Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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Elite level genetics would be the muscle genetics without male pattern baldness genes :mrgreen:. These of peapoddy are not total elite. I'd say Cristiano Ronaldo has elite level genetics. He's ultra fit and has zero male pattern baldness.


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Monty did you notice increased hair loss from creatine? I read on wikipedia that it increases conversion of testosterone to DHT. I'm thinking of using a little creatine, maybe I'll just up my dose of finasteride for a couple of weeks to offset this.


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I see, so you think your chattiness and horniness was potentially due to the creatine?


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Hey dude your hair and you look awesome ( no gay ). Just wanted to mention that there's this guy whos name I can't remember and I'm too lazy to google. Anyway he's balding / buzz cutted and he is a calvin klein model and many bodybuilding models are buzz cutted also some because of droids and some because of male pattern baldness. I just wanted to wish you a best of luck!

I'm just a amateur trainer who works out 4 times and week but mostly because of my current died I just suck so badly ( school food in the United states blaah ) :D You just gave me a hope that I'm not alone and even guys in so good shape as you can get affected by male pattern baldness. That bastard!


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Just checking back in:) Hair still doing ok, perhaps my front isnt as thick as before(could just be in my head)My mid and crown are solid with no real change

I used CB for a while but didnt really notice much change, prob didnt give it long enough and its very expensive!

Also ABC studios have contacted me about tv work on fitness shows so this could be exciting times


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hey Peapoddy congrats on your success with hairloss and BB and goodluck with ABC :)

after reading some of those posts I thought I might add this:

finasteride increased scalp testosterone by 9% and dutasteride increased scalp testosterone by 18% as well as 2 other hormones (can't remember their names). The effects of increased hormones caused by dutasteride is unknown.
I would bet some of that testosterone goes to other places other than the scalp but I could be wrong.

I think CB was a good move; will prolly save you some grief down the track


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I've read that finasteride should increase your test and estrogen levels about 15% while it reduces test to dht conversion, I'm sorry I'm too lazy to find the study atm.

Anyway this could be good thing if you work out on the other hand increased estrogen isn't too good because it can cause gaining body fat. I'm just starting a 4 month diet and my goal is to drop 8-10kg(18-22lbs). I'm adding estrogen blocker to this diet and I will later comment if it was any good.


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I checked out your facebook page, I'll be the first to admit you have one of the best bodies I've seen. Your abs and biceps are not of this planet.

Keep it up.

It doesn't matter whether we think you are juicing or not, because you can take all the juice in the world but if you're not giving your 100% in the gym and being precise about your diet you won't gain sh*t. Hard work... hard fukcing work.


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Peabody is on Steroids.

I think that is why he was here in the first place because his hairloss looks to be induced with steroid usage. Hence the thinning.

If he had great genetics he wouldn't be balding. His body is insanely shredded, there are certain types of steroids you can take to keep the body lean and the fat off.

I ain't hating on the guy because it takes hard work and dedication to get that fit, but even Jay Cutler and various Mr. Olympia's lie when asked if they are on roids, some even going as far as saying they are all natural.




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Yes, yes you are hating, jealousy is horrible trait. He must make you feel so insignificant.

"If he had great genes he wouldn't be balding"



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IrishFella said:
Yes, yes you are hating, jealousy is horrible trait. He must make you feel so insignificant.

"If he had great genes he wouldn't be balding"


No I am not hating, so anytime you think someone is on steroids it means they are hating? If I were hating I would insult the guy, I don't care if he was on roids or not because even with roids you still have to work hard and diet to get that physique.

I showed his pictures to some guys on a bodybuilding form I visit with bodybuilders who are fitness models and use steroids! They said he is probably on Winstrol/Stanozol which is a cutting steroid that keeps you shredded without the bloat. he is insanely ripped so he does diet well, thats why I said even if you take roids it takes hardwork and dedication. There is no question that he trains hard and is dedicated to eating clean so I give him props, but many steroid users never admit to taking steroids, like I showed you in those videos even guys you know who are juicing in those olympias will get offended or lie and say they are natural.


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All i can say guys is i know i'm natural and my family and close friends know it to.Nothing wrong with taking steriods at all if thats your choice.

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion, i respect that.

I can't believe @MisterMister is saying my thinning hair is from steriods didnt expect that :( So i put myself through all that worry of hairloss, knowing all along that steriods was causing it??GET REAL


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peapoddy said:
All i can say guys is i know i'm natural and my family and close friends know it to.Nothing wrong with taking steriods at all if thats your choice.

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion, i respect that.

I can't believe @MisterMister is saying my thinning hair is from steriods didnt expect that :( So i put myself through all that worry of hairloss, knowing all along that steriods was causing it??GET REAL

They're just jelly, brah


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TheGrayMan2001 said:
peapoddy said:
All i can say guys is i know i'm natural and my family and close friends know it to.Nothing wrong with taking steriods at all if thats your choice.

Everyone is entitled to there own opinion, i respect that.

I can't believe @MisterMister is saying my thinning hair is from steriods didnt expect that :( So i put myself through all that worry of hairloss, knowing all along that steriods was causing it??GET REAL

They're just jelly, brah



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Hey Peapoddy, top props to you mate,
now just hit me up with some of your motivation because, i seem to cycle on and off, for 4 months i will eat clean and work out hard then lose motivation because i can not loose that last 10 ilbs of belly fat ....


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I'm pretty sure he lost his hair due to steroids... wow why do people train to such extreme? Why do you need that much muscle? :dunno:


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it could be his natural.
but it means that hes damn big.
something around 190cm.
most be doing a lot of cardio. cause he said hes not dieting.
95kgs under than 8% bodyfat is a beast.
years of hard work with or without steroids.
why peoples train so aggresive?
try for yourself and see.
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