New Dermaroller Study; Thoughts, comments?

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so in two weeks I should start noticing a difference. I have a receding hairline, two pieces of about 10 square cm on both sides. So excited.


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How do I care for my skin after Dermaroller treatment?
Immediately after your Medical Dermaroller procedure, do not take any anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen, Motrin or Advil. These agents will interfere with the natural inflammatory process that is critical and responsible for your skin rejuvenation. Follow these simple steps:

Day of procedure: No lotions, makeup or other topical products on your face before your procedure. After your procedure your medical provider may apply a lipopeptide booster, skin moisturizer, and sun screen. You may clean your face with a gentle cleanser before bed.

Day 1: On the next day, you may clean your face as usual and apply makeup, lotions and other topical products as usual. Stay away from exfoliants or glycolic acids that are present is cleaners as these can make your skin very dry after the procedure. Be sure to use an approved SPF30 or greater sunscreen!

Days 2-7: Within two (2) days following your Medical Dermaroller procedure, you will notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. During this period, you may apply your regular skin moisturizer. Follow the instructions given to you by your medical professional.

If your medical professional used the roller around the eyes, you may have a little micro bruising that may exist for three or four days. This can easily be covered with makeup.

Days later, your skin will start shedding. These are skin layers that would regularly shed a week later, but the Dermaroller brings this skin to the surface sooner. During this temporary process, your skin will shed and be dry.

Days 7+: A week after the Medical Dermaroller procedure, most patients notice that their skin is smoother and more radiant. it is not a study sorry i dont have time for investigating google scholar but it is a dermaroller faq/ anyway skin shed intigates correct amount of wounding i suppose. keep at it. dont hesitate do it for longer and even harder.
take care

Thanks man , I just wanna make sure there are some other people have this experiment too , I wish the best for your rolling , they see we are rolling they hated us !:uglylol:


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Hi Guys, Thought I would share my perspective on Dermarolling.

Over a year ago I had an injury on my leg 2in wide 1in deep that never really healed properly and left a pigmented scar. My GF sister gave me a 2.5mm Dermaroller which I used once per week for the first month on the scar, then once per month. It took 7 months for it to heal to the point that the scar was not really noticeable, but what I noticed most was that hair started growing back. This process took about a year to achieve.

I started Dermarolling my scalp about 5 months ago with a 2mm Dermaroller, I have already had noticeable results with crown, vertex and sides. Not much with temples yet, but still early days.

Those that are discouraged by not seeing results so early need to remind themselves that it takes time and consistency, I am lucky to see results in such short time. Be patient.

The Far Side

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I started Dermarolling my scalp about 5 months ago with a 2mm Dermaroller, I have already had noticeable results with crown, vertex and sides. Not much with temples yet, but still early days.

Those that are discouraged by not seeing results so early need to remind themselves that it takes time and consistency, I am lucky to see results in such short time. Be patient.

Can you share some details of your routine? Both for the scar and now your scalp? Things like how often you are rolling, use of minoxidil (any? waiting 24 hours after rolling? etc.) and how much wounding you are doing (whole head covered in blood like 2young2retire?). Any info you can provide would be helpful thanks and good luck with your temples.


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Can you share some details of your routine? Both for the scar and now your scalp? Things like how often you are rolling, use of minoxidil (any? waiting 24 hours after rolling? etc.) and how much wounding you are doing (whole head covered in blood like 2young2retire?). Any info you can provide would be helpful thanks and good luck with your temples.


Scar: 2.5mm Dermaroller used it once a week for the first month, then twice in the second month, then once a month with a topical, retin-a I think it was. It's been over a year and the scar is not easily visible and the patch of bare skin now has normal hair growing.

Scalp: 2mm Dermaroller used it once a week for the first month, now twice a month. My regimen Basically is:
minoxidil Mix 3x Daily, Booster Mix 2x Daily, DHT Inhibitor 1x Daily, Nizoral 2%/ Revita Shampoo, DR 1x 14 Days.
Liposomal Vitamin C 6g, MSM, Saw Palmentto, Black/White tea, Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide 1ml 2% Daily.

The Far Side

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Thanks for the details. When did you start all those treatments in relation to dermarolling? I'm just trying to find out if you've been on those longer than you've been dermarolling for example, so that we know you've made extra improvements which can be attributed to rolling. Also, topical DHT Inhibitor - spironolactone, topical Finasteride, Revivogen, RU, CB? I'm trying a heavy topical regimen at the moment feature spironolactone and Revivogen personally. 2mm scalp rolling sounds pretty intense, I know some people on the forum who found the pain from 1.5mm unbearable and gave up rolling...


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Thanks for the details. When did you start all those treatments in relation to dermarolling? I'm just trying to find out if you've been on those longer than you've been dermarolling for example, so that we know you've made extra improvements which can be attributed to rolling. Also, topical DHT Inhibitor - spironolactone, topical Finasteride, Revivogen, RU, CB? I'm trying a heavy topical regimen at the moment feature spironolactone and Revivogen personally. 2mm scalp rolling sounds pretty intense, I know some people on the forum who found the pain from 1.5mm unbearable and gave up rolling...

Yes of course, forgive me.

Losing hair for about 15 years, fighting for the past 10 or so years. Was on finasteride for 2 years then stopped, been on minoxidil on and off for 10 years. My Brother in law makes my topicals custom now, budding chemist he is, been using his mix's for the last year or so steady. Gained a little ground on his topicals and holding steady. Much more progress adding Dermaroller.

The DHT Inhibitor I think is Saw Palmentto, Finasteride, DMSO and Azelic Acid.

2mm is a little intense, I may start to use it once a month. I use no numbing cream which makes my eyes water and eyelids twitch. I may go to the 1.5mm, just not yet.


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Not sure how to yet, I'm not really a forum kinda guy.

I have kept my hair no.3 and I didn't take any just before dermaroller and I've only got a samsung mobile camera. Any tips on how to take good pics and upload them?


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Does derma rolling start hurting more the longer you roll? I can honestly say while rolling made my eyes water like when I pluck nose hairs it's by no means something I would think id ever need a numbing cream for... I want to thank everyone that prepped me for the worst maybe the fact it wasn't near as painful as I expected helped me cope...

The Far Side

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Not sure how to yet, I'm not really a forum kinda guy.

I have kept my hair no.3 and I didn't take any just before dermaroller and I've only got a samsung mobile camera. Any tips on how to take good pics and upload them?

There's an option when making a forum post to 'Insert Image' (looks like a picture frame with a picture of a tree in it) and you can either link your pictures that have been uploaded elsewhere (like imgur, imgeshack etc.) or you can host them directly on hairlosstalk. As far as taking the pictures, I'm a fan of natural light. Thanks for answering my questions about the DHT blockers, if your brother in law is making topicals for you then perhaps you could look at RU58841? It's a topical DHT blocker but it doesn't last very long once mixed. People have to buy it in powder form and make their own batches every couple of months, so it might suit you.


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I'm out of this, my last roll was 1/1/14 and I won't be doing it again unless there's enough convincing user reports that rolling can actually trigger regrowth.


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Results can be seen with a microscope camera at 12 weeks or special image device . Dont expect terminal hairs where yoive been slick for years in a few months .it Takes time
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