There is the obvious advantage of slowly losing your hair in the sence that it takes longer to lose all your hair and gived more time to start treatment, but then again there is a different advantage as well..
I started losing my hair at a really young age. I was 16 when my friends pointed it out to me that I ahd a receiting hairline and I'm not sure how long before that it actually started. Bottom line is, I was the first of my group of friends to start to go bald by a long shot. While my hairlne didn't look bad at all and I still did fine with the ladies I did get teased about it pretty bad. It didn't bother me at all , but it was enough to start worrying about going bald a lot sooner that I should have.
Fast farward 8 years and I'm now a NW2.5 (receiting hair loss, diffuse). I absolutely LOVE coming accross some of my old highschool friends..the same ones who tried to give me a hard time when I started to lose the hair and they were then a perfect NW1...are now anytwhere from 4 to 8 years later a norwood 3.5 or worse. HA! Here they are with the heads shaved, razor burn on the scalp, tryin to pull off the "I"m not really bald, I just don't like hair" look. And then I come strollin up with my nice short NW2.5, gelled and spiked up in the front and on top, nice and distinguished still..and saying something like..
:whistle: man it sure is bright out today :whistle: ...
:innocent: that sun really is Shinning down..reflecting right off the face of the big round earth eh?
my god would it ever suck to have to shave your head these days, do you wear sun screan up there unstead of hairgel these days there, Chrome Dome? :youbet:
And all they can do is sit there and be like :badmood: "SHUTUP"
hahaha, I'm not one to make fun or bring people down all the time, but it's nice to see how karma can come back around and bite back :mrgreen: