My results with Divine Herbal hair oil


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Nice distraction Mister getting some of your pals to join in (as always) but you still haven't answered the questions!!

As for your statement "This just sounds fishy to me, the owner is a Pakistani.." if that isnt racist then I don't know what is!!

Lol Ive hardly threatened you. I'm just presenting the facts. UNLIKE anything you have posted on here to this date (speculation, scaremongering, false info). In fact you just did it again TWICE in one sentence. New record!!

"false advertising claims especially with the screen shot provided above of them putting a misleading before and after photo, and saying the product is GUARANTEED results or your money back. Those are bold claims that can get you in trouble."

So A) Can you prove that about their pics? How would you know they are false?
B) How is the guaranteed bit something that could get them in trouble?! Unless of course they refused to refund you.

NOTHING you have ever written has any way of being proved. You have no pics, you backtrack what you say and your always pointing the finger at absolutely anyone who has a good thing to say about the product or as in my case notices your 'tactics'.

THAT is what I am trying to point out. Couldn't give a hoot if ppl buy this companys products or not. I really could not care less! Its the 'putting words in peoples mouths' thing you keep doing which amazes me nobody is noticing.



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Those pictures are fake Dulaity iv Ben around before this product was out I used concealers in the past and those images have been around way before just type in concealers hairloss on google and click images you will see those pictures!

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Guys I would suggest looking into EMU oil there's several studies it helps against male pattern baldness I started using it again who knows,


Established Member
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EXACTLY my point Jazz. EXACTLY what Mister does. exploits people's fear and wow he did it so effectively. Now he has you ready to return your product even though you yourself were only 2 days ago happy to keep using it for 4 months more and post pics so we all know your results!

Return it. Im sure they would (from my dealings with them) be happy to see to your request or help you however they can. Just at least stop being so naive mate as to not see how you have been unknowingly influenced to come to this new decision!


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Duality I think you now have to realise aswell as me and other new guys who have bought this product, shedding has not stopped neither has hairloss, it's cheaper for us guys to buy castor oil 400ml for 5 pounds and use that as an cheaper and alternative method in thickening hair.

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EXACTLY my point Jazz. EXACTLY what Mister does. exploits people's fear and wow he did it so effectively. Now he has you ready to return your product even though you yourself were only 2 days ago happy to keep using it for 4 months more and post pics so we all know your results!

Return it. Im sure they would (from my dealings with them) be happy to see to your request or help you however they can. Just at least stop being so naive mate as to not see how you have been unknowingly influenced to come to this new decision!
I did not state I'm returning mine, I'm going to carry on using them and if after 6 months nothing works then I will promise to voice my honest opinions around every hairloss forum, that's fair!

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There's alot off unhappy new guys here going by false claims the website states hair stops after 4 weeks nothing the website claims is true! So that's why they should be entitled to their guarantee policy and claims and be refunded their money!


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Those pictures are fake Dulaity iv Ben around before this product was out I used concealers in the past and those images have been around way before just type in concealers hairloss on google and click images you will see those pictures!

Agree. but for my piece of mind and everyone else's I looked into that and posted about it yesterday. They were not deliberately using those images. There web designers left them on by mistake. But again hats off to Mister for not being able to comprehend information and recycling it to pull wool over people's eyes. :)

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Again i agree with what you say if ppl not getting results they should be entitled to money back and thats never been an issue on here, but to claim 'nothing the website says is true' is a bit far-fetched isn't it? I don't think myself, wolfstar (to some degree) and Azuri imagined our results!


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Il make my own judgement I don't care about others! So far iv seen nothing but less money out of my pocket, and again il say this simple, the way you post says everything about your affiliation, good luck with what ever your objective but like I stated I will VOICE my opinion around all forums if after 6 months it don't work :).

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How do we know it even contains all those ingredients?


Established Member
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Goodbye folks. There is no point in me trying to use reason and logic if nobody else will. I'm simply wasting my own time.

I came here just like you all did, trying to find a cure, asking around and found something in the end that worked for me. I came back and began this thread simply to tell folks in the same boat as a way of helping. That was my crime. It then also became a crime to stand up for myself and especially to stand up for the company who's product gave me my dignity back.

I don't know if you will see results with the product. I would assume you will as me and my two friends have. Yes I'm still puzzled at how my results are permanent and my friends have to keep using it, but i don't have the answers to everything. It might not work for some of you, who knows. especially those who are misusing it and yet still expecting results..

There just isn't any point sticking around on a forum where mods don't keep abuse under control, the users (though not all) can't comprehend what the other person is saying, where a clearly racist sentence is not racist anymore, where my questions are not answered and where my results can be distorted by others and spoon fed to all as factual and everyone will quickly believe it.

Doubt is good. Good and bad comments about a product are good IF based on fact. But paranoia and extreme suspicion are not. Neither are hidden agenda's.

And the truth is there is so much suspicion and paranoia that the topic i started to help folks has reached a new low.

If anyone had bothered to ring this company or email them and find out what kind of people they are then 99% of what is being said on here would never have been said. I don't know if everyone will have the same experience as me (and my 2 friends) but my emails were answered out of office hours, I could ask for the owner who if free would drop whatever he was doing and chat to me. They ofered to extend the guarantee to 60 days. They even advised to go and buy a shampoo from Holland & barrett as at one point I didn't have a natural shampoo and couldn't afford theirs (which admittedly is a bit expensive but I never told them that!). How many companies would do that? I'm guessing only one that cares about their customer..

More importantly if I don't stick up for a company who's values and honesty i admire, then what kind of a person am I? Sorry if some of you just don't get it, but I'm a very passionate if not overly sensitive person who stands up for what i beleive is right. I am not one to agree with anybody's opinion unless its factual.

I will go to other types of forums to have mature convo's/debates where there are rational people who can use logic and reason. No i won't be mentioning Divine hair oil on any of them even if ppl openly ask others to recommend something, as I have already done that.. and look at the thanks I got for it!! Good luck to the Divine company and their product and integrity though. I wish them lots of success.

I can already see the responses coming. Shame i wont be here to see them but at least I know what my intentions were and can honestly say that nothing I have ever written has backtracked or does not have some fact or logic in it and that nobodys opinion has influenced mine. I've stayed true to myself. Any future users can look back through all my posts and see that.


Reaction score
I'm starting to really dislike the "witch hunt" mentality on this website.

I thought this site was about help and support?

There is simply no way to prove a poster is or is not affiliated with any group. Easier, and more polite, to just assume people are who they say they are.

If you don't believe in the efficacy of a product you can say so without impugning the honesty of those who have a positive experience.

Play the ball, don't play the man.

The Natural

Established Member
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I'm starting to really dislike the "witch hunt" mentality on this website.

I thought this site was about help and support?

There is simply no way to prove a poster is or is not affiliated with any group. Easier, and more polite, to just assume people are who they say they are.

If you don't believe in the efficacy of a product you can say so without impugning the honesty of those who have a positive experience.

Play the ball, don't play the man.

No. Keep your eye on the ball, your man, and your basket, lest you be "backdoored."

And fret not ol' chap, I am sure this is not the last time we'll see the likes of the duality8 character (in some shape, form, or username).


Reaction score
Hmmm. I see.

Right then. I'll finish posting my folexen pictures for the next 2 months as I originally promised - but then I think I'll call it a day on this forum too.


Established Member
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Agree. but for my piece of mind and everyone else's I looked into that and posted about it yesterday. They were not deliberately using those images. There web designers left them on by mistake. But again hats off to Mister for not being able to comprehend information and recycling it to pull wool over people's eyes. :)

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Again i agree with what you say if ppl not getting results they should be entitled to money back and thats never been an issue on here, but to claim 'nothing the website says is true' is a bit far-fetched isn't it? I don't think myself, wolfstar (to some degree) and Azuri imagined our results!

Cough, BS, Cough. Mistake? seriously that is not a mistake dude, are you this thick? Like I said don't play us for foools we have been duped before and like the saying goes fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

Those photos were handpicked hardly a mistake.

Your reply here defending those photos and even acting like I was lying, shows you have a connection to the company, NOBODY likes liars, and if you continue lying nobody will respect you. You must be some loyal customer to a product that you only used once.

Let us talk, if you don't own the site let us talk and share our opinion with out you getting hurt. I said before the product is a volumizer, but if it helps my hair I will praise it, so far it's not living up to the claims that the hairloss will stop 2/4 weeks. My crown still has hairs coming out when I apply it.


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I have no idea what duality8's role is in this, but I can tell you that what he is saying about the company very well may be true.

First of all, I sent a few emails to the site because I had a few questions about the product, and the emails I received back were really helpful in helping me to decide on the product, and weren't pushing me to buy it either. I decided not to buy it, because I was pretty sure it was just some quality oils which will help to strengthen the hair and make it healthy, and if you look on the site I don't think you can really find anywhere where they are claiming that the oil will cure male pattern baldness, but I could be wrong. After all, there are many different forms of hair loss, and a product like this could certainly help those types with regrowth.

Secondly, I own a few websites myself, and it does sound plausible that the owner didn't know that those pictures were on the site, or at least didn't know how to remove them, becuase they don't know how to. Many companies own sites and have absolutely no idea how to edit or build them, and hiring someone to do it for them could cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, so this could definitely be true. And as far as I can tell, the pictures come up after you have already bought the product anyway, so it's not as though they are trying to convince someone to purchase the product with misleading photos, because you already bought it.

Thirdly, even if this product was a male pattern baldness fighter, that doesn't mean it will work for everyone, 100% of the time. minoxidil and finasteride don't work for everybody that tries them, and if someone thinks this product, which is relatively unknown, is going to cure male pattern baldness then I really don't know what say.

I just wanted to chime in here because the emails I received from the owner (I assume it was the owner) give me the impression that he is a good guy, and is not out to fool anyone. I was about to buy it myslef, but he answered my questions truthfully, and that made me decide it wasn't going to help my situation. I really don't think these oils are going to regrow, or stop hair loss, but I don't see how they could hurt.


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Whilst the oil has not stopped my shedding like I stated it might possibly be down to proxiphen by dr proctor or pro reason why I'm shedding more etc I have tiny hairs on my hairline I'm 100% certain down to promox and proxiphen. But every other day I'm applying this oil more so with boosting my scalp tends to itch much less and feel norm etc.

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I just texted my mate at work who I told about before I got mine, I just texted him and these were his exact replies, I hope it still stops my shedding!

"I used it last night, it stops the fall, wht do u think?"
"I find so but not sure of the growth"

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Here's the messages, so I guess il carry on hoping its proxiphen and promos causing shedding,



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Oh and only thing he uses is belgravia treatment 12.5% cream and 5% liquid he been on for a year, he stopped Propecia two years ago as he said it did nothing but I think it worked on him as that stop his shedding back then but he wants regrowth


Senior Member
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Yes I know and for your information I'm an honest guy I post more on hairlosshelp, iv been buying of this site, folligen, tricomin, regenepure, revivogen etc I can post proof before this thread! Just because you don't care others may benefit from my honest feedback, but responses like yours makes me think why the hell should I bother.

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Oh and if you actually maybe added promox and proxiphen to your big 3 regime you might of had a decent hairline! I think your films show enough to make judgment it's about time you chose DR H RAHAL


Experienced Member
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jazz hes very jealous! u are restoring your hairline! proof is in the pics! his hairline has always looked the same since day 1.
Yes I know and for your information I'm an honest guy I post more on hairlosshelp, iv been buying of this site, folligen, tricomin, regenepure, revivogen etc I can post proof before this thread! Just because you don't care others may benefit from my honest feedback, but responses like yours makes me think why the hell should I bother.

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Oh and if you actually maybe added promox and proxiphen to your big 3 regime you might of had a decent hairline! I think your films show enough to make judgment it's about time you chose DR H RAHAL


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jazz hes very jealous! u are restoring your hairline! proof is in the pics! his hairline has always looked the same since day 1.
Bro your 100% right too many ignorant people around these forums! I'm glad you invited me to that forum at least we understand one another and I can use alternatives unlike here they don't talk about RU and removed all threads! Shame when you try helping people it just back fires into them thinking every new guy is spam. If I was to post how long iv been ordering of this forum shop I'm sure he would look stupid!


Established Member
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Oh and if you actually maybe added promox and proxiphen to your big 3 regime you might of had a decent hairline! I think your films show enough to make judgment it's about time you chose DR H RAHAL

You got the wrong guy- Rawtashk is the actor.


Senior Member
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You got the wrong guy- Rawtashk is the actor.
My bad, just I don't browse this forum much anymore as there's nothing much here apart from buying things from the shop, I prefer the other forums at least they openly talk about alternatives.

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Anyways I re read ingredients the normal oil does nothing yet, but the boosting like stated helps with my itching, maybe because it contains saw palmetto.

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Oh and I started using nioxin shampoo again as I found thread a guy having success on regaine and nioxin alone.