New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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so it is week 11 for me, I have regrown all my original hairline pretty much , I have decided to skip this week, the hairs have not taken off and grown with normal hair yet. I am not sure if I will skip next week as well, my Violet ray device came in and I will be stimulating the follicles with the static electricity, 20-25 treatments for 5-10 per day on the scalp, spine. After you do it you can actually feel the electricity in your scalp, I feel energized, it's gotta to be making those cells happy and dancing. I am charging those hair cells given them a boost :)

I'd be very interested in knowing how the violet ray will do.
Please report back if you can.


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Whats your complete regime hellrouser? after one last bloody roll , You may want to give the rolling a month or 2 break and see if anything happens for you. have you lost hair since rolling or still losing? ive maintained for sure and seeing these blonde hairs growing pretty exciting for me at least... I know of some others here have experienced nothing but others have experienced quite a lot of regrowth. sucks we r different sometimes....haha ..just keep your spirits up hellrouser.pray to god something comes out within the next few years that will give us our hair back .no ****ing transplants tho.... some injectable or wtf is follica doing these days ... probably nothing... but still pray :D

Dermarolling with 1.5mm needles until redness and bleeding every 2 weeks. Minoxidil once or twice day, RU every two days and CB on days inbetween RU (so also every 2 days). Nizoral 2-3 times a week. Recently been taking 550mg of Saw Palmetto every couple days.


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Are you maintaining your hair at least ? You have a nice regime by the looks of it . I remember a user named lilpauly .. He was posting vids of his progress with rolling and growth factors . Any clue how that is working for him?


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with all those treatments hellouser, do you think you notice any noticeable shockloss after rolling


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Are you maintaining your hair at least ? You have a nice regime by the looks of it . I remember a user named lilpauly .. He was posting vids of his progress with rolling and growth factors . Any clue how that is working for him?
He used to post here as Israelite, and at HLH as marklc2004, no idea what happened to him.


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What's up rollers. Since I'm starting this treatment, I decided to join in the discussion too. I am lucky in that I don't have aggressive loss, and in fact, I've outright stopped my shedding a long time ago. Still, in the past few months, I've been upping my game in hopes of regrowth. One of my main goals is to develop an approach that can be scaled back into a normal life routine as I transition from regrowth to maintenance. Minoxidal and finasteride, imo, do not fit this criteria. This in mind, I'll be sticking to the following for the next 3 months:

  1. Heavy roll with 1.5mm once a week.
  2. Castor oil and cyanocobalamin (b12) topical every night, leave in overnight.
  3. Starting 2 days after heavy roll, massage with massage ball every night.
  4. Starting 3 days after heavy roll, do a superficial roll and apply topical cayenne every night, rinse out once burning stops.
Currently on week 1. :)


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What's up rollers. Since I'm starting this treatment, I decided to join in the discussion too. I am lucky in that I don't have aggressive loss, and in fact, I've outright stopped my shedding a long time ago. Still, in the past few months, I've been upping my game in hopes of regrowth. One of my main goals is to develop an approach that can be scaled back into a normal life routine as I transition from regrowth to maintenance. Minoxidal and finasteride, imo, do not fit this criteria. This in mind, I'll be sticking to the following for the next 3 months:

  1. Heavy roll with 1.5mm once a week.
  2. Castor oil and cyanocobalamin (b12) topical every night, leave in overnight.
  3. Starting 2 days after heavy roll, massage with massage ball every night.
  4. Starting 3 days after heavy roll, do a superficial roll and apply topical cayenne every night, rinse out once burning stops.
Currently on week 1. :)

that at sounds good, but I wouldn't do any topicals on top of the wounds, let the wounds heal internally.


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He used to post here as Israelite, and at HLH as marklc2004, no idea what happened to him.

Lilpauly is still very active on BTT I know he follows various treatments pretty closely


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Dermarolling with 1.5mm needles until redness and bleeding every 2 weeks. Minoxidil once or twice day, RU every two days and CB on days inbetween RU (so also every 2 days). Nizoral 2-3 times a week. Recently been taking 550mg of Saw Palmetto every couple days.

Prob the other treatments are interfering in some way. The mechanics of hair growth are very complex. I would give a go to just DR +minoxidil for some months...


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  1. Starting 3 days after heavy roll, do a superficial roll and apply topical cayenne every night, rinse out once burning

I know it has been mentioned before, even in this very thread, but I just did not put any attention to it, so say, how does cayenne is supposed to work for hair loss?...


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Without sounding negative, but it's something to consider. I'm a bit afraid that people overhype the "I see new vellus hairs" thing because of rolling. I think a lot of people only starts to notice the scalp for vellus hair after they start rolling, and I think a lot of people have those vellus hair to begin with. I had vellus hair on my temples before dermarolling.

Not saying you don't have results out there, but for new people or first week rollers: look close at your scalp for vellus hair, so we can have some real evidence that this is working.


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I know it has been mentioned before, even in this very thread, but I just did not put any attention to it, so say, how does cayenne is supposed to work for hair loss?...

Capsaicin stimulates neurons to release CGRP, boosting production of IGF-1. My take is that it tricks the body into healing an imagined burn. This study is pretty popular:

They observed hair growth in humans after 5 months of capsaicin and isoflavone (isoflavone synergizes with capsaicin by boosting CGRP). Beyond that, the stuff was used by princessRambo, a guy who's synthesized a ridiculous amount of knowledge and is way ahead of me in this game.


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I know it has been mentioned before, even in this very thread, but I just did not put any attention to it, so say, how does cayenne is supposed to work for hair loss?...

Capsaicin, the active component of pepper, activates vanilloid receptor-1, thereby increasing the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) from sensory neurons, and CGRP has been shown to increase IGF-I production. Here's the study:

Pepper, onion and vinegar are good add-onns to your regimen as they promote blood and oxygen circulation. Empirically proven.


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I just finished my 12th roll, no great results but couple of terminals started to grow on the edge of my existing hairline(or atleast they are most visible there) after around 8th roll but no idea if they will grow like normal hair. I can definetly say that this reduced my hair loss alot and I had no shed during the treatment (I rolled pretty heavy and mostly some blood - not like 2young tho). Before starting the treatment I usually saw alot of hairs on my keyboard for example, but since I started the treatment I see none or just a couple (thats actually very nice).

This treatment could be most benefitial to recent diffuse thinners I think, but I strongly doubt it will regrow my bald temples and give me a Kim Jong Un hairline that I had when I was 12....

That said I will keep rolling every other week for 6 more months (and then maybe go once a month) to see if anything changes, this treatment is pretty cheap and time saving compared to other treatments. We probably yet have to see what the results of derma rolling will be, like 1 year after start or so.

Regarding the Indian study... I dont belive it, they lied about the 3 months results so you cant really trust it.

Also, im starting topical cet today, maybe it will work better with DRing then without it.

The Far Side

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I just finished my 12th roll, no great results but couple of terminals started to grow on the edge of my existing hairline(or atleast they are most visible there) after around 8th roll but no idea if they will grow like normal hair. I can definetly say that this reduced my hair loss alot and I had no shed during the treatment (I rolled pretty heavy and mostly some blood - not like 2young tho). Before starting the treatment I usually saw alot of hairs on my keyboard for example, but since I started the treatment I see none or just a couple (thats actually very nice).

This treatment could be most benefitial to recent diffuse thinners I think, but I strongly doubt it will regrow my bald temples and give me a Kim Jong Un hairline that I had when I was 12....

That said I will keep rolling every other week for 6 more months (and then maybe go once a month) to see if anything changes, this treatment is pretty cheap and time saving compared to other treatments. We probably yet have to see what the results of derma rolling will be, like 1 year after start or so.

Regarding the Indian study... I dont belive it, they lied about the 3 months results so you cant really trust it.

Also, im starting topical cet today, maybe it will work better with DRing then without it.

How long have you been on the finasteride and minoxidil listed in your regimen? I'm just hoping to nail down this terminal regrowth as being caused by dermarolling. Don't suppose you have any pictures to share with us either? Of the regrowth, maybe even before/after pictures? Thanks for the update regardless, it's appreciated.


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How long have you been on the finasteride and minoxidil listed in your regimen? I'm just hoping to nail down this terminal regrowth as being caused by dermarolling. Don't suppose you have any pictures to share with us either? Of the regrowth, maybe even before/after pictures? Thanks for the update regardless, it's appreciated.

finasteride 1.2mg every other day for a year now. I was using minoxidil for probably 4 years on and off, it didnt give me much of results so sometimes I got off it because "**** it, not worth it", but after a while I got back on it because "what if it atleast slowed the male pattern baldness...". I posted result picture in the "RESULTS ONLY" thread you can check it out, I pin pointed the new hair that was not there before I started to roll, no before pictures tho.

I actually have pretty thick crown but also very thin hair in the middle of my crown and the very front. If that gets filled after the 6months then I can post "DR works". If not then I guess its pretty ok for maintenance for guys that still have decent hairline/density.

I also roll slightly my crown abit because that thing is next to receed based on the norwood pattern. Maybe DRing is good thing to do before something really great gets to the market.

updated: Forgot to mention: as everything - DRing results seem individual, some guys reported massive sheds and an increase in hair loss... for anyone new to this treatment, be aware of it.


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I've been shedding bad lately I've been DR for 4 weeks and taking minoxidil for a year ... Maybe a combo of having another big shed with minoxidil idk it sucks though


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i have been loosing hair(the most of it the past 24 months baldness showed its teeth when i was 15/) so yes i might be in an advantage here, but the science the methodology our observations have already brought us to a much much better place in regard of treatments.


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but it isnt THE CURE .For some it may works for some ppl it wont,like every other hair loss treatment.

Maybe i did shed because of inflammation/allergic reactions caused by microbacterials or wounding or whatev. Itching is such a sign

So i ll make a dermaroller break,getting my anti-inflammation stuff on my head and trying to keep my scalp not in any inflammation mode


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I did my 9th roll today, i am going to start waiting 48 hours after rolling before applying minoxidil as recommended by squeegee. He said that minoxidil is a COX inhibitor and that may effect results during the time the scalp is inflamed.
Has anyone got any thoughts on this.
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