New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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No point believe me, he challenges everything without recurring evidence. Anyways I'm thinking electro therapy is the key to turning vellus hairs into terminals, your hair cells actuall send electric signals which initiate growth factors..

I don't understand how something like electrical stimulation is deemed as "pie-in-the-sky" and farcical?? What, the electrical stimulation just floats into the sky but sticking a 1.5mm needle is any less whimsical?? Nothing was debunked 50+ years ago because there was no minoxidil, finasteride or DR's back then to work with ...

I don't know if it will work or help -- but if the damn thing makes your scalp go red, then it's doin something!!!


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I don't understand how something like electrical stimulation is deemed as "pie-in-the-sky" and farcical?? What, the electrical stimulation just floats into the sky but sticking a 1.5mm needle is any less whimsical?? Nothing was debunked 50+ years ago because there was no minoxidil, finasteride or DR's back then to work with ...

I don't know if it will work or help -- but if the damn thing makes your scalp go red, then it's doin something!!!

A mild form of dermatitis that can stimulate hair regrowth. Just like onion.


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Back to dermarolling......

i am one of the few who received a lot of new growth.......could it be because I am taking high dosages of msm and vitamin c, also not using minoxidil and am trying a more alkaline diet? These are thing people need to think about. Let your body do the healing, maybe minoxidil is interfering with natural process.

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that and trials for the close-minded, but some people are more open to psychics and things you cannot really prove, that's the nature of man, doesn't mean you have to get your egos involved. If you cannot agree with a thread simply don't go there

Just like the peer reviewed double blind studies that are done to try & beat placebo (which is sometimes a big challenge for the big Pharma industries BTW) done on prescription drugs that kill people every single day. Number one cause of death is induced by prescription meds & these are not all overdoses btw. These three stooges can't be this dumb. Who is their sponsor? =]

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This is keeping it on's about trying to get the maximized results with DR at the heart of it

whatever :jackit: ...again, just another sheep following the lost herd who thinks words actually can hurt anyone...Unfortunately this world is going to hell in a hand-basket because of a-holes like you

How are your results brother?


Desperate one - I m just hurt , i left a well paying career in software to be a scientific researcher in nanotechnology. I was motivated because i wanted save lives of people by my research. I know how the scientific method works and when people demean the honest hard work of others, it makes me angry because i am a part of the field. I feel people think that science is an ideology but it is not. Results are verified for years before a consensus is reached. I am paid such a low stipend and i toil every day in my lab doing experiments. It is such a thankless job and it looks more like a war on my profession.

Anyways, you are right that we are mad because we have no cure yet but i am just leaving I feel demoralized doing my research when i see such anti-science attitudes.


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Desperate one - I m just hurt , i left a well paying career in software to be a scientific researcher in nanotechnology. I was motivated because i wanted save lives of people by my research. I know how the scientific method works and when people demean the honest hard work of others, it makes me angry because i am a part of the field. I feel people think that science is an ideology but it is not. Results are verified for years before a consensus is reached. I am paid such a low stipend and i toil every day in my lab doing experiments. It is such a thankless job and it looks more like a war on my profession.

Anyways, you are right that we are mad because we have no cure yet but i am just leaving I feel demoralized doing my research when i see such anti-science attitudes.

dude -- I said I don't know if the VR works...what I did say is the concept of scalp stimulation electrically is fundamentally a solid thing to appears the VR does provide some stimulation -- has anyone tried this with DR'ing?? it appears not...we have someone who is trying it and say's it works -- it's just now down to his credibility...

..having said all that -- we have ample evidence that DR'ing alone will NOT bring back the full wig...even using minoxidil as a supplement doesn't bring back the wig, but we have seen strong evidence it does help...DR'ing still needs more supplementation to kick it into high gear and recover everything...

..there's a million things to try to supplement -- be it oral nutrition supplements, topicals of varying sorts, laser helmuts, etc,'s daunting...that's why I can't see how you can squash something that may have a kernel of scientific validity


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I took a picture of my crown today with damp hair, it is getting thicker. I have posted a picture of my crown before but i am not certain which page it is on. If anyone can find it i think they will see a difference if they compare them.


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Back to topic !! I did my third roll 3 days ago and I have noticed that after 3-4 days while using minoxidil ( Lipogaine ) I always feels a lot of irritation and then I see my scalp looks flaky ( for the surface). I didn't have this problem before starting rolling so I 100 % sure which is reason is rolling and use minoxidil after 24 hours.

Anyways do you guys think its a good sign of new growth or do you think I should stop rolling and it would be dangerous?


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So I've been rolling for a few weeks now and I do it with minoxidil... I'm am only rolling my hairline, but I put minoxidil on my crown... Should I be rubbing it into the derma rolled area on my hairline, or is minoxidil only effective on the crown?


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Ok thanks 2young... I was under the impression that minoxidil only worked on the crown... I'll start rubbing it in my hairline


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i use every day 0.5mm minoxidil mixed with RU. must i change that with 1x 1.5mm Dermaroller in the week for better results?


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it is skin that sheds. keep on it

Yes 2young it is skin shedding , But I just like to know is it any study which shows its a good sign for regrowth? do you have any information about that? ( I know maybe it has posted in this forum but not possible to find it between 476 pages ) I would appreciate if you share me the information about that !


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it is major stage of skin remodelling. new skinn will take its place .......

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regarding safety give it time maybe slightly more than a week if you roll severely like me.

Armando Jose

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Desperate one - I m just hurt , i left a well paying career in software to be a scientific researcher in nanotechnology. I was motivated because i wanted save lives of people by my research. I know how the scientific method works and when people demean the honest hard work of others, it makes me angry because i am a part of the field. I feel people think that science is an ideology but it is not. Results are verified for years before a consensus is reached. I am paid such a low stipend and i toil every day in my lab doing experiments. It is such a thankless job and it looks more like a war on my profession.

Anyways, you are right that we are mad because we have no cure yet but i am just leaving I feel demoralized doing my research when i see such anti-science attitudes.

honesty must prevail in all fields, and science also


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honesty must prevail in all fields, and science also

yeah ah I don't get why people are talking science vs pseudoscience, they both exist open your mind, people cannot bull**** so long this goes back to ancient civilizations. Science and pseudoscience are one in the same to me of course one is prove able the other isn't, that's where I use my judgement and faith, you can't see those or prove those but they exist. It's as simple as science is logical, pseudoscience is illogical, they both trigger something in people's minds to move forward on something and that's all that matters. Of course with illogical things you need faith in its process that's the only difference. There is countless evidence on unnatural things happening maybe you haven't experienced them like others, doesn't mean they are crazy. Have you ever seen a spirit? Probably not, well I have and you can think I conjured it up or was on crack doesn't matter cause I know, it was not a flash it was there for minutes breaking ****ing glass looked as real as anyone else

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it is major stage of skin remodelling. new skinn will take its place .......

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regarding safety give it time maybe slightly more than a week if you roll severely like me.

hows those new hairs doing?


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it is major stage of skin remodelling. new skinn will take its place .......

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regarding safety give it time maybe slightly more than a week if you roll severely like me.

Thanks 2young ! not sure if you post this to answer my question but I guess it was for me ! lol ,but is it any study or prove to show the skin remodelling from rolling is an clue to new-regrowth?


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How do I care for my skin after Dermaroller treatment?
Immediately after your Medical Dermaroller procedure, do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation. Follow these simple steps:

Day of procedure: No lotions, makeup or other topical products on your face before your procedure. After your procedure your medical provider may apply a lipopeptide booster, skin moisturizer, and sun screen. You may clean your face with a gentle cleanser before bed.

Day 1: On the next day, you may clean your face as usual and apply makeup, lotions and other topical products as usual. Stay away from exfoliants or glycolic acids that are present is cleaners as these can make your skin very dry after the procedure. Be sure to use an approved SPF30 or greater sunscreen!

Days 2-7: Within two (2) days following your Medical Dermaroller procedure, you will notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. During this period, you may apply your regular skin moisturizer. Follow the instructions given to you by your medical professional.

If your medical professional used the roller around the eyes, you may have a little micro bruising that may exist for three or four days. This can easily be covered with makeup.

Days later, your skin will start shedding. These are skin layers that would regularly shed a week later, but the Dermaroller brings this skin to the surface sooner. During this temporary process, your skin will shed and be dry.

Days 7+: A week after the Medical Dermaroller procedure, most patients notice that their skin is smoother and more radiant. it is not a study sorry i dont have time for investigating google scholar but it is a dermaroller faq/ anyway skin shed intigates correct amount of wounding i suppose. keep at it. dont hesitate do it for longer and even harder.
take care

Thanks 2young ! not sure if you post this to answer my question but I guess it was for me ! lol ,but is it any study or prove to show the skin remodelling from rolling is an clue to new-regrowth?


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Been into this experiment for 4 weeks now. No real results yet ( maybe a couple of existing hair have grown longer) but I thought the study shows that new hair growth starts after 6 weeks with the combo minoxidil-dermaroller. Is that correct?
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