not really male pattern baldness but interesting - arthritis treatment cures alopecia


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I refuse to believe that in classic male pattern baldness follicles "die" yes they miniaturize even to a point they cant penetrate the scalp resulting in a shiny head, but they don't die, and theoretically at least, they can be revived.

They don't die. Dr. Cotsarelis confirmed this at this year's 2014 World Hair Congress.

we don't know about the chances, python (may he be blessed) is trying to find out.
but there is one guy who had male pattern baldness and used one of those drugs for real arthirits and grew his hairline as a side effect.

I believe the one guy on HLH was using Sulfasalazine to regrow his hairline.

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Well that again is easier said than done. Where the hell are we gonna get the pill from to test it. The only thing that I can think of is going to arthritis forums and make a thread and hope to get lucky and find someone willing to do it. Maybe they can just mail the pill to someone?

I found this:

It's got quite a number of people. I could setup an anonymous account and fire off some questions to these people on the page :)


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I suffer from osteoarthritis = I have knee joints similar to a 40 year old person. I've been taking glucosamine and mainly ibuprofen, acetaminofen and aspirine for the pain for the past three years, only took chondroitin sulfate for a couple of months. Nothing special really. I do not know how different is arthritis from osteoarthritis but you can use my testimonial if needed.


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I suffer from osteoarthritis = I have knee joints similar to a 40 year old person. I've been taking glucosamine and mainly ibuprofen, acetaminofen and aspirine for the pain for the past three years, only took chondroitin sulfate for a couple of months. Nothing special really. I do not know how different is arthritis from osteoarthritis but you can use my testimonial if needed.
I am not entirely sure, you would have to talk to your doctor if he is willing to prescribe you tofacitinib and if it's covered by your insurance. Then you would be able to supply us with it and we could test it out. If not, then you might still be able to hook us up with legit sulfasalazine.

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I found this:

It's got quite a number of people. I could setup an anonymous account and fire off some questions to these people on the page :)

Yes, go ahead, try to find people willing to donate pills.


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I can easily buy any drug without prescription. The problem is, I don't trust drug anymore. I've suffered palinopsia ever since a doctor gave me antibiotic and immunomodulator two years ago. Just be careful, guys.


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I can easily buy any drug without prescription. The problem is, I don't trust drug anymore. I've suffered palinopsia ever since a doctor gave me antibiotic and immunomodulator two years ago. Just be careful, guys.

How? And is Xeljanz (Tofacitinib) one of them you can get??


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I live in Indonesia. We sell drug like we sell candy. And, yes, I can get tofacitinib or any rheumatoid arthritis drugs as much as I like.

How much would it cost for you to supply us with it? Can you find out about the details and shipping, thanks.


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I live in Indonesia. We sell drug like we sell candy. And, yes, I can get tofacitinib or any rheumatoid arthritis drugs as much as I like.

Jesus. Hook us up, lol. Hell, we'll pay for your share if you wanna trial it on your own. I'm willing to donate my share for sure. Let me know how we can get the ball rolling.


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I moved back to Panama for a while with my aunt, so these last three days have been pretty crazy. I'll be seeing a doctor here to see if I can get a prescription of sulfasalazine for my condition, it should be easier than getting it in the US. I'll be heading to Costa Rica probably in a month or so to do an internship and also looking for a job there, if I fail my mission here I'll try again when I'm over there.


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How much would it cost for you to supply us with it? Can you find out about the details and shipping, thanks.

Are you allowed to import drug?

Tofacitinib is a new drug. It's hard to find, but I still can purchase it with astronomical price $70-90 per pill. Sulfasalazine is on the shelf, and the price is around $1 per pill. Shipment cost to North America is $50-100/kg.

Hmm... I sound like a drug dealer.

Jesus. Hook us up, lol. Hell, we'll pay for your share if you wanna trial it on your own. I'm willing to donate my share for sure. Let me know how we can get the ball rolling.

Tofacitinib looks 100 times scarier than finasteride/dutasteride, Hellrouser. I need to live in a quarantine tank to avoid getting of infection. Topical application maybe safer, but no thank you.


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Are you allowed to import drug?

Tofacitinib is a new drug. It's hard to find, but I still can purchase it with astronomical price $70-90 per pill. Sulfasalazine is on the shelf, and the price is around $1 per pill. Shipment cost to North America is $50-100/kg.

Hmm... I sound like a drug dealer.

Tofacitinib looks 100 times scarier than finasteride/dutasteride, Hellrouser. I need to live in a quarantine tank to avoid getting of infection. Topical application maybe safer, but no thank you.

Did you find out what the milligrams is for the pill Tofacitinib? Or are they currently only making it for 5mg?

Hellouser, does that sound like a good price per pill? considering what we're going to need topically. I know salfa is actually cheaper here than $1 a pill, I can get 20 pills for $5 with prescription.

Anyways, those drugs are technically not illegal, so it should be good to transport. It's only illegal to consume them without prescription. I have order similar things in the last, mainly nootropics from Europe with the same premise.

The best thing to do if we do go with Tofa(which seems to be the most promising, even if only topically), is to get someone to receive the big package for group USA, and then distribute across to inside states. Likewise the same for participants in Canada and so on.


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Did you find out what the milligrams is for the pill Tofacitinib? Or are they currently only making it for 5mg?

Hellouser, does that sound like a good price per pill? considering what we're going to need topically. I know salfa is actually cheaper here than $1 a pill, I can get 20 pills for $5 with prescription.

Anyways, those drugs are technically not illegal, so it should be good to transport. It's only illegal to consume them without prescription. I have order similar things in the last, mainly nootropics from Europe with the same premise.

The best thing to do if we do go with Tofa(which seems to be the most promising, even if only topically), is to get someone to receive the big package for group USA, and then distribute across to inside states. Likewise the same for participants in Canada and so on.

Costs to produce Tofacitinib are not actually as high as they are to sell. The high price tag is to cover the R&D, clinical trials and insurance for any potential unknown side effect. Physically making the stuff is rather cheap.

But the drug does sell for roughly 2,000 USD for 60 pills @ 5mg per pill.


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That is still very expensive, will those 60 pills last us a long while? We need to get them!


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That is still very expensive, will those 60 pills last us a long while? We need to get them!

I think topically we'd only need 5mg/1ml once a day. So 60 pills would last 2 months, so $1,000 per month.


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I know I'm shooting in the dark, but here goes. Has anyone looked into other JAk-3 inhibitors that may be more easy to obtain. I can only wonder if Xeljanz is the only one( Janus Kinase) that can achieve the effects we are all seeking. I'm grasping at straws here and until I spend some time researching it more thoroughly I'll zip it with wishful rhetoric. Besides maybe heading off on a new tangent is the wrong idea.


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python... any updates?
the drug should fight inflammation right?
any reduction in inflammation?


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I think topically we'd only need 5mg/1ml once a day. So 60 pills would last 2 months, so $1,000 per month.
Still hella expensive for me to purchase, and we would need at least 6 months worth to give it a good shot.

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I know I'm shooting in the dark, but here goes. Has anyone looked into other JAk-3 inhibitors that may be more easy to obtain. I can only wonder if Xeljanz is the only one( Janus Kinase) that can achieve the effects we are all seeking. I'm grasping at straws here and until I spend some time researching it more thoroughly I'll zip it with wishful rhetoric. Besides maybe heading off on a new tangent is the wrong idea.
I have googled and some companies pop up that also sell other jak-3 inhibitors, but they seem to be even more expensive than tofa, and they also inhibit other things which may be dangerous.

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python... any updates?
the drug should fight inflammation right?
any reduction in inflammation?
How would I know if I have reduced the inflammation? It hasn't been that long, even if I did see some regrowth, it would not be due to Solfa. Anyways, I am not applying every single day, as it is too harsh for my liver. I am doing twice a week, I know it's not the best protocol to keep changing dosages, but I am just wining it. Depending on how I feel and if it's hurting, not gonna risk serious damage for the sake of hair. Will let y'all know. I have noticed that I have been shedding a bit more, not sure it's a good thing, but who knows.