New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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you think of better absorbtion trough rolling and minoxidil works way better so u shed ? I did only shed at rolling areas(temples and hairline).

normal shockloss happens because those new hair they put on ur head they ll take advantage of the blood flow ,so the other ones arent getting enough blood .
My blood flow on rolled areas got worse in my opinion ,but it also can just be the same or even better or i dont see it properly because my scalp went thicker from rolling.

Im just scared atm of irreversible scars.We wound hard,like no1 else is doing on his face or elsewhere.Maybe it needs more than a week to recover sth,but if you start rolling again,all of your skin healing is fked up


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once more shedding is a good sign. and even if hair falls cause of wounding it will come back regardless male pattern baldness. as of scarring. there is not a cnance of scaring to be done with a roller. it is the opposite most likely the purpose of it. guys are you healthy? i mean generally . light sees you,drink enough water. eat much protein , vegs, necessary carb? workout? i dont understand why it is not productive on some , it must an explanation. but we need detailed feedback


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Yes, I know sometimes shedding is good, when it happens because of a "reset" in the hair cycle. My worries are because if this shedding is caused because of shock loss, i.e. because of acute inflammation caused by dermarolling, then it will never stop, since we are causing this inflammation every week... that's my point. And yes, I'm very healthy.

I think 70%+ of my shedding is shock loss, I don't think its a terrible thing because in most cases it should comeback within 5 months as long as what DR is supposed to do is happening, as in increasing blood flow and as it was called remodeling, breaking down fibrosis. There is no way you are not hitting a follicle or 20 while rolling or getting very close to them so of course shockloss is very possible. Throw in minoxidil sheds and you get what a lot of us are getting, its very nerve racking but since we started this regimen we might as well give it more time before a thumbs up or down. In the study that started this they stopped rolling at 12 weeks, I think its been confirmed that the after results were at 8 months, that's 5 months after they stopped rolling


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but no1 ever said to continue rolling.Maybe it takes motnhs of DR break to let hair regenerate etc.In the studie they stopped after 12 weeks and didnt continue within the next months but had good results


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Yea that's what im saying . a lot of people might experience regrowth after stopping for a few months . if they aren't already experiencing results while rolling . The 12 week pictures are misleading haha


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but no1 ever said to continue rolling.Maybe it takes motnhs of DR break to let hair regenerate etc.In the studie they stopped after 12 weeks and didnt continue within the next months but had good results

agreed, I think its a good thing if some people continue rolling and others stop as long as they keep giving their results, it could validate one process as the better one


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I will try and stop after the 12 week mark . for at least a month or more... itll be hard but id like to see if it kicks the hair into overdrive without disruption of getting stabbed every week.


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Btw permanent shockloss after a hair transplant is most likely because of sliced hair follicles/ damagee hair follicles ..


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Btw permanent shockloss after a hair transplant is most likely because of sliced hair follicles/ damagee hair follicles ..

well lets hope that's not he case with rolling huh:sobbing:


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Im just scared atm of irreversible scars.We wound hard,like no1 else is doing on his face or elsewhere.Maybe it needs more than a week to recover sth,but if you start rolling again,all of your skin healing is fked up

Ive been warning about it from the beginning. You guys will end up with crepe-like depleted skin, which doesn't last a minute in the sun


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Ive been warning about it from the beginning. You guys will end up with crepe-like depleted skin, which doesn't last a minute in the sun

You guys?? dont you mean we lol, are you still rolling? if so, plan on stopping? also I notice asprin listed in your regimen, why?


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I've decided to switch to rolling (1.5mm) every fortnight instead of weekly. This is to give the scalp more time to heal between sessions, and the science suggests (but not concludes) that 7 days 'rest' might not be enough. We'll see.


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I've decided to switch to rolling (1.5mm) every fortnight instead of weekly. This is to give the scalp more time to heal between sessions, and the science suggests (but not concludes) that 7 days 'rest' might not be enough. We'll see.
How's your hair looking, Kirby? Any improvement?


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Blah, too bad. But it hasn't progressed any further?
Not as far as I can see. Although I didn't exactly bald fast before treatments, more a very long slow drawn out process that I could see in retrospect looking back at old photos.


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I've decided to switch to rolling (1.5mm) every fortnight instead of weekly. This is to give the scalp more time to heal between sessions, and the science suggests (but not concludes) that 7 days 'rest' might not be enough. We'll see.

I'm going from fortnightly to every 3rd week.
I vaguely recall princessRambo posting that graph of the stages of healing that the skin undergoes. Back then, we settled on rolling bi-weekly. But I'm thinking maybe its better to play it safe, and just do it every 3rd week.
I think this is okay to do, once you have done your first 10 weekly rolls or so.


I will go out on a limb here and run the risk of being overtly optimistic but i feel that a combination of topicals and/or oral pills that can get our hair back is already here. I strongly feel so and i think that if we all put the pieces together and identify agents to resolve every erring pathway in our hair loss, we will be successful.

I am not trying to cast any doubt on science or scientists behind hair loss research , i am saying that we can experiment based on the leads shown to us.

Like - Valporic acid for Wnt pathway, L ascorbic acid or L threonate to suppress DKK1 expression , Capsicin to increase IGF-1 , Curcumin , ginger etc to decrease inflammation and MANY MORE OTHERS.

I mean different scientific studies have explored each of these in isolation , and there lies a strong possibility that a combination of these MIGHT be the answer and we can get there faster before any study does because the research focus for scientific studies could be isolated. Just a daring and perhaps foolish conjecture.
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