Srs? Can you tell us more or give any links?
Hey Pigeon, I give you a method.
If you want to read all the threads about Zix on a website, do this : for exemple, if you want to see all the threads about Zix on hairlosstalk, you write this in the Google search bar:
zix site://
I did this with all the hair loss forums. I think I read all the threads about Zix on the web, srs
I can't show you all the positives testimonies I saw about Zix, because it s too much work, but here 2 exemples of zix efficacity (there is no proof, only claims)
"Anyway, far and away the best topical I know of is the original Zix formulation, NOT messing around with it (i.e., adding stuff, using low-quality water etc). (and I would absolutely avoid rogaine, propecia, etc.), and applying it apart from other topicals. This stuff has "re-grown" quite a bit of terminal hair on my head personally, and not only in bald-spot area at top of head, but in the front as well, right down to my original hairline. (Also, I do apply coconut oil, topically, about 3 times per week..this could very well be powerful..but I'm not sure yet....and ACV/water combo, about the same frequency per week.)"
" Guys I have no clue. Biz never did anything for me. minoxidil and finasteride never did. Only thing that ever worked for me was zix. It regrew my crown but I quit when I got married. Turned our sheets yellow. Women **** them! Now what am I! Just a bald ****