Masturbation and Hairloss, personal experience + 4 m results



docj077 said:
An ancient text is one thing. The scientific method demonstrating something else is quite another. Sorry, I respect your beliefs, but that doesn't mean I can't view them as incorrect.

You can view them any way you want. It's a free country.


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I really don't think drugs such as finasteride *coincidentally* have an effective on the male's reproductive system as one of it's side effects. Having said that, there must be some co-relation.


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lol, what a wacko

does he know the body constantly makes "the seed" regardless if you ejaculate or not

OF COURSE NOT, that would be called being KNOWLEDGEABLE and SCIENTIFIC


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flimflam said:

I propose we split the forum into two separate parts, for:

(i) Normal people like myself, who are annoyed with hairloss and are looking to discuss the merits of available treatments.
(ii) f****ing nut jobs like this lot that like to blame everything from masturbation to bullying and ACTUALLY BELIEVE IT.

Because, honestly, the more I come here the more uncomfortable I feel being associated with retards like this.

haha, great point, we should have a new "f*****g retard forum". I come here to try to get feedback on the various treatments out there but a lot of the forums are littered with bullshit and its getting hard to avoid.


It's a legitimate topic.

Excessive semen discharge can lead to mineral deficiency.

Mineral deficiency can cause or exacerbate hair loss.

It's pretty basic.


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Erik D said:
It's a legitimate topic.

Excessive semen discharge can lead to mineral deficiency.

Mineral deficiency can cause or exacerbate hair loss.

It's pretty basic.

Exactly Erik D. At the very least ejaculations causes this, so there is definately some merit in discussing it. STNL views are a little extreme, no doubt but he raises some interesting points.


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Erik D said:
It's a legitimate topic.

Excessive semen discharge can lead to mineral deficiency.

Mineral deficiency can cause or exacerbate hair loss.

It's pretty basic.

It's not pretty basic you condescending twat. Anything's a legitmate topic, but not necessary a valid argument. Yours; because there's no scientific reasoning. Like the rest of the nut jobs, you've implied a connection between two rather general concepts and left the relation up to the reader.

A causes B
B causes C
therefore, A causes C.

No. Learn some basic set theory.

So what "minerals" do we lose when we ejaculate? In what quantities? Does the amount vary? Is it effected by diet? Time of day? Mood?

And a lack of which minerals "exacerbate hair loss"? What are considered dangerous levels? How many times a day should the average man ejaculate to reach these levels? Can you cite any respected peer-reviewed sources?

Basic stuff, really.


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metalheaddude said:
Exactly Erik D. At the very least ejaculations causes this, so there is definately some merit in discussing it. STNL views are a little extreme, no doubt but he raises some interesting points.

Interesting? Amusing at best.


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Erik D said:
It's a legitimate topic.

Excessive semen discharge can lead to mineral deficiency.

Mineral deficiency can cause or exacerbate hair loss.

It's pretty basic.
this coming from a guy who admits he has other mental problems

you are a f*****g MORON

I could say that when i was not on finasteride, i lost more hair during the full moon, and some jackass would be like, you are right man, me too


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Notice how every single person who just posted since my last post and is pro-masturbation can't help with the unnecessary name calling? See how frustrated you guys are....just like I said, denial folks. You sit there and laugh saying "Oh, hahaha, this has gotta be a joke cause there's no way I'm gonna give up masturbation." Why not? Is it that controlling of your lives that you must criticize a person or people who are against it? What's wrong with people who are against it? Hatred at someone else usually stems from hate within yourself. You guys must really hate the idea that even if you did try to stop, you know you wouldn't succeed because you can't beat the temptation. You don't want to. That's why masturbation can poison one's mind.

Also, Dogs and flim flam support the idea that the "forum should be divided." How silly is that? NO ONE forced you to read this thread but yourself.


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I think the reason people get angry is because this topic has been brought up ad nauseam in this forum and it is retarded quite frankly.
Masturbation does not cause hairloss. There is no scientific evidence to support this crap.

One thing is that you might object to it (for whatever moral or personal reason) and another completely different is if there was any scientific evidence to support the claim that it causes hairloss.


Some of these people purposely click on a topic they know they disagree with, because they're just itching for a conflict.


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kilgore said:
I think the reason people get angry is because this topic has been brought up ad nauseam in this forum and it is retarded quite frankly.
Masturbation does not cause hairloss. There is no scientific evidence to support this crap.

One thing is that you might object to it (for whatever moral or personal reason) and another completely different is if there was any scientific evidence to support the claim that it causes hairloss. There is none to the best of my knowledge and until I see a peer reviewed study proving otherwise I will continue to believe that it doesn't cause hairloss.
On the contrary my dear friend, I'm afraid that even if solid, hardcore evidence was provided.....someone would still try to find some excuse to continue the habit such as finding the slightest insignificant flaw (i.e. Oh, there's a grammar error, so someone had to of made this yay there's my excuse) or simply just ignore many have already admitted to (They claimed they would continue nonetheless b/c hair isn't worth it when it comes to giving up masturbation).

I really don't see what's wrong with bringing this topic up. The rate that this topic is brought up isn't as high as alot of other topics out there. People have a right to be annoyed, but if you know a topic like this is going to annoy you then why open it in the first place? Go to the threads that deal with treatments if that's what you're looking for.

Masturbation does not cause hairloss. There is no scientific evidence to support this crap.
How contradictory is that? Where's the scientific evidence that it doesn't cause hair loss? Exactly, cause in your mind it's okay because you are also in denial just like the rest.


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do we have to go over the numerous different types of people for whatever reason who do not masturbate (mostly for religious reasons) and are still bald


just come out and say it, I THINK GOD / and or JESUS punishes me because I masturbate with hairloss you VIRGIN retard


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Bubka, you're posts are not worth responding to. Learn better English and when I can understand you more clearly I will respond to you.


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you are just too stupid to understand, seriously, you think that god is punishing your because you masturbate with hair loss

you are a moron, you probably believe in things like unicorns, calico cats are the devil, and the world is only 4,000 years old

your only purpose here is to TROLL, PERIOD