Masturbation and Hairloss, personal experience + 4 m results



Ripple-effect, do you REALLY believe that not performing any sexual activities will save your hair? Do you really, really believe in that sh*t? If that was true even in theory, I bet it would be common knowledge by now. I'm sure that someone somewhere has tried it with no results.


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aren't certain catholic dudes supposed to avoid all that sex stuff?

any of them bald?


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I think priest and munks are supposed to not do anything sexuall bad that the historical stereotype for a munk is a bald dude with a Norwood 7

Today I was at the #1 derm in hairloss in my country and had a long nice talk with him..he said that the worst thing he knew was people that really obsessed about hairloss to the degree that they avoid doing things that makes them happy or stop be honest: I rather go bald than be a slave to hypochondriac brain..I don't think you feel very good about your self if your 35 and have lost 10 years of your life because you obsessed with hair loss..the best thing to do is just to life your normal life..try the best you can do to be happy..take your meds and just not think about EVERYTHING that could make you bald

I actually realized that the thing I feared most with hairloss is change..that Im no longer feel like I can just slide trough life on looks..but that I actually have to grow up and make the best of it..meeting a friend of mine that has acid burns over his entire face and upper body that always smiles and is nice to everybody he meets actually made me think hair aint all, AND HE STILL GET CHICKS WITH A BURNT FACE..he even got a STD at the moment hehe

But I could weep myself to bed and say "he has hair..that why he get chicks and hair is the only source to happiness"


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Johnny24601 said:
Ripple-effect, there are many studies completed on masturbation and to my knowledge a huge huge majority of the medical community sees no problem with it.
I really don't think there are....I could be wrong(I'm not going to check), but I remember reading somewhere that there aren't very many considering the touchiness of the subject. I mean who would want to volunteer for a study like that? I certainly wouldn't want someone studying me jacking off. And YES, I am 100% well aware of the backing of medical science on masturbation. I even used these findings as my excuse to continue this habit. One reason they give that I really don't like is when they say "it prevents STD's". Lol, maybe this prevents someone from getting an STD in the short run, but later on, he or she is going to want more and more to the point they are going to want the real thing. It's almost like a drug....once you's difficult to stop, and it may lead to things that will create an even higher stimulation. Sex may stimulate the body in a healthy way when you do it once in a while, but it's when you over-stimulate is when it starts becoming a problem.
I also have a news flash, masturbation involves essentially the same process as sex and the medical community not only has no problem with sex but considers it a healthy part of an adult's life.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious. I'm pretty sure we all know masturbation involves the same processes as sex, and yes it should be a healthy part of a married couple's life. If you're not married and having sex with a bunch of people, that's when it isn't healthy.
You clearly have some repressed emotions concerning your sexuality and perhaps (like many westerners in particular) have become victim of a society that imposes a degree of "guilt" about sex which in most cases is an unconscious emotion based on a old religious bounds. Now it must be stated that what I am talking about is responsible and protected sex between consenting and emotionally stable adults.
Well, that's pretty funny. I'm getting accused of having repressed emotions from a guy that supports masturbation. Masturbation is a sign of insecurity and almost always a sign of deeper need. What is motivating you to masturbate? Are you depressed, lonely, afraid to find a relationship? Whatever the reason may takes a person with repressed emotions to feel the need to let it out. You are right about my religious views, but never once did I mention those views as a basis for my view of masturbation.
This topic of masturbation and sex comes up on cue at least once a month on this site, do a search! In every case the argument ends with absolutely no definitive evidence linking masturbation and hairloss despite the fact that this topic is discussed constantly.
Yup, that's true, and that's why I'm finally posting in one because EVERY time I see one of the posts that deals with masturbation and hair loss, all I see is critisism from posters who absolutely refuse to believe that there there is any relationship and hairloss. Now, I'm not saying that male pattern baldness is caused by masturbation at all. I never once said that, but I do believe that there could be a possible link in people who are genetically predisposed to hair loss who masturbate which possibly might speed up the process or even slow it down. We don't know for sure yet, but I'm am just against all these people who all of a sudden dismiss a post like this, and look at the poster in disgrace when they are not sure themselves. You should be ashamed of yourselves :nono: . <<lol
I'm supporting the question, not the unsupported answer.

GHG, read the above, stop putting words in my mouth, and yes I'm well aware of your lame indirect attack on me concerning circumcision that was not worth responding was about as lame as flim flam who hides behind Johnny's post.


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STNL don't listen to alot of the guys on here, I got grilled on this topic recently also. You can view my opinions and post here:


Many regular posters on this board have a very serious lack of "open mindness" when it comes to issues like this. I see nothing wrong with exploring them. I think you make some very valid points and others not so valid. My basic opinion is masturbation and sex is VERY good for you in right amounts (keyword "right amount") just like anything in life you can over-indulge in something to the point it becomes unhealthy both mentally and physically. Its all about balance. I dont believe masturbation causes male pattern baldness but i believe in excessive amounts it can possibly speed up the process for those who are genetically prone to lose hair.


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so we should be open minded about the power of crystals, astrology, and other supernatural magical powers, seriosly, because this topic is the SAME FREAKING THING


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bubka said:
so we should be open minded about the power of crystals, astrology, and other supernatural magical powers, seriosly, because this topic is the SAME FREAKING THING

yeah i know this topic has been done to death, but so have most topics on this forum. People are curious about this issue. And despite what you might believe its not 100% solved either way. Sex and masturbation are healthy, no ones disputing that, but we are talking about the effects of ridiculous amounts of ejaculations, in the order of 10 per day....Still think thats healthy? Common dude, somethings gotta give!


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Stln I enjoyed reading your text. However even if this was correct I would rather make love to my girlfriend because being with her is the best feeling in the world.


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metalheaddude said:
are talking about the effects of ridiculous amounts of ejaculations, in the order of 10 per day....Still think thats healthy?

No. But I bet it's an order of magnitude healthier than suppressing your urges and desires.


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metalheaddude said:
bubka said:
so we should be open minded about the power of crystals, astrology, and other supernatural magical powers, seriosly, because this topic is the SAME FREAKING THING

yeah i know this topic has been done to death, but so have most topics on this forum. People are curious about this issue. And despite what you might believe its not 100% solved either way. Sex and masturbation are healthy, no ones disputing that, but we are talking about the effects of ridiculous amounts of ejaculations, in the order of 10 per day....Still think thats healthy? Common dude, somethings gotta give!

Not really. What you're referring to is compulsive masturbation and sex addiction. People with that problem truly are suffering from psychological problems. What people here are referring to is healthy and actually recommended. Sexuality and self-discovery are part of a healthy adolescence and adulthood. The human body has an abundance of nerve endings in particular areas for a reason.


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Not really. What you're referring to is compulsive masturbation and sex addiction. People with that problem truly are suffering from psychological problems. What people here are referring to is healthy and actually recommended. Sexuality and self-discovery are part of a healthy adolescence and adulthood. The human body has an abundance of nerve endings in particular areas for a reason.

Okay Doctor, why don't you give us your...or THE defintion of what healthy masturbation is? Should it be once a day, twice a day, every other day? Okay, once knowing that I will sit here and plan into my busy schedule the times I will choose to masturbate. I mean, who does that? People will find a way to masturbate whenever they get lusty may it be @ the healthy/recommended rate or not. No one here made any references to the healthy/recommended rate of masturbation.


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jesus christ you dumb assesses he is saying that it is healthy natural act to do it, not that it is healthy to do it X number of time per day and thats it, nobody will argue that if you masturbate 20 times a day is healthy for multiple reason


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bubka said:
jesus christ you dumb assesses he is saying that it is healthy natural act to do it, not that it is healthy to do it X number of time per day and thats it, nobody will argue that if you masturbate 20 times a day is healthy for multiple reason
Contradictory statement... if X is a variable then I could use "one" to replace the variable, and so that would mean you say it's not healthy for people to do it even one time per day? But I thought you just said that "he" (whoever he is) said it was okay "to do it," so how come I can't do it everyday? Damn, it's not even okay to do it zero time per day according to bubka!

P.S. I still love you anyway bubka ~


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you know exactly what i mean

if you guys think god / jesus / jahova / yawaii punished because of masturbation just come out and say it PLEASE


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9/11 and AIDS are the direct result of gays in America-- God's way of punishing all of us.

And if you all don't stop masturbating, he's going to make a volcano come through your houses!


Releasing seminal fluid is very destructive, as it depletes the body of necessary minerals, nutrients and life force, which is stored in the seed.

Once any organism is nature releases it's seed, it has fulfilled it's genetic purpose, and it begins to physically decay.

That's why the term "going to seed" has historically been used to refer to something that has entered the process of decay.


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Erik D said:
Releasing seminal fluid is very destructive, as it depletes the body of necessary minerals, nutrients and life force, which is stored in the seed.

Once any organism is nature releases it's seed, it has fulfilled it's genetic purpose, and it begins to physically decay.

That's why the term "going to seed" has historically been used to refer to something that has entered the process of decay. The release of semen through sex or masturbation is considered to be a healthy practice and is highly recommended for prostate health.

The historical taboos that have surrounded sex are archaeic at best. No sane person views sex as ugly or physically destructive.


docj077 said: The release of semen through sex or masturbation is considered to be a healthy practice and is highly recommended for prostate health.

The historical taboos that have surrounded sex are archaeic at best. No sane person views sex as ugly or physically destructive.

I'm sorry... I should have been more specific.

After a certain age, too frequent release of seminal fluid is very detrimental to health.

Ancient Taoist texts were very knowledgeable regarding the optimum frequency for ejaculation depending on ones age and life stage.

I certainly don't view sex as ugly or destructive... I used to be a practitioner of Taoist non-ejaculatory sex, and it was very beneficial.

I just maintain, as the ancient Taoists did, that too frequent ejaculation (especially from masturbation, in which one person is deprived of the sexual energy of the opposite sex partner) is physically and energetically depleting.


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Erik D said:
docj077 said: The release of semen through sex or masturbation is considered to be a healthy practice and is highly recommended for prostate health.

The historical taboos that have surrounded sex are archaeic at best. No sane person views sex as ugly or physically destructive.

I'm sorry... I should have been more specific.

After a certain age, too frequent release of seminal fluid is very detrimental to health.

Ancient Taoist texts were very knowledgeable regarding the optimum frequency for ejaculation depending on ones age and life stage.

I certainly don't view sex as ugly or destructive... I used to be a practitioner of Taoist non-ejaculatory sex, and it was very beneficial.

I just maintain, as the ancient Taoists did, that too frequent ejaculation (especially from masturbation, in which one person is deprived of the sexual energy of the opposite sex partner) is physically and energetically depleting.

An ancient text is one thing. The scientific method demonstrating something else is quite another. Sorry, I respect your beliefs, but that doesn't mean I can't view them as incorrect.