was calling him "Wacky" there for awhile. I can see why ppl can get excited about what they're doing and even trying to make money off of...but :shock:

On the 40 minutes a day..don't be surprised if he comes out with a helmet type device. The V-Ray or T-Coil Massager. I noticed Slowmoe has come out with his own device..suction or something..and is selling it. It's not that expensive and all..but..I dunno. Let's help him come out with a name for it- the ScalpSucker. DermaSuck. DermaVacuum. ScalpVac. Scalpressurizer. Dermapull. Scalpuller.

Go ahead Slow..we're all in such a good mood...tell us all about it.

"NUCKING FUTS!" :uglylol: ..reminds me of a young kid we know who mispronounces the restaurant- Fuddruckers. Let's just say he starts out with Rudd...
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i had almost written off malaniaks theory 99%, when he came out and said DHT cloggs the follicles, then i was 100%. But i can still have respect for people even if i dont agree with a theory, unfortuately his salesmen approach threw away any hope of that.

and lets be honest even if the violet ray did regrow hair, thats not a cure, thats just a treatment, something that has to be kept up for life, or lose the gains, for which evidence is severely lacking. i mean that describes every treatment, but until something comes out that is a one off, i dont think it can be accurately described as a cure. my money is on personalised medicine, that is medicine that is catered towards our own genes, however unless we knock out genes in utero (which comes with fatal consequences most of the time) that wont be a cure either.

regarding slowmoes head apparatus, its a large blood pressure cuff worn around the entire scalp. so i suppose it traps blood in the vessels, not really sure though.

i suggest a name may be the 'skull squeezer'! or the 'skin crusher'.

i fail to see how increasing blood circulation to the male pattern baldness can help unless u also use a DHT blocker, otherwise all it would do is deliver more DHT to susceptible follicles and 'clogg' them to use malaniaks failed terminology. all DHT molecules really do is occupy receptors and carry out the role of those ligands. and using an antagonist to occupy those receptors and inactivate them, doesnt work either, unless u call wat finasteride does effective. and it is somewat effective at stopping progression, just not at regrowing hair, even when combined with minoxidil results are still lacking, and come with side effects. (yes i have seen amazing results, but these cases are few and far between)

anyway im prepared to throw this topic on the 'fail' heap, until theres some decent evidence. quite frankly im sick of thinking about it, and having this 'cure' dangled in front of us. Even if there was validity to the theory, theres a huge difference between a legitamite theory, and a proven treatment, and then a cure.


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My name pops up a lot here. FYI, I use the machine for 3-5 minutes a day among an assortment of massage and scalp stretching/pinching and brushing. About 15 mins a day total and I have not lost any hair in almost 2 years and regrew a bit. Read that again....I stopped my hairloss. For 2 years. I will take pics at the 2 year mark in Nov just like I have been doing every 6 months. I don't care if you like it or not. The pictures will never be good enough for you anyway. Too far away, too close, not the same angle, the light's different, etc... You might find this interesting but you'll probably **** on it anyway, lol. : " After 2 weeks using it every day for 10 minutes, little brown dots appear under a microscope and then fluff "(vellus hair). You guys go on yelling it doesn't work and I'll be back in a few months to catch up and laugh at you again. "The earth isn't round!" Oh yeah, then how come I've been sailing around it, lol.


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Maybe your response is to anxious1 there...but if you've read my posts you'll see I posted about that TeslaBrush some time ago. I've even contacted the guy and posted some of his responses over at HLF. I don't see him talking about a "cure" btw.....

As for pictures...again, even Slowmoe and at least one other doing this "method"(not just referring to the v-ray usage) also asked for better pictures.


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Too many have moved on..either completely to other things or adding things. I've even read of some looking forward to getting hair transplant's it's working so well :devil:


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Hey Jacob! Quick to insult and poke fun as always I see.

No idea where Drex is, but I can say that for me I have mostly stopped using the violet ray, and instead keep doing the massage and using the towel method from the Papilla power method. I can't give you scientific results, but I can say (as before) that my hairloss has not progressed, and that I can grow my hair out a little longer now without it looking like crap. I'll take it.


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Why don't you whine over at IH's site..where I see plenty of others have finally seen the light on this Maliniak quack? It's hilarious..none of you guys are defending the guy anymore. hair transplant's...losing the violet ray or not using it much...watching Crazy Mal go off over there...the usual defenders just ignoring and posting in other's not just "quick"'s EASY :woot:


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I've never been to or posted at IH, nor do I plan to. Heck I hadn't even visited this site in months because hair loss has become a less relevant issue in my life.