New Press Release From Organ Technologies


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I thought it went without saying most of the Japan will not be able to afford this as their average salaries are actually I believe less then Americas and this is even though they dont have the travel cost which if your (assuming this is well over 100k) willing to pay that much for the treatment the flight and stay isn't even going to be an object they kind of even out at that point somewhat.

It may be easy for him to find a couple million people to sign up for this in Japan but I think it'll be more complicated than that international certainly just in Japan I doubt it. Japan has 144 million people we can cut most women out most children will be out. What's the prevalence of male pattern baldness in the Japenese people? How many can actually afford that and of the people that can afford it how many are balding and of those balding how many give a f***? How many who meet all the requirements above will even hear about it? Kinda narrows it down wouldn't you say.
Yep that norrows it down but still it's enough to make riken / kyocera quite rich.

The only thing we should be excited for at the time being is the momentum this will bring on to the hairloss research world. While tsuji can patent the technology that mass produces the follicles and thus industrialize this, he can't patent the science behind it and that's certainly a good thing for everyone it will draw more attention to other companies that will start thinking about their own piece of the pie.


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Even based on that, you and I have no clie of future price. This is speculation at best :)
Yep just like speculating that the next bugatti will be priced at 4M $ might be true might be not, but we both know it will be expensive as f


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Yep just like speculating that the next bugatti will be priced at 4M $ might be true might be not, but we both know it will be expensive as f

Scary though, but there are enough people who can afford to pay 4 millon for a new bugatti, enough for bugatti to make a profit. So even their limited client base is enough to earn back production cost plus profit.
So undoubtedly there are enough people who would pay $150000. I mean there are probably enough music, tv, film celebrities alone that would keep this afloat for years at that price, and then you have wealthy business people and entrepreneurs, political figures....

But if there's a company that can expand this technique rapidly and make it readily available, Kyocera would be one that could do it.


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So undoubtedly there are enough people who would pay $150000. I mean there are probably enough music, tv, film celebrities alone that would keep this afloat for years at that price, and then you have wealthy business people and entrepreneurs, political figures....
I'll bet there will be a stigma around getting all your hair back too knowing our luck lol the same people who make fun of balding people will call them pussys for getting their hair back.

That's when the hair germs will mutate emitting low amounts of a compound that for us the balding apes make our new hairs grow infinitely while the people without hair loss will start their last anagen phase. Well divide off there will be a war we'll speak 1 word per breath learn sign language its gonna be wicked.

That Guy

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I don't doubt the price could be that high, but I'm not buying it 100% until there's an actual source on that which we can all see.

Couple things though: Price of any good or service is all about supply/demand. Something that is high demand and low supply will sell for the absolute highest price that they can get while still having enough of a client base to make a profit.

For something like this, that ceiling could be very, very high, as people whose careers depend largely on image — models, athletes, actors, etc. — can easily have millions in spending money. Since this is going to be done by skilled surgeons at first, the supply will be heavily limited and while I doubt the treatment will cost RIKEN/Organ Tech much on their end, that's only more reason to charge a shitload for maximum profit.


I'll bet there will be a stigma around getting all your hair back too knowing our luck lol the same people who make fun of balding people will call them pussys for getting their hair back.

That happens now, with finasteride, transplants, etc. The only reason it's still stigmatized is because those treatments are largely unknown to most people, and because they are limited in efficacy.

When something that can make a bald man a fullhead again comes out, it won't be long before people, especially women, start changing their tune.

I don't buy for a minute that there is a guy on this planet who doesn't at least want the CHOICE of being bald or not, and I don't believe there is any woman who honestly wouldn't prefer the same of both herself, and of men.


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Yep just like speculating that the next bugatti will be priced at 4M $ might be true might be not, but we both know it will be expensive as f

I believe it'll be a case by case price.
Not everyone will be charged that much


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I don't doubt the price could be that high, but I'm not buying it 100% until there's an actual source on that which we can all see.

Couple things though: Price of any good or service is all about supply/demand. Something that is high demand and low supply will sell for the absolute highest price that they can get while still having enough of a client base to make a profit.

For something like this, that ceiling could be very, very high, as people whose careers depend largely on image — models, athletes, actors, etc. — can easily have millions in spending money. Since this is going to be done by skilled surgeons at first, the supply will be heavily limited and while I doubt the treatment will cost RIKEN/Organ Tech much on their end, that's only more reason to charge a shitload for maximum profit.


That happens now, with finasteride, transplants, etc. The only reason it's still stigmatized is because those treatments are largely unknown to most people, and because they are limited in efficacy.

When something that can make a bald man a fullhead again comes out, it won't be long before people, especially women, start changing their tune.

I don't buy for a minute that there is a guy on this planet who doesn't at least want the CHOICE of being bald or not, and I don't believe there is any woman who honestly wouldn't prefer the same of both herself, and of men.
Oh I dont doubt it I'm just reflecting on how people will b**ch just to b**ch. Just like we had a couple of those articles talking about hair loss and its psychological tolls and just because they said in that men become insecure you have all these hate comments talking about all the worse things in the world then hairloss and that they shaved their head and were just fine yada yada. If prince William turned up with a full Jaime Lannister look people would be like damn good for him and then the other half would come in saying why oh why would he get that there's so many other things he could focus on it's just hair loss you know the drill.

It would actually be sweet for us if he got it though that would attract so much publicity.

The last of the follicles

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Lol, so what ? Still not working for Alopecia Universalis dickhead, you really are stupid.
Just go read some papers about this disease, if you can read of course.

He creates follicles.....right, from a DNA free matrix ? Are you f*****g dumb ? Tsuji is now a God ? No biopsy ? You just fly to Japan and get transplanted ? How they will be resistant to DHT ? Cultivation is already waiting for you ? Geez this forum slowly sink into stupidity.

If you done some research, you'll know that universalis has nothing do to with DHT, you can transplant 50k grafts, they'll still disappear.

You maybe got a big sausage, and it's a big maybe, but you sure got a nut instead of a brain

You and your boyfriend are upset because you are miserable. And because you have really small peepees. My peepee is big. God took away my hair but blessed me down there. At the end of the day, I win you lose. Burn lad.


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maybe he'll consider selling his Ferrari 488 for a new head of hair for me?
Ask the same question on the impact sub, I'll bring the popcorn

You guys know what's really awesome? Other countries watching a Japanese company make billions off an unpatented, concept & safety proven procedure can kickstart relaxed regulation of all regenerative biology, not to mention all the copycats salivating over this.


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On the price, the point is not selling something for as much as you can, it's maximising profit.

If you can make it for 10 and sell it for 100 to 100 people you make 90 * 100 = 9000.

If you can make it for 10 and sell if for 15 to 10 000 people you make 5 * 10 000 = 50 000.

Also time is money. The faster you make that money, the more money you've actually made as it can be reinvested and the effects of inflation and other risks are minimised.

The Bugatti analogy doesn't really work here, as it's a luxury brand for a niche product. Only so many people would want one, no matter how cheap you made it.

We all know the size of the hair loss market it potentially astronomical.


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From what I can surmise from my wife's interpretation (she speaks Japanese), nothing we didn't know before. No update on time frame or cost. Good find though. Man, they've got to automate this process, that single manipulation by scientists mean expensive. But I think Tsuji has something else up his sleeve in that regard. We'll see.

The last of the follicles

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Well, I've grown my peepee with an extender a whole inch (2.8cm to be exact), and also I am gay.
Thanks for the compliment.

No problem we are all here to compliment each other. I do have one question though... do men make fun of your small peepee too or nah? like when you two tug and go arrrrnggh and your peepee is half the size of the other peepee you rub with, do they complain about it or? Enlighten us.

Ted Buckland

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Jesus Christ... hair loss forums really are hell on earth.
Decades of praying for salvation, then out of nowhere it is on the cusp of becoming a reality.. and people start arguing about the price..

Unreal. Wake up.

The price will go down and the quality will go up. I'd probably wait until they and other companies get the tech down ANYWAY.

And who cares if your broke. The difference between impossible and expensive is everything to me...

The last of the follicles

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From what I can surmise from my wife's interpretation (she speaks Japanese), nothing we didn't know before. No update on time frame or cost. Good find though. Man, they've got to automate this process, that single manipulation by scientists mean expensive. But I think Tsuji has something else up his sleeve in that regard. We'll see.

This man will save us. I have a genuine good feeling about this and I never had a good feeling about anything hair related in the past. Trust me.