Maliniak Method


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You know when someone is a douchebag when they can't talk in a civilized manner and resort to childish insults. I don't know why you continue, it's obvious that nomatter what ever happens you will never believe that this works, but luckily it's still a free internet so we can say what we want.

Have a nice life, enjoy your baldness.


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You know when someone is a douchebag when they can't talk in a civilized manner and resort to childish insults. I don't know why you continue, it's obvious that nomatter what ever happens you will never believe that this works, but luckily it's still a free internet so we can say what we want.

Have a nice life, enjoy your baldness.

You've just described yourself as well as all the other M-Method shil..I mean followers here, as well as Wacky himself. Yes, I guess "Wacky" could be considered insulting. That's nothing compared to what Wacky himself does/ well as the rest of you("douchebag"..etc). Besides, it's kinda cute..and fits him perfectly. And of course the rest of my posts are about picking apart yours and his nonsense- things you are unable to respond to(see above).

I and others will "believe that this works" when you all provide the EVIDENCE. And even after you do- take down the "CURE" B.S. on M's well as your own posts in these forums.

"Enjoy your baldness". Childish...Maliniakish...again, see elliotramsey's list of posts in this forum.


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I'm noticing quite a few common sense non-believers :woot: posting in other forums...might be a good idea to post what they're saying here, since a lacky of Leon's posts personal emails from Leon here. But to anyone saying Leon Maliniak has "impressive" regrowth, from "slick bald to regrowing a good amount of hair" etc...let's take a look at his "before" pictures. Forget the fact that his hair is just longer in his "after" pics, and he combs it this way and that depending upon the angle of the pic being taken. There is absolutely no way to say he's even gotten a little regrowth, when his 1st pic is of a sun-spotted head that isn't that clear(you don't even get that kind of shot/angle in any of the "afters"), and his 2nd is even less clear- terrible even. No matter what the excuse(s)- bad camera...didn't think I'd be posting pictures for all to see...foggy that day...come up with your best excuse. Whatever the excuse, and combine that with the longer hair/selective combing in the "afters", there is no way to tell and say that there are any results, at all.



Now at best he's an incompetent lawyer..but I can't imagine even he'd think that kind of "evidence" would hold up in any court(Supreme Alopecia Court)..or even some 1st grade show-and-tell type exhibit.

Armando Jose

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By looking at these "infamous" photos I am more convinced of the impossibility of recovering the hair when long been lost.
And seeing these "impressive" results would encourage me to present the results of my experiment on my own hair;)


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I was just about to hit the hay and decided to read that other forum quick. New poster says this:

I ordered mine 9 1/2 weeks ago and still nothing. Leon said it would take at least 4 to 6 weeks due to the high demand and complexity of construction. And he was right.

And here I thought he was going to complain, instead of..well you know...:doh:

Armando..what is your experiment?

- - - Updated - - -

And the latest:
Leon was right; he only indicated when it would be received at the earliest by saying "it would take at least 4-6 weeks". Could be any amount of time more than 4-6 weeks and Leon would still be right. He also said in one of his messages that distributors were fighting to be his supplier so he doesn't make them himself.

That last sentence especially :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Armando Jose

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My experiment is based in jojoba oil plus essential oils, amomg them origanum, rosmarinus, tea tree, lavander, sabal serrulata. .... aloe, spirulina, ....


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My experiment is based in jojoba oil plus essential oils, amomg them origanum, rosmarinus, tea tree, lavander, sabal serrulata. .... aloe, spirulina, ....

I'm surprised that's all you use with all the research you do. But then again..maybe it's just as good as anything.

Back to Leon..who I see was still unable to stop responding to what I say..what is this now..the 8th time? See post #563 above. Read it s-l-o-w-l-y. The "afters" mean nothing(as they don't on their own, with the angles and combing and longer hair) when the "befores" are CRAP. And yes, I still think you're an incompetent lawyer, at best. I'm not convinced of anything, coming from you..or your shills.


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This makes more sense than the old plug-in round wand you-know-who sells:

During my research I came across the well known, but generally neglected importance of the galea in the process of treating hair loss. The galea is the tough layer of tissue covering the top of the skull. It is nothing new that massaging or exercising the muscles holding the galea is beneficial to hair growth. Combining this method with electrotherapy led to an effective way of stimulating the follicles to greater activity.

"Nothing new" is what many of us have been saying. And OMG- "Combining this method with electrotherapy.." Let me guess..they stole the idea from Leon :roll:

Armando Jose

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I'm surprised that's all you use with all the research you do. But then again..maybe it's just as good as anything.

Nature, by itself, is the best laboratory that may exist.
Humans can not re-build the urine, imagine what we will need in order to create in the laboratory a single drop of rosemary oil.
Anyway, I am convinced that common baldness is multifactorial and not think it is very useful "attack" only an angle. Natural and complex natural products are my keys to mantain the hair, the possible regrowth is only a dream.


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And I pretty much agree with you there.

I'm just waiting for Leon to once again respond to me- on the above..somewhere :woot:


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And I pretty much agree with you there.

I'm just waiting for Leon to once again respond to me- on the above..somewhere :woot:
LOL, you found a new Mouse to chase after. Jacob, the legend.............


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LOL, you found a new Mouse to chase after. Jacob, the legend.............

Well it used to be that the owners/mods would take care of the rodents! I guess they still do, but they must be keeping some as pets, because even in this thread someone's post was deleted that talked about another one of these stupid hair loss books. It was no different than the first post(and others) in this thread!


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This makes more sense than the old plug-in round wand you-know-who sells:

"Nothing new" is what many of us have been saying. And OMG- "Combining this method with electrotherapy.." Let me guess..they stole the idea from Leon :roll:

He shall now be known as Leon the Liar. Well in this post at least. Because he still, after constantly saying he wasn't going to respond to me still..responding to what I'm saying here :wave:

Ah..Leon. You weren't the first on this "combination". This "brush" makes a hell-of-a-lot more sense. More powerful is not necessarily better. In fact you could be doing some serious damage with your "wand"- long term. Then there's this from the above site(he's talking about Leon here):

Unfortunately, and understandably so, he is convinced that his method only works with the recommended outdated devices used for his initial experiments. This is contrary to available evidence. These devices are not licenced and enter the market through the backdoor via the Internet. As this method gains popularity the authorities will clamp down on the sale of these unlicensed devices and the valuable method will be lost. Believing in the process I did extensive research to make a device which can be sold freely and yet performs according to the exact same principles as the outdated devices.

Now prove me right once again, Leon. Switch to this updated product that's actually made for use on the scalp. Or something else that actually makes sense.

BTW..he's still repeating this lie: "Nobody on these hair forums ever heard of a violet ray device until the members read about in the MALINIAK METHOD and reported it here and certainly nobody ever combined these two therpaies together OR explained WHY to combine them together."

That's been dis-proven and pointed out numerous times.

Looking forward to you not responding to what I'm saying yet again, Leon! And have more evidence that you're a lawyer than you do that your "method" does much of anything(after repeated requests for you to provide such evidence), but I'm still not convinced. That's why I keep saying- at best you're an incompetent lawyer. Still want to post ppl's personal information for all to see? :woot:

Thanks to for allowing me to have a little fun here.......


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so does this method work or not?

There is no evidence that it does much if anything. I could easily say the Hair Sonic I use is working just as well. Or better. The claims being made by that guy are just- goofy.


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Personally i think its obvious that malaniak Is eliotramsey who started this thread on this forum, and Is hobbes who started basically the same thread on a certain natural forum, where malaniak has been hiding and arguing with many people there, or at the very least, they were started by his busniess partner. he definately likes to rustle a few feathers in his neverending quest to sell ebooks.

I wish it was proven to work, id use it, but theres just no evidence, if there was it would speak for itself, instead we get told, 'trust me it works.'

i dont trust him, and theres no evidence it works.


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44 that you mention that other forum...what about Complexx and a few others there? I guess as long as it's "traffic" it's fine with certain forum owners. That is just one of the most obvious..pathetic..threads I've seen in ages.

Even the fact that at least one certain other poster that posts here didn't bother to post over there about that neato brush I posted about not too long ago...well maybe because it was I who posted it. Nevermind.

Speaking of's another:

The other one again:


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Personally i think its obvious that malaniak Is eliotramsey who started this thread on this forum

Well I can't speak for whoever Hobbes is, but if you have an admin verify my IP address you will find out that I am from Ohio, whereas Maliniak is from [FONT=arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Canada.. so i'm afraid we are different people.

I realize there isn't tons of amazing "evidence" that tells whether or not it works. But I know for me, with a combination of this, and other methods such as Tom Hagerty's scalp exercise and Papilla Power, that I am confident I have done a lot to help slow or stop my hairloss. The point is, i'm not here to provide you with irrefutable proof that one method works and another doesn't (you can go digging into my posting history to try and refute what I just said all you like, but the fact is that opinions and thoughts change over time). I believed that Maliniak was sincere since he literally gave me a free violet ray device with the only condition that I report back my experience with it and his method. Take it as you will, but I don't know too many scammers who give users free products and ask them to honestly report their findings. But what do I know, i'm just a 21 year old college student.

Why is it hard to provide solid proof? Basically, it's because I still have 95% of the hair that I have always had. It's not like I claimed I was totally bald and regrew all my hair. I didn't. My temples were receding, and that in combination with my already huge forehead made it look like I have a big problem. Myself, I'm pretty confident that I at least stopped the receding. Do I have the hair I had when I was 17 or 18? No, but I would hate to see what my hair would look like now had I not tried to do anything about it. My best friend years ago teased me that I was balding. Today, he is balding, and just the other day he mentioned how I must just have a high hairline.. because it hasn't gotten any worse! I know at least 2 other guys who had mild to moderate balding issues when I first met them in school. 2 years later, and they have lost almost all of their hair, yet I still have mine. Basically, there is personal evidence to myself that it helps. Whether or not it makes any difference to you is not my problem.

I have nothing to loose or gain from talking about maliniaks method. I have been staying clear of of this forum (it's the only hair loss forum I am apart of) because posts based on experiences and opinions are immediately assumed to be the work of a scam artist. I realize Jacob has his own strong reservations/opinions and apparent hatred for Maliniak, but lumping me into that category just because I am using it and reporting my own observations and opinions about it is unfair and diminishes the purpose of these forums: to hopefully have decent, civilized conversations about hairloss.

Anyway, that's all I have to say.


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Yep Jacob im suspicious of complex too.

thanx for being honest eliotramsey, its a breath of fresh air. however u have admited malaniak gave u a free violet ray in exchange for testimonial on the forums. Do u not see anything wrong with this? Also malaniak is smart enough to use different people aka his business partners to log in from different ip's and post. I sincerely hope u are legitimate, and not just one of his partners trying to make a buck.