Masturbation and Hairloss, personal experience + 4 m results


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Hi, you guys might remember me posting about 4 months ago when i said i will stop masturbation and notice my results. So after 4 months shedding has reduced to 30-50 hair/ day, scalp is not itchy anymore, no dandruff and hair line + density is same as before.

This experiment follows my previous successful experiment when i was 18 and noticing increase in hair fall, at that time i stopped for 10 months and Hair fall rate reduced to normal amounts.

1) I have not used any medication, shampoos etc.
2) I have had a vegetarian balanced diet.
3) I have slept at 10 pm and got up at 6 am 5/7 days /week
4) I have done aerobic exercise 5/7 days /week for 1 hour
5) during four months I had 5 wet dreams, i.e. nocturnal emissions (note: wet dream can be stopped by getting up before 5 am, since discharge usually takes place from 4-5 am, more discussion on wet dreams follows later in post)
In addition to positive effects on hair, I have noticed other positive effects due to stopping masturbation:

1) I feel my mind is more "awake" now, I can concentrate much better, I dont have short term memory loss anymore and I feel a calmness in my mind.

2) heart doesnot race when I am in nervous / anxious situations, I am not anxious anymore

3) I am not depressed anymore

4) chronic Constipation symptoms have cleared up

5) Joints aren't stiff anymore when I run. More flexibility.

6) Dark circles beneath eyes have reduced

7) when I test my stool - there are less "chunks" of undigested food in that. previously there were more chunks.

8) body has more energy, more agility , a new spring to it. now i feel like going out in the sun, running and playing soccer.


Some of you might be interested in clinical evidence that supports this theory: I have supplied those references in my previous posts, search using my name.

Now I will tell you guys about western philosophy on sex vs eastern philosophy on sex

In eastern philosophy sex before 18 years age is damaging to the body and mind since in eastern medicine sexual maturation age is 18 - 21 [1].


1 - prostate gland is still developing until 18 - 21

The following notes have been taken from: ... c441556953

note - veerya = semen


The most devitalising and demoralizing of pleasures is the sex pleasure. Sensual enjoyment is attended with various defects. It is attended with various sorts of sins, pains, weaknesses, attachments, slave mentality, weak will, severe exertion and struggle, craving and mental restlessness.

Eminent doctors of the West say that various kinds of diseases arise from the loss of semen, particularly in young age. There appear boils on the body, acne or eruptions on the face, blue lines around the eyes, absence of beard, sunken eyes, pale face with anaemia, loss of memory, loss of eye-sight, shortsightedness, discharge of semen along with urine, enlargement of the testes, pain in the testes, debility, drowsiness, laziness, gloominess, palpitation of the heart, dyspnoea or difficulty in breathing, phthisis, pain in the back, loins, head and joints, weak kidneys, passing urine in sleep, fickle-mindedness, lack of thinking power, bad dreams, wet dreams and restlessness of mind.

Mark carefully the evil after-effects that follow the loss of seminal energy! Persons are physically, mentally and morally debilitated by wasting the seminal power on so many occasions for nothing. The body and the mind refuse to work energetically. There is physical and mental lethargy. You experience much exhaustion and weakness. You will have to take recourse to drinking milk, to eating fruits and aphrodisiac confections, to make good the loss of energy. Remember that these things can never, never repair the loss completely. Once lost is lost for ever. You will have to drag on a dreary, cheerless existence. Bodily and mental strength gets diminished day by day.

Those who have lost much of their Veerya become very irritable. Little things upset their minds. Those who have not observed the vow of celibacy become the slaves of anger, jealousy, laziness and fear. If you have not got your senses under control, you venture to do foolish acts which even children will not dare to do.

He who has wasted the vital energy becomes easily irritable, loses his balance of mind and gets into a state of explosive fury for trifling things. When a man becomes furious, he behaves improperly. He does not know what he is exactly doing as he loses his power of reasoning and discrimination. He will do anything he likes. He will insult even his parents, Guru and respectable persons. It behoves, therefore, that the aspirant who is trying to develop good behaviour must preserve the vital energy. Preservation of this divine energy leads to the attainment of strong will-power, good behaviour, spiritual exaltation, and Sreyas or Moksha eventually.

Excessive sexual intercourse drains the energy enormously. Young men do not realize the value of the vital fluid. They waste this dynamic energy by immoderate copulation. Their nerves are tickled much. They become intoxicated. What a serious blunder they commit! It is a crime that demands capital punishment. They are slayers of Atman. When this energy is once wasted, it can never be recouped by any other means. It is the most powerful energy in the world. One sexual act shatters completely the brain and the nervous system. People foolishly imagine that they can recover the lost energy by taking milk, almonds and Makaradhvaja. This is a mistake. You must try your level best to preserve every drop although you are a married man. Self-realization is the goal.

The energy that is wasted during one sexual intercourse is tantamount to the energy that is spent in physical labour for ten days or the energy that is utilized in mental work for three days. Mark how precious is the vital fluid, semen! Do not waste this energy. Preserve it with great care. You will have wonderful vitality. When Veerya is not used, it is all transmuted into Ojas Sakti or spiritual energy and stored up in the brain. Western doctors know little of this salient point. Most of your ailments are due to excessive seminal wastage.

Wet dream and voluntary copulation—A vital difference

A sexual act shatters the nervous system. The whole nervous system is shaken or agitated during the act. There is excessive loss of energy. More energy is wasted during coition. But it is not so when emission occurs during the dreaming state. In a wet dream, it may be the outflow of the prostatic juice only. Even if there is loss of the vital fluid, there is not much draining. The actual essence does not come out during wet dreams. It is only the watery prostatic juice with a little semen that is discharged during nocturnal pollutions. When nocturnal emission takes place, the mind which was working in the inner astral body suddenly enters the physical body vehemently in an agitated condition. That is the reason why emission takes place suddenly.

The night discharge may not stimulate the sexual desire. But a voluntary copulation, in the case of a sincere aspirant is highly detrimental to his spiritual progress. The Samskara created by the act will be very deep; and it will intensify or strengthen the force of the previous Samskaras that are already imbedded in the subconscious mind and will stimulate the sexual desire. It will be like pouring ghee in the fire that is slowly getting extinguished. The task of obliterating this new Samskara will be an uphill work. You should completely give up copulation. This mind will try to delude you in a variety of ways by giving wrong counsel. Be on the alert. Do not hear its voice, but try to hear the voice of the conscience or the voice of the soul or the voice of discrimination.
Youth with bloodless faces

A good lot of energy is wasted during copulation. Bad memory, premature old age, impotence, various sorts of eye diseases and various nervous diseases are attributable to the heavy loss of this vital fluid. It is greatly shocking indeed to see many of our youth walking with tottering steps, with pale, bloodless faces owing to loss of this vital fluid, instead of jumping hither and thither with agile, nimble steps with vigour and vitality like the squirrel. Some people are so passionate and weak that even the thought or sight or touch of a woman causes discharge of semen. Pitiable is their lot!

What do we see in these days? Boys and girls, men and women, are drowned in the ocean of impure thoughts, lustful desires and little sensual pleasures. It is highly deplorable indeed. It is really shocking to hear the stories of some of these boys. Many college boys have personally come to me and narrated their pitiable lives of gloom and depression brought about by heavy loss of semen resulting from unnatural means. Their power of discrimination has been lost owing to sexual excitement and lustful intoxication. Why do you lose the energy that is gained in many weeks and months for the sake of the little, momentary sensual pleasure?


My dear brothers! The vital energy, the Veerya that supports your life, which is the Prana of Pranas, which shines in your sparkling eyes, which beams in your shining cheeks, is a great treasure for you. Remember this point well. Veerya is the quintessence of blood. One drop of semen is manufactured out of forty drops of blood. Mark here how valuable this fluid is!

A tree draws the essence or Rasa from the earth. This essence is circulated throughout the tree, its twigs, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits. The shining colours and life in the leaves, flowers and fruits are due to this Rasa. Similarly, the Veerya that is manufactured by the cells of the testes out of blood gives colour and vitality to the human body and its different organs.

According to Ayurveda, semen is the last Dhatu that is formed out of food. Out of food is manufactured chyle. Out of chyle comes blood. Out of blood comes flesh. Out of flesh comes fat. Out of fat comes bone. Out of bone comes marrow. Out of marrow comes semen. These are the Sapta Dhatus or the seven Dhatus that support this life and body. Mark here how precious is semen! It is the last essence. It is the Essence of essences. The Veerya comes out of the very marrow that lies concealed inside the bones.

There are three divisions in each Dhatu. Semen nourishes the physical body, the heart and the intellect. Only that man who uses the physical body, the heart and the intellect can have perfect Brahmacharya. A wrestler who uses his physical body only, but keeps the intellect and the heart undeveloped, cannot expect to have full Brahmacharya. He can have Brahmacharya of the body only, but not of the mind and the heart. The semen that belongs to the heart and the mind will certainly flow out. If an aspirant does only Japa and meditation, if he does not develop the heart, and if he does not practice physical exercise, he will have only mental Brahmacharya. The portion of the semen, which goes to nourish the heart and the body, will flow out. But an advanced Yogi who dives deep in meditation will have full Brahmacharya even if he does not take physical exercise.

Semen is the quintessence of food or blood. One drop of semen in manufactured out of forty drops of blood according to modern medical science. According to Ayurveda, it is elaborated out of eighty drops of blood. The two testes or seeds that are located in the scrotal bag are called secretory glands. The cells of these testes have been endowed with the peculiar property of secreting semen from the blood. Just as bees collect honey in the honeycomb drop by drop, so also, the cells of the testes collect semen drop by drop from the blood. Then this fluid is taken by the two ducts or tubes to the vesiculae seminalis. Under excitement, it is thrown out by special ducts, called ejaculatory ducts, into the urethra where it is mixed with the prostatic juice.

Semen is found in a subtle state in all the cells of the body. Just as sugar is all-pervading in the sugar-cane, butter in milk, so also, semen is pervading the whole body. Just as the butter milk is thin after the butter is removed, so also, semen is thinned by its wastage. The more the wastage of semen the more is the weakness. In the Yoga Sastras it is said:

Maranam Bindu Patanat,
Jivanam Bindu Rakshanat.

Falling of semen brings death; preservation of semen gives life. Semen is the real vitality in men. It is the hidden treasure in man. It imparts Brahma-Tejas to the face and strength to the intellect.
Modern medical opinion

Eminent European medical men also support the statement of the Yogins of India. Dr. Nicole says: "It is a medical and physiological fact that the best blood in the body goes to form the elements of reproduction in both the sexes. In a pure and orderly life, this matter is reabsorbed. It goes back into circulation ready to form the finest brain, nerve and muscular tissues. This vital fluid of man carried back and diffused through his system makes him manly, strong, brave and heroic. If wasted, it leaves him effeminate, weak and physically debilitated and prone to sexual irritation and disordered function, a wretched nervous system, epilepsy, and various other diseases and death. The suspension of the use of the generative organs is attended with a notable increase of bodily and mental and spiritual vigour."

If the spermatic secretion in men is continuous, it must either be expelled or be reabsorbed. As a result of the most patient and persevering scientific investigations, it has been found that whenever the seminal secretions are conserved and thereby reabsorbed into the system, it goes towards enriching the blood and strengthening the brain. Dr. Dio Louis thinks that the conservation of this element is essential to strength of body, vigour of mind and keenness of intellect. Another writer, Dr. E.P. Miller, says: "All waste of spermatic secretions, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of the life force. It is almost universally conceded that the choicest element of the blood enters into the composition of the spermatic secretion. If these conclusions are correct, then it follows that a chaste life is essential to man’s well-being."


Many young men are troubled by wet dreams or nocturnal emissions and spermatorrhoea. This dire disease, spermatorrhoea, has eaten away the very core of the heart of many brilliant youth, who were once very promising students during the beginning stages of their educational career. This terrible scourge has sapped the vitality or the very essence of many students and even grown-up people and has made them physical, moral and spiritual bankrupts. This deadly curse has stunted the growth of many young people and made them bemoan their past ignorant, vicious habits. This wretched malady has blighted the hopes of many a young person and brought despair, gloom, shattered health and dilapidated constitution.

I receive numerous letters of pathetic tales of dissipated, lost youth. The recent trend in the increase of vulgar, cheap and aphrodisiac literature and obscene films, both Indian and Western, had added to the miseries of misguided youth. Loss of the vital energy creates great fear in their mind. The body becomes weak, memory fails, the face becomes ugly and the young man is not able to remedy his pitiable condition due to shame. But there is no cause for despair. Even if a few of the hints in the following pages are observed, he will develop the correct attitude to life and will lead a disciplined spiritual life and ultimately attain supreme bliss.

Difference between physiological pollution and pathological pollution

Spermatorrhoea is involuntary seminal discharge. Nocturnal discharge, night pollution, Svapna-Dosha, wet dream are all synonymous terms. Ayurvedic doctors call this disease Sukra-Megha. This is due to the evil habits in youth. In severe cases, discharges occur in daytime also. The patient passes semen along with urine during micturition. If there is occasional discharge, you need not be alarmed a bit. This may be due to heat in the body, or the pressure of loaded bowels or bladder on the seminal bags. This is not a pathological condition.

Night pollution is of two kinds, namely, physiological pollution and pathological pollution. In physiological pollution, you will be refreshed. You should not be afraid of this act. You should not mind if the discharge of semen is very occasional. You need not worry about it. This is also a slight flushing of the apparatus or a periodical cleansing through a slight overflow from the reservoir in which the semen is stored up. This act may not be attended with evil thoughts. The person may not be aware of the act during the night. Whereas, in pathological pollution, the act is accompanied by sexual thoughts. Depression follows. There is irritability, languishment, laziness, inability to work and concentrate. Occasional discharges are of no consequence, but frequent nocturnal pollutions cause depression of spirits, debility, dyspepsia, low spirits, loss of memory, severe pain in the back, headache, burning of the eyes, drowsiness and burning sensation at urination or during the flow of semen. The semen becomes very thin.
Causes and consequences

Wet dreams and spermatorrhoea may be due to various causes like constipation, a loaded stomach, irritation-producing or wind-producing food, impure thoughts and long self-abuse done in ignorance.

Seminal weakness, nocturnal emissions, lascivious dreams and all other effects of an immoral life will surely lead one to a miserable state of living if not checked by proper medicines. But these medicines cannot produce a permanent cure. One can get temporary relief during the time one takes the medicine. Even doctors of the West admit that such medicines cannot effect a permanent cure. The moment the medicine is discontinued, the patient will find his disease all the worse. In some cases, the patient becomes impotent by the use of drugs. The only effective permanent cure can be had through the system of ancient Yoga. Nasti Yogat Param Balam. There is no strength higher than that of Yoga. The different methods given in this book will enable you to get success if practiced regularly.

Do not be carried away by the pompous advertisements made by quacks and charlatans. Lead a simple natural life. You will become all right soon. Do not spend any money in buying the so-called patent medicines and specifics. They are worthless. Quacks try to exploit the credulous and the ignorant. Do not go to the doctors. Endeavour to qualify yourself as your own doctor. Understand the laws of nature, the principles of hygiene and health. Do not tresspass against the laws of health.

Chew pieces of the yellow variety of Harad or myrobalan very often. When there is frequent discharge, dissolve two pinches of camphor in a cup of milk and take it occasionally at night. Take half a seer of milk in the early morning and half a seer at night.
Get up before 4 a.m.

Night pollution generally occurs in the fourth quarter of the night. Those who are in the habit of getting up from bed between 3 and 4 a.m. and doing Japa and Dhyana can never fall a victim to nocturnal pollutions. Make it a point to get up at least at 4 a.m. regularly. Sleep on a coarse bed. Use rough mats.


Final words -

If you think that there is nothing wrong with masturbation everyday or having sex everyday

then try stopping it for once, try stopping it for more than 2 weeks and you will realise that you CAN NOT stop all of a sudden, it is an addiction, and you will realise how strong this addiction is.

You can only stop after weeks of practice and regularity in food , and other habbits.

good luck


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case study:

"I'm 33 and have a 20-year history of over-masturbation. I have several problems that I'm almost sure are all linked to my destructive addiction:

1. My erection hardness and size, sensitivity, libido, and ejaculation began going downhill years ago when I was still in my 20s. I've never been able to orgasm from vaginal or oral sex, and many times I would lose my erection quickly. The only way I can orgasm is by masturbation, and these days it has to be rough in order to work.

2. My hair has been turning grey and falling out since I was 18. I still have most of my hair, but I notice that now I'm losing more than ever. I'll find fallen hair on my hand each time I run my fingers through my hair, and it's very discouraging. The men on my mom's side of the family have kept their hair well into their 60s and beyond, and my dad still has a lot of hair at 63.

3. I've been getting acne again despite finishing a course of Accutane early last year. It gave me great results, but the acne began creeping back 5-6 months later. It's no longer as aggressive as it used to be, and now it's just a few pimples on my face. Still, I hate having even that now.

4. I also suffer from a very low testosterone level. It was 170 ng/dl when I had it checked last year, and 189 when checked again a few months later. I've taken testosterone gel on and off since then, and I started taking it again last week. I plan on sticking with it this time. The main reason I'm taking it again is because I'm exercising again and I need it to help my weight workouts.

I hope there's something you can recommend to help me solve my sexual, hair, skin, and testosterone problems. Also, what is a healthy ejaculation frequency for a 33-year-old guy with these problems? I really want to try to regulate my masturbation habit, but I've read that stopping altogether is also damaging. Please advise.


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Rubbish, absolute garbage! I laughed out loud (lol) many times reading and re-reading this post. *hahahahaha* *haha* In my opinion, this “study†deserves no more than a quick scan and a good chuckle at your expense.

stnl said:
In addition to positive effects on hair, I have noticed other positive effects due to stopping masturbation:

1) I feel my mind is more "awake" now, I can concentrate much better, I dont have short term memory loss anymore and I feel a calmness in my mind.

2) heart doesnot race when I am in nervous / anxious situations, I am not anxious anymore

3) I am not depressed anymore

4) chronic Constipation symptoms have cleared up

5) Joints aren't stiff anymore when I run. More flexibility.

6) Dark circles beneath eyes have reduced

7) when I test my stool - there are less "chunks" of undigested food in that. previously there were more chunks.

8) body has more energy, more agility , a new spring to it. now i feel like going out in the sun, running and playing soccer.
*hehe* All of these are most probably caused by the cardio 5x per week and enforcing a regimented sleeping pattern.

stnl said:
Some of you might be interested in clinical evidence that supports this theory: I have supplied those references in my previous posts, search using my name.
We'd be more interested in REAL clinical evidence.

stnl said:
In eastern philosophy sex before 18 years age is damaging.............................................. .............................................
.......................................... is an addiction, and you will realise how strong this addiction is.

You can only stop after weeks of practice and regularity in food , and other habbits.

good luck

So I suppose the "wasting of energy" and "loss of semen" is the cause for every problem known to man, using your skewed logic. I don't think it's comparable to the "waste of time" I experienced reading and replying to this post...

*hehehehe* Thanks but I’ll keep my "memory failure", my "pollution", my "wretched nervous system", my "misguided youth" AND (and) my so-called "ignorant vicious habits" and "addiction"

I can’t believe such rubbish. Sorry if you do, whole-heartedly, but I will never turn celibate, or even go a week without ejaculating 3 or 4 times at least. I would become a damn miserable old fool, totally materialistic and selfish..

There’s nothing I enjoy more than making passionate love for hours with my beautiful girlfriend, whom I love dearly. I also enjoy having a good BAT every now and then, without experiencing any guilt, fear or "waste of energy". Put that in your pipe and smoke it… along with the rest of your crackpot theories.

Thanks for providing me with a good belly laugh… Humour is another of the things I enjoy dearly. (I suppose that’s wrong too??)


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if sex was the cause of baldness then i would go bald gladly and loving every minute of it.


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you can believe in whatever you want , i believe in that, so im going to do that, you can do whatever man i dont care.

i just came here and people were still talking about masturbation and what not and i thought i would tell these dicks that this thing is fuked up. and no Doctor will ever tell you that because its so hard to prove.

but obviously people in the past have noticed these things , over 5000 years of human existence , people definitely masturbated because it feels good and some of them found , just like me, that it fukcs you up. so dont do it , dont have sex either, there are lot more ways to enjoy life, try playing a sport its fun too. and i dont know about you guys but I got bored of my past girlfriends after a while , sex is not fun with the same person again and again. same asss same boob same lips , its not fun after a while, i guess thats why people go into a*** and sodomy and whipping and animals and machines and stallions.

one man died last year after having a*** sex (receiving) with a stallion.

one woman burnt her vagina after dogs penis reached temperature >46 deg celcius

one 10 year old girl had ruptured rectal blah after his step dad had too much sex with her for too long

one guy had hormone replacement therepy as he got bored of one sex so now he is attracted to both


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lol your f*****g retarded...

Masturbate or not, you will be more bald without the big 3...I tell you that much.


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stnl said:
you can believe in whatever you want , i believe in that, so im going to do that, you can do whatever man i dont care.
I will, thanks for your concern…

stnl said:
i just came here and people were still talking about masturbation and what not and i thought i would tell these dicks that this thing is fuked up. and no Doctor will ever tell you that because its so hard to prove.
Oh wow, another frikkin Messiah… Well these “dicks†(myself included I suppose) will cut you down to shreds with those ridiculous notions… These “dicks†(myself included I suppose) also have a lot more common sense than you may think, so your acting high and mighty about these crackpot theories makes them even more laughable and stupid than they were the first time I read them.

the "messiah" also said:
some of them found , just like me, that it fukcs you up. so dont do it , dont have sex either, there are lot more ways to enjoy life, try playing a sport its fun too.
You really have no idea do you??

the "messiah" also said:
and i dont know about you guys but I got bored of my past girlfriends after a while , sex is not fun with the same person again and again. same asss same boob same lips , its not fun after a while,
Maybe you’re not doing it right. …and does the fact that you don’t like it and don’t think it’s fun mean that all of a sudden it’s wrong?? Maybe you’ve just never been in love… maybe you’ve never had sex at all… maybe you have a very small penis… maybe you’ve never given a woman pleasure… maybe you prefer guys or animals yourself… I’m positive that people who think like you do are very much a minority. …REALITY CHECK!!!!

the "messiah" also said:
i guess thats why people go into a*** and sodomy and whipping and animals and machines and stallions.
Rubbish! Where are you getting your information from? The church?? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

the idiot also said:
one man died last year after having a*** sex (receiving) with a stallion.

one woman burnt her vagina after dogs penis reached temperature >46 deg celcius

one 10 year old girl had ruptured rectal blah after his step dad had too much sex with her for too long

one guy had hormone replacement therepy as he got bored of one sex so now he is attracted to both
What relevance does this have to the discussion?? What a load of tripe… This doesn’t prove or even back up any of your dumbass theories… It just proves you can find or make up lousy statistics and sick stories. I can do that too – just ask me… You’ll love the stories of what me and Grandpa did to that little boy we stole from the park *hehe* …not to mention the last time I let a stallion VIOLATE me… :shock:


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I do believe masturbation is wrong and less/none of it will result in a healthier life physically, mentally, and emotionally.


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ripple-effect said:
I do believe masturbation is wrong and less/none of it will result in a healthier life physically, mentally, and emotionally.

thanks ripple

maxpwr -

1) no i did enjoy with my gfs before , but i think hair is more important.
2) no i dont have small penis
3) no i am not gay


What kind of sick mind would think that hair on the head is more important than having a sex life? I don't think it will work anyway. I think there's something seriously wrong with the society, so many hair obsessed young men out there. "I will kill myself if I go past NWx".


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What kind of sick mind would think that hair on the head is more important than having a sex life?
Why would this be a basis for calling someone sick minded? I think it makes better sense the other way around to tell you the truth. Although the two are somewhat linked's pretty hard to have a sex life w/o hair unless you were referring to a sex life by yourself that is..
I think there's something seriously wrong with the society, so many hair obsessed young men out there. "I will kill myself if I go past NWx".
That's a pretty hypocritical statement considering you've been on medications trying to save your hair....wouldn't that make you "hair obsessed"? People considering suicide is not right, but it does make sense if they start losing their hair. They lose their sense of self-worth and teaching/showing them how to look past their hair loss is the way to go about it instead of blaming society.


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I propose we split the forum into two separate parts, for:

(i) Normal people like myself, who are annoyed with hairloss and are looking to discuss the merits of available treatments.
(ii) f*****g nut jobs like this lot that like to blame everything from masturbation to bullying and ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT.

Because, honestly, the more I come here the more uncomfortable I feel being associated with retards like this.


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whats funny to me is people actually think you wont get laid if you dont have hair


hawks05 said:
whats funny to me is people actually think you wont get laid if you dont have hair

Yeah, and why don't these people who are going to live without sex to save their hair go for the castration route? You know, that might actually work...


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flim flam, what's so insane about it? stnl bases his reasoning on his own experience. He shares with us his own experience as a possible link between hair loss. Does that mean you have to agree with it or follow So, then why do you and others express so much anger when hearing these kinds of posts? Here's's because you are all in don't want to believe it even if it was true because then that would take away from your own pleasure. So just take his words into consideration instead of calling him out and accusing him of false information when you don't have any basis of your own to prove him wrong.
whats funny to me is people actually think you wont get laid if you dont have hair
Lol, kind of funny how this fella indirectly attacks me. I never said "you won't get laid if you don't have hair" did I?
Generally speaking, I don't believe alot of bald people would get as many girls as they would if they had hair, BUT there are a few lucky ones that look even better without hair and get even more girls. Simple as that, I could(probably should) go into greater depth, but I choose not.

To be honest, it shouldn't be about "getting laid," it's about finding the right woman you love and want to spend the rest of your life with...that's the way it should be.

I hope I don't come off as all innocent to anyone.


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yah i guess im just speaking from my experience,

you do come across as very innocent, j/k

the thing is girls will love you if you arent out just to get laid but at the same time you can't be a big wuss, basically women love REAL Men who stand up for what they believe in. Bald or NOT!!


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ripple-effect said:
flim flam, what's so insane about it? stnl bases his reasoning on his own experience. He shares with us his own experience as a possible link between hair loss. Does that mean you have to agree with it or follow So, then why do you and others express so much anger when hearing these kinds of posts? Here's's because you are all in don't want to believe it even if it was true because then that would take away from your own pleasure. So just take his words into consideration instead of calling him out and accusing him of false information when you don't have any basis of your own to prove him wrong.
Bullshit... self denial :laugh: That's ridiculous. There's no self denial here mate... Perhaps you didn't read the original post and "clinical evidence" well enough.

I think you'll find these "theories" hold absolutely no substance in this argument or in the real world... They are simply destructive dogma written by "authorities" to be used as a method of control and limitation (and even fear) in a particular way of life. In and amongst these warped theories lies just enough truth and real facts, that a reader who is not particularly knowledgeable enough on the subject, will find them credible and actually believe them... without realising that the author of this literature is using non sequiturs as a means of justification for this misinformation. It is well written too, which makes it more credible to the uninformed or undecided reader, without exposing the destructive mysticism associated with the views and opinions expressed in these "theories".

To use this literature as a basis of one's beliefs in this matter is sad. To use it as "evidence" in the argument of increasing hairloss is just ridiculous and totally inappropriate. I feel my "attacks" on the original post are very much justified, yet maybe slightly immature - and so maybe not quite taken seriously. While I don't wish to attack the RIGHT to the beliefs of any individual, I find it appalling when someone is using false information as a means to push destructive views onto an audience who may not see it for what it really is. There are a lot of users and readers on this forum who are lacking in self respect and confidence who are looking for answers or advice and are very much susceptible to believing anything they read that sounds reasonable.

While I do agree that EXCESSIVE masturbation is probably not a healthy activity (not for the reasons stated in the original post, however), orgasm and sexual relations are still a part of life that is natural and, in my opinion, very necessary for general health. For centuries various religions, authorities and extremist ways of life have tried to drum it into our heads that it's totally wrong, to not only masturbate, but to get pleasure from sex and even to feel lust or desire... and succeeded!! WTF? Like I said, it's perfectly natural to feel lust and desire, to relieve that lust and desire, and to be able to pleasure oneself. I don't believe there's anything dirty about it at all. While the physical act of masturbation could be considered dirty by many, it is usually done in one's own privacy, without being advertised or discussed...

But hey! I don't want to preach, just simply make a point. Attack me if you like! :firing:

(...and the day I turn celibate for something as insignificant as external appearances (i.e. hair!) is the day "hell" will most certainly freeze over)


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Bullshit... self denial :laugh: That's ridiculous. There's no self denial here mate... Perhaps you didn't read the original post and "clinical evidence" well enough.
I've only made references to his 4-month-no-masturbation observations. I only skimmed over the "clinical evidence" part and made no reference to that considering it's length. I'm going to have to disagree with you on the self-denial part because IF you weren't in denial then you wouldn't/shouldn't be supporting the act of masturbation. You should only be attacking his lack of "real evidence" w/o hysterically laughing multiple times as if to show you know you are 100% right. I mean come on, look at your original post. You say that his benefits from decreased masturbation "probably" come from the cardio and sleep as if to find SOME OTHER POSSIBLE WAY that this could be true so your window of masturbation could be left open. Why are you trying to ignore that fact that it could be masturbation? Is it because you just don't want to believe it? What if he didn't list cardio and sleep? Would you just completely ignore it? You are simply using his evidence as your excuse to be in self denial because if you look at your original attack then you will see you only made reference to his evidence ONE time. OH, but look now, you're making a whole lengthy post on why masturbation should still be okay because his "evidence" isn't sufficient or accurate. You're accusations of his evidence may be true, but then again it seems like you're opinion to me because I see no basis for your statements. You say that it could fool a young person mind as if it is a crime to not masturbate. There is no harm done if someone chooses to not masturbate and not everyone here present 100% accurate information. So I'm not really buying into that "susceptible minds" crap. Masturbation is a touchy subject, there aren't very many studies on how it affects the body and mind, so credit stnl's post for what it's worth even though some of it might not even be true. It's no surprise why he didn't show real clinical evidence either.


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Ripple-effect, there are many studies completed on masturbation and to my knowledge a huge huge majority of the medical community sees no problem with it. I also have a news flash, masturbation involves essentially the same process as sex and the medical community not only has no problem with sex but considers it a healthy part of an adult's life.
You clearly have some repressed emotions concerning your sexuality and perhaps (like many westerners in particular) have become victim of a society that imposes a degree of "guilt" about sex which in most cases is an unconscious emotion based on a old religious bounds. Now it must be stated that what I am talking about is responsible and protected sex between consenting and emotionally stable adults.
This topic of masturbation and sex comes up on cue at least once a month on this site, do a search! In every case the argument ends with absolutely no definitive evidence linking masturbation and hairloss despite the fact that this topic is discussed constantly.
Flim flam, is right, this site has become more yahoo then science.


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ripple-effect said:
... [snip] ... blah blah ... blah ... etc .... Here's's because you are all in denial.....

Ooooh, nearly had me.

Next !!