Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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twenty.five said:
guy83 said:
like one sexy mother f****** monster indeed

I meant more like a scary, veiny Frankenstein monster.

This might be a body other men will appreciate more than women will, which isn't to say that no woman likes it or that many women will hate it as much as I do, but you guys seem really into it. Really really into it.

are you kidding? i hate body builders, his body is just f*****g muscular and yet not massive!!!! he nailed it almost to perfection girls dont like the huge monster like bodies but he doesnt have that type... weird enough, he seems still lean with a shirt on..

and btw, to the op, try to change haircut to bangs, i think it will look great on you since you have a long face, and pushing the hair backwards makes it look longer,
i think something like that loss=iw&client=firefox-a&sa=N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&tbnid=z6ekB0uNBh0nMM:&imgrefurl=,r:0,s:0&tx=111&ty=68&biw=1280&bih=610


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guy83 said:
Rawtashk said:
Question for you, Peapoddy.....Why aren't you in Hollywood audition for roles? Christ, someone with your facial structure and muscles would get jobs THROWN at them!

I'm insanely jealous of you.

OMG yes!! Do some porno.

Dude just because your gay it doesn't give you a hall pass to make sexually vulgar remarks to some dude just because he has some body building pics. Imagine if some straight dude made such remarks to a girl online it's just not acceptable but just because your gay it is? WTF bro!


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@twent five

Haha Your opinion but I'm far from freaky looking in terms of size! Yeah I got the definition and cut but i don't consider myself 'he's gone too far look .

I hate the look of steroid puffed up bodybuilders that look top heavy with smaller legs just doesn't look right.


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Ori 83 could you post that pic again?

So you don't think I should attempt to spike my hair up


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Ori83 said:
Peopoddy, I'd love to have my head between your legs while you're flexing them! (not gay or anything)
Ori, sure you're not :gay: :gay2: ?

Hair looks great peopoddy, keep it up


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BTW, peapoddy, I thought you were going to get in on the CB order, some of those guys are getting sick results! Why did you back out?


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At the time i had other things going on in my life and i couldnt commit to it:(

Thats exciting to hear of positive results makes me want to try even more now:)

Could you send me PM with the link to the forum ect? thanks


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Shma said:
Ori, sure you're not :gay: :gay2: ?

Why are you so obsessed with my sexuality ? :dunno: and what if i m gay, why do you care?.... sounds a little fishy, if you ask me you got some inner diggings to do..

peapoddy said:
Ori 83 could you post that pic again?

So you don't think I should attempt to spike my hair up

Sure, posted just to illustrate, not too long tho, avoid that "Biebery" look...:


maybe more like that


for the record, i think you look great, im just sharing what i would try probably. ( + i hate spikes! really really, i used to hate gelling the hair)


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cool thanks i like that style

Yeah before i used to put lots of wax /hair putty in but i think actually leaving my hair product free looks better .I just need more hair in those danm temples and i would be laughing


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Hey everyone,

Just to update you all i will be adding 17AP to my current regime every morning .Will focus on the hair line and just behind it to really protect and hopefully thicken up even more!

Will be starting this treatment in around 2weeks

Will get some pics up before and after each month to show any changes


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peapoddy said:
Hey everyone,

Just to update you all i will be adding 17AP to my current regime every morning .Will focus on the hair line and just behind it to really protect and hopefully thicken up even more!

Will be starting this treatment in around 2weeks

Will get some pics up before and after each month to show any changes

what is 17AP?


New Member
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would you also mind posting the exact brand of finasteride you are using, (procepia, proscar, finpecia [kumrek or goa] etc...) or a link of where you are getting it from?



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Fighting_Bad_Genes said:
Peabody, you look familiar, you're Adamn Charlton! I just googled that name on google image search and like a bunch of model pics came up.

Great job, stalker. How about you now share your real name too? And how about your address and phone number in case we want to contact you?

:shakehead: Don't understand that. Would you want to read your real name on an hairloss forum? He inspired lots of people in many ways on this forum and I would surely like him to come back and continue to post pics of his status. It's ok to admire him for what he does, but how about you do it more private? That would have been a good PM.


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That video is outrageous, hahaha.

How much are you selling the jordan retro 3's for? i have a few pairs new i need to get rid of. Thought they would of shot up as the OG's used to go for 150+ but i don't think so with these re retro's.

I think i might have said it before but you are a true success story peapoddy. Beating the hair loss at a young age and having a figure like that must make you feel fantastic.
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