It all makes sense now, DHT makes men horny and have sex more and catch all kinds STD's, which in turn inhibits VDR, then because of that they start balding and become unattractive and have to pay prostitutes to be able to get sex which then exposes them to even more bacteria and disease and accelerates the balding processNo idea. Might do something. But I guess it would still have to compete with DHT? This is all hypothetical of course.
I know the VDR competes with a lot of sh*t and can be inhibited by all kinds of bacteria and diseases, as well as our own hormones.
Here's a question, I wonder if men and women have the SAME amount of androgen and estrogen receptors?
It's interesting how women age, they grow a light moustache, or get thin hair. So the answer to this question would probably be yes.
But estrogen is fighting this sh*t for them? Obviously estrogen isn't helping us. DHT is winning the battle in the scalp. But why?
It's enough to want to shoot yourself.
Is this great protector the vitamin D receptor?
(Sorry for the rant)
"Vitamin D3 or 7-DHC or enzyme p450 inside the skin cells’ and adipose/fat tissue cells’ mitochondria transforms cholesterol through intracellular catalytic production into pregnenolone- the mother of all hormones. Pregnenolone transforms into progesterone or DHEA, plus pregnenolone changes into more vitamin D in a photochemical reaction from sunlight with stimulation of photons of UVB in your skin. Then progesterone transforms into cortisol. And DHEA, a neurosteroid, transforms into aldosterone, estrogen, testosterone, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and other essential hormones"
Agree with everything said you think its the same with cod liver oil ? Or does its VIt A canvel this bad effect out ?My last comment was a joke, but now I'm serious, there surely must be a lot of truth in these Vitamin D theories. Hair could serve an evolutionary purpose to protect our scalps/skin from UV rays. Fish and water creatures don't have hair, it's something that Animals on land have! or feathers.
This all seems to make sense and be tied together. If Estrogen can activate VDR then women bald less because their scalps are "tricked" into thinking it needs to grow hair to protect from the sun. Some people claim that taking vitamin D supps increased hairloss and I believe that makes sense because of this:
Vitamin D3 that is taken in a supplement is not the active form of Vit D, It has to get converted later. Correct me if I'm wrong in interpreting these science words above, but this says to me that VitD3 converts cholesterol into pregnenolone and then that pregnenolone could get converted into progesterone or DHEA, progesterone is a precursor to many many hormones and although has some 5 alpha reductase inhibiting ability, can also get turned into Testosterone and other Androgens later on, DHEA can also get converted into many things according to above which may or may not help your hair. But exposure to sunlight causes the Pregnenolone to get turned into Vitamin D! which is what we want to upregulate the VDR.
Maybe thats why the supplementation doesn't work and could possibly make it worse. And even if Supplementing does increase serumn vitamin D, and upregulates VDR, whats specifically important for hair is to upregulate VDR in the Skin to initiate anagen phase of hair, not all over the body in places like bones.
I think moderate Sun or UVB exposure is best, obviously getting so much exposure that you get a Tan could be too much because darker skin will require more exposure to get the same amount of Vitamin D.
Effect covering head with a turban and long beard most likely... caused weak skulls due to lack of vit D ! So definetly does make a big difference so no wounder body tries to adapt with hairloss to get more vit d.
I'm not sure how good vit A is for hair, I think it can be good and bad maybe depending on the dose and frequency, there's also mixed results with tretinoin. I'm also thinking how sun damages skin and could increase wrinkles long term, and Minoxidil decreases Collagan. I've heard that collagen is higher in bald scalp. 4X higher, So maybe that's part of why minoxidil and UVB is effective ?? too much collagen can be bad perhaps?Agree with everything said you think its the same with cod liver oil ? Or does its VIt A canvel this bad effect out ?
Note uvb therapy was used in the past for male pattern baldness ( some people got skin cancer from this i.e tanning beds are also banned in some countries ) and today we use LLT again similar to sun. So maybe their is no alternative than sun on the head and body ? Uv light in skin downregulates immmune response and helps many such issues like psoriassis and seb dermatitis.
On that note long hair and a beard are a bad idea if u want to increase vit d from head.
Effect covering head with a turban and long beard most likely... caused weak skulls due to lack of vit D ! So definetly does make a big difference so no wounder body tries to adapt with hairloss to get more vit d.
..MaybeCould also have been a better diet in Egypt at the time.
darker skin absorbs less vit D, so don't get too tanSo.... does this mean we should go tan? Lol
I take about 6000 IU of vitamin D daily. I do this because for the past several years at a minimum I've had very low D levels (25-35 nmol iirc; normal range is 75-125). I'm due for my annual blood work soon, and if my serum D is still < 40 while on this dosage, I'm gonna chalk it up to some endogenous factor that I can't control by supplementing/sun exposure (lack of/poorly functional receptors, hyperconversion of D to some other molecule etc.).
Interestingly, I know for a fact my hair loss has accelerated the past 2 years, but I always chalked it up to my absurd concealer use (with it pulling at/pulling out my hair as I comb through it) and/or excessive shampooing to get the concealer off and re-apply. If my D is low again I'll stop supplementing and see if it has any impact on hair fall. My hair falls out very easily.
On that note i wounder if the vit d receptor on scalp work in a way that they are activated more the more days in the sun you are vs say 1 or 2 days weekends lots of sun or a Tan. I.e you may have same serum vit D levels in both scenarios but maybe its the daily exposure thay boosts vdr expression on scalp skin ? So in other words most people who work 5 days a week indoors modern day lifestyle never get enough sun exposure? .. whereas the homeless guy outside rarely have hairloss. We need studies to find what sun exposure is needed to activate vdr receptor in scalp skin...darker skin absorbs less vit D, so don't get too tan
wow, this is all connected and makes sense.
So us with hairloss and vit d receptor need sun exposure for hairloss but also to protect against prostate cancer ! Funny that link to finasterdine..prostate. hairloss vdr seem to be all related
we can experiment ourselves, and your ethnicity and location would affect which exposure treatment works best.On that note i wounder if the vit d receptor on scalp work in a way that they are activated more the more days in the sun you are vs say 1 or 2 days weekends lots of sun or a Tan. I.e you may have same serum vit D levels in both scenarios but maybe its the daily exposure thay boosts vdr expression on scalp skin ? So in other words most people who work 5 days a week indoors modern day lifestyle never get enough sun exposure? .. whereas the homeless guy outside rarely have hairloss. We need studies to find what sun exposure is needed to activate vdr receptor in scalp skin...
It is known that inherited sensitive follicles are being affected by androgens, just like every other tissue that can be morphed with hormones. The genetic code to create these follicles just happened to supply them with insufficient resistance to androgens.
But don't you find it rather odd that some men don't become "sensitive" until they're 36? Or 48? Or 59?
I wonder if the estrogen receptor (not estrogen level itself) is somehow better in some men (and women of course) And the androgen receptor is way too strong/expressed in us? But why does this change?
Gahhhh I don't f*****g know man