Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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Guess since the hairloss started it really dented my confidence! It really did mess up some opportunities at the time for me:( Even though treatments have improved my hair ,Im still very conscious about my hairline and spend ages styling it to look nor wood 1.5 . I need to stop this worry about hair and I really want to, I'm trying hard. I mean eventually I will lose the battle I know that. From my family history I dont really have a chance.

That's why I made the silly mistake of booking a hair transplant this year ,then backing out and losing my deposit.I'm trying to seek perfection that I don't think I'll ever achieve .I need to get into my head that it's no big deal and I will still hook up with hot girls:)

I'm going to really push the modelling work this year see what it leads to :)


I think with a body of yours, a majority of girls wouldn't mind the bald head :mrgreen:


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You look like you have NO hair loss at all.

God damn i wish finasteride worked for me instead of making me impotent.


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Ha ha ha haaaaa ha ha LMBO!!!! :laugh:

LOL laughing again


You , yeah YOU, be good. :uglylol:

But yeah his hair looks really good.


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peapoddy said:
Guess since the hairloss started it really dented my confidence! It really did mess up some opportunities at the time for me:( Even though treatments have improved my hair ,Im still very conscious about my hairline and spend ages styling it to look nor wood 1.5 . I need to stop this worry about hair and I really want to, I'm trying hard. I mean eventually I will lose the battle I know that. From my family history I dont really have a chance.

That's why I made the silly mistake of booking a hair transplant this year ,then backing out and losing my deposit.I'm trying to seek perfection that I don't think I'll ever achieve .I need to get into my head that it's no big deal and I will still hook up with hot girls:)

I'm going to really push the modelling work this year see what it leads to :)
I would forget this and go to a running club. You look like you have long limbs and short body too.

I bet if Christophe LeMaitre took up bodybuilding and spent a few weeks in the sun, he wouldn't be far off what you look like.

IIRC LeMaitre ran 10.9 for 100m after 1 month of training when he started at 16. Didnt you say you ran 11.something at 13?


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Not a chance, Christophe LeMaitre doesnt look like he has the muscle building genetics ...Too lanky and his legs are so skinny.My legs were much bigger than his when i was 16 easy.My legs measure at 28 inches close to 29 now.

Yeah my school record still stands today.Set that some 14 years ago i believe....Time was 11.44 and 22.88 for 200m


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CL does has some beef on his legs. He is very tall though and clumsy which makes him seem more scrawny

It's more the fact that he has blond hair blue eyes and the same natural vascularity.

Why did you stop with those times?

There's probably still time now, as you have kept lifting weights (although really it would be better if you were doing explosive olympic lifting rather than slow bodybuilding stuff). I think it is quite common for a lot of people in athletics to start late. CL and Jon Edwards both didn't start until their late teens. Edwards also had a 150kg power clean @ 75kg bodyweight.


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I see what you mean with CL, still i think he would struggle to put much size on.That why most pro bodybuilders are on the short side its much easier to add muscle mass.

I wasnt consitant enough as i had injurys ect...When i was 17 thought i would give the 400m a shot and ended up winning national junior champs with a 46 second run.Was a great time for me got to travel all over europe competing:)

Was drug tested so many times to.Think i got picked on more than others with my build lol I got comments even at a very young age about my physique lol


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peapoddy said:
Guess since the hairloss started it really dented my confidence! It really did mess up some opportunities at the time for me:( Even though treatments have improved my hair ,Im still very conscious about my hairline and spend ages styling it to look nor wood 1.5 . I need to stop this worry about hair and I really want to, I'm trying hard. I mean eventually I will lose the battle I know that. From my family history I dont really have a chance.

That's why I made the silly mistake of booking a hair transplant this year ,then backing out and losing my deposit.I'm trying to seek perfection that I don't think I'll ever achieve .I need to get into my head that it's no big deal and I will still hook up with hot girls:)

I'm going to really push the modelling work this year see what it leads to :)

Dude... your the closest thing to perfection i've even seen (no :gay: :thumbdown2: ) f*** the hair-loss man, go at em chicks like there is no tomorrow...
and its a crime that your single you should breed! or at least donor some sperm lol.. seriously :p


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Ori83 said:
Dude... your the closest thing to perfection i've even seen (no :gay: :thumbdown2: ) f*ck the hair-loss man, go at em chicks like there is no tomorrow...
and its a crime that your single you should breed! or at least donor some sperm lol.. seriously :p

sure not :gay: :gay2:?



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peapoddy said:
I see what you mean with CL, still i think he would struggle to put much size on.That why most pro bodybuilders are on the short side its much easier to add muscle mass.

I wasnt consitant enough as i had injurys ect...When i was 17 thought i would give the 400m a shot and ended up winning national junior champs with a 46 second run.Was a great time for me got to travel all over europe competing:)

Was drug tested so many times to.Think i got picked on more than others with my build lol I got comments even at a very young age about my physique lol
So you did used to train with an athletics team?

OK that is a bit better, I thought u just ran these times with no training

Usain Bolt was running 45 at 17 I think, but I doubt many other 100/200m sprinters were running faster than 46 for 400.

Theres loads of white guys with more talent than LeMaitre.. they just never take up athletics. Even both he and Jon Edwards only took it up by accident in their late teens.

Even the throwing events have faster contraction times than running. I think Colin Jackson used to say steve backley could beat him over 30m


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I started training at 16 and i joined an athletics club .

Yes i remember watching Usain Bolt as a scrawny 15 year old kid win the would juniors in Jamaica with 20.6.. quite amazing .

I got lottery funded at 17 which was nice, i didnt have to worry about money just focus on training.I won my national juniors and silver at europeans ,we picked up a bronze in the relay at world indoors.I broke daniel caines junior record for 400m at juniors and made front cover magazine.Local radio stations interviewed me.. I could actually write a book about my whole life to this point.So many experiences that i will never forget and i do regret not pushing through the frustrating years of injury i had.As a result my lottery funding got dropped and i stopped racing and nobody seemed to care.UK athletics let me slip away when i needed that encouragement .After a while i decided to walk away to have a life.. start traveling ect

At 26 i just dont think i could go down that road again.. i feel i can make good money from being a personal trainer and inspiring others:)


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guy83 said:
like one sexy mother f****** monster indeed

I meant more like a scary, veiny Frankenstein monster.

This might be a body other men will appreciate more than women will, which isn't to say that no woman likes it or that many women will hate it as much as I do, but you guys seem really into it. Really really into it.
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