Oh the joys of going "slowly" bald


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There is the obvious advantage of slowly losing your hair in the sence that it takes longer to lose all your hair and gived more time to start treatment, but then again there is a different advantage as well..

I started losing my hair at a really young age. I was 16 when my friends pointed it out to me that I ahd a receiting hairline and I'm not sure how long before that it actually started. Bottom line is, I was the first of my group of friends to start to go bald by a long shot. While my hairlne didn't look bad at all and I still did fine with the ladies I did get teased about it pretty bad. It didn't bother me at all , but it was enough to start worrying about going bald a lot sooner that I should have.

Fast farward 8 years and I'm now a NW2.5 (receiting hair loss, diffuse). I absolutely LOVE coming accross some of my old highschool friends..the same ones who tried to give me a hard time when I started to lose the hair and they were then a perfect NW1...are now anytwhere from 4 to 8 years later a norwood 3.5 or worse. HA! Here they are with the heads shaved, razor burn on the scalp, tryin to pull off the "I"m not really bald, I just don't like hair" look. And then I come strollin up with my nice short NW2.5, gelled and spiked up in the front and on top, nice and distinguished still..and saying something like..

:whistle: man it sure is bright out today :whistle: ...

:innocent: that sun really is Shinning down..reflecting right off the face of the big round earth eh?

my god would it ever suck to have to shave your head these days, do you wear sun screan up there unstead of hairgel these days there, Chrome Dome? :youbet:

And all they can do is sit there and be like :badmood: "SHUTUP"

hahaha, I'm not one to make fun or bring people down all the time, but it's nice to see how karma can come back around and bite back :mrgreen:



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That's cool and all that you can laugh at them after they teased you , but that just makes you as bad as they were. I'm a Norwood 2 at 19 , sucks for me I don't know anyone my age who has it as bad as me and seems to be getting more aggressive. I hope no-one has to get it like I did , even the guys who make fun of me.


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I spose I didn't really imply in the first post that's it was then and is now just playful teasing amoung friends. Should probably make that clear..


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So, basically what you are saying is that you are much better than most of the people in this forum???

You didn't pick your words very carefully, did you?


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Run Die-hard run...they're after you!


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Good on you - let them see how they like the jokes

And the rest of you - he is just getting back at his mates who made fun of him when he was young. I doubt he would make jokes about someone he didn't know


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Odie said:
Good on you - let them see how they like the jokes

And the rest of you - he is just getting back at his mates who made fun of him when he was young. I doubt he would make jokes about someone he didn't know

I was worried that nobody would see that. You're right man, it's just between a bunch of old buddies, I would never take a dig at some poor fella I didin't know for years and years.



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IF (and again.. *IF*!) they made fun off you, then i dont think i would be so nice on them...i couldnt..good thing your a good sport about it.

uncomfortable man

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die_hard said:
HA! Here they are with the heads shaved, razor burn on the scalp, tryin to pull off the "I"m not really bald, I just don't like hair" look. And then I come strollin up with my nice short NW2.5, gelled and spiked up in the front and on top, nice and distinguished still..and saying something like..

:whistle: man it sure is bright out today :whistle: ...

:innocent: that sun really is Shinning down..reflecting right off the face of the big round earth eh?

my god would it ever suck to have to shave your head these days, do you wear sun screan up there unstead of hairgel these days there, Chrome Dome? :youbet:

And all they can do is sit there and be like :badmood: "SHUTUP"

hahaha, I'm not one to make fun or bring people down all the time, but it's nice to see how karma can come back around and bite back :mrgreen:
I have to congradulate you on your shameless display of prejudice right there :bravo: So you think your karmacly superior to bald people or that all bald people are karmacly inferior, hence bad people? You think your better than bald people and judge them for one of the few options they have which is shaving/buzzing their head. It has nothing to do with karma you jacka$$. And you think that because you have hair on the top of your head that that makes you more shophisticated?This is the perception perpetuated by diehard that I have to contend with on a daily basis. I don't care if you were fooling around with your buddies, you just let your inner dick shine through.


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I don' feel superior to bald people. I feel superior to people who are depressed, insecure and a bit strange. Bald or not.

Maybe this is one of the reasons people treat you like they do UM?

e.g. I'd feel very superior if I met Ted from Scrubs. And not because he's bald.

I actually feel inferior to people who are bald and happy, enjoy life and are just normal as it shows they cope with what's thrown at them better than I do.


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People can think they are superior though. I mean in person most people don't act that way towards me. Probably because I'm a tall pretty muscular type and would probably beat them senseless. At the same time, there are many out there who don't even realize how much this hurts until it happens TO THEM. Even people who are balding have no idea how it feels to be bald until they are.

optimus prime

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HatPrisoner91 said:
I'm a tall pretty muscular type and would probably beat them senseless.

Were you a popular kid at school? Bit of a tough guy...maybe a bully? Then lost your hair and couldn't cope anymore...

or were you a nice normal guy who was happy then lost your hair and then turned angry and aggressive?


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Very good post hammer, you really hit the nail on that one on the head.

And UM you've basicaly justified what he said before he said it my friend. If you didn't have serious self esteem issues that don't end at hairloss you would have taken my post for what it was: Simply me enjoying karma coming back around in a sense that people who made fun of me for losing my hair early now have no hair at all and i still do.

I've stated several times allready that it's simply healthy teasing amoung people I grew up with and does not extend past there. So you can try and roast me all you want my friend, I surely won't take it personaly.



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Alright alright, calm down Baldy! :mrgreen:

J/k - I had two friends that ripped on me pretty bad when my hair loss stepped in to overdrive and at the time i was really distraught about my hair loss as i had not got on top of it yet. Some of their comments were to much for me in a fragile state of mind and did cut deep, so, i can understand your post DH, and seems fair to me...if some has let rip on you, yeah sure, you can be a bigger man, but revenge is so sweet it's hard not to bite into that apple. :)

If i meet someone new and they are clearly balding, i never mention it, and don't look up at their hairline, not while they are looking anyway, but after experiencing the whole losing your hair thing, i'll always be respectful to other balding men, with the two exceptions being the two guys i mentioned above.


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Petchsky said:
Alright alright, calm down Baldy! :mrgreen:

J/k - I had two friends that ripped on me pretty bad when my hair loss stepped in to overdrive and at the time i was really distraught about my hair loss as i had not got on top of it yet. Some of their comments were to much for me in a fragile state of mind and did cut deep, so, i can understand your post DH, and seems fair to me...if some has let rip on you, yeah sure, you can be a bigger man, but revenge is so sweet it's hard not to bite into that apple. :)

If i meet someone new and they are clearly balding, i never mention it, and don't look up at their hairline, not while they are looking anyway, but after experiencing the whole losing your hair thing, i'll always be respectful to other balding men, with the two exceptions being the two guys i mentioned above.

well said :bravo:

uncomfortable man

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The only thing I can commend you on DH, is your honesty. At least your not trying to pass off your nw2 for an nw6 and saying there is no difference. Unlike some people on this forum, you can admit that your situation is better than mine and people like me. I just don't like the way you said it. I know the context, but as a bald man surely you can see why I was so offended.


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optimus prime said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
I'm a tall pretty muscular type and would probably beat them senseless.

Were you a popular kid at school? Bit of a tough guy...maybe a bully? Then lost your hair and couldn't cope anymore...

or were you a nice normal guy who was happy then lost your hair and then turned angry and aggressive?

I was semi popular but I didn't bully anyone. I have too much of a conscious to do that. On the other hand, I have no patience at all for rude people or people who would do things like that.


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decro435 said:
That's cool and all that you can laugh at them after they teased you , but that just makes you as bad as they were. I'm a Norwood 2 at 19 , sucks for me I don't know anyone my age who has it as bad as me and seems to be getting more aggressive. I hope no-one has to get it like I did , even the guys who make fun of me.

im 19 and i have a Norwood 2