Peapoddy's Story - (25 : Just Starting Finasteride)

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peapoddy said:

I just want to protect my hair more and keep my success going!Thinking long term here:)

I understand! Can you tell/post a link to what CB really is, and what it will it do to your hair?

Another question: How long does it take you to apply the Rogain before it gets dry? I take a shower every morning, and I fear it will take forever getting ready every morning. How long does it take you in the morning doing your routines?


Sorry peapoddy, but you look so self absorbed with all that muscle flexing and your hair that I find it funny :mrgreen:


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Hey Peapoddy

How's your friend on Dutasteride doing? Did he ever have any results? I remember you said he thought he might be experiencing brain fog type side effects. Any word on that?



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You seem to have experience and knowledge. How exactly do you apply the foam on the hairline/above the hair line ? I find it easy to do so on the temples but the area above to the vertex...I have no clue how to maximize the efficiency.


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Nice results Peapody! Quick question, did you drop Nizoral ? If so, any reason why?? I've been on Proscar and Kirkland liquid for 3 years with good results. About 4 months ago, I added Nizoral 1% and 2% 3-4 times a week, the thinning on top on the back of my head drastically has changed. The hair shafts are thicker and darker for the most part, gradually filling in the spot. Pretty much, Ive gone three years maintaining and now in 4 months with Nizoral noticeable results.

Thanks and Goodluck!!


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Great results man congrats! :bravo:
Seeing this gives me great hope and really cheers me up, even though you are a bit of a freak and most dont get results like this.
And what a body too.. Just wondering how tall are you? In your first pics you looked normal build, even kinda small. :shock:
I havent heard you mention it but have u noticed any differences in erections or general sex drive on the finasteride?


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@Baldtimmy no steriods.

@Receding89 bang on 6ft

@spr381999 I dropped nizoral as i felt it made my hair really dry.I may start using again ...


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hey peapoddy,

awesome hair dude! :punk:

quick question, how much minoxidil did you use on your temples?

did you use 1ml for each temple?

i know you said you use about 3ml total to cover your scalp, does that mean you applied 1ml to each thinning area?

thank you!


Experienced Member
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Great hair recovery! I admire your diligence with the regimen.

As for the development of your physique over the last 2 years, impressive but it is clearly human growth hormone. HGH. Let's not be naive people. :dunno:


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monty1978 said:
LookingGood! said:
Great hair recovery! I admire your diligence with the regimen.

As for the development of your physique over the last 2 years, impressive but it is clearly human growth hormone. HGH. Let's not be naive people. :dunno:

This sort of attitude fucks me off. If you train dilligently 6 days a week. Rest properly, don't over indulge, spend money on good food and protein then this is entirely possible.

I've changed my diet and trained hard for 5 months only on a few occassions in recent years when my work load and finances permitted and greatly altered my physique to a noticeable degree by all who knew me. I didn't do any steroids but remember a few twats murmuring the odd, must be steroids remark. #

Eat a sh*t load, do heavy weights, low reps with focus on eccentic movement 4 days a week. Do hard core cardio 2x a week (hill sprints, swimming as fast as you can etc) and get 8 or 9 hours sleep every night and unless you are genetically f***ed you will look very good in a matter of months!

End of!!

Sorry I disagree. I doubt you looked like this guy does Monty. Either he is a genetic freak, which is very possible, or he is on steroids. But very few people could achieve his size even with a a hardcore work out regimen.


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Nene said:
monty1978 said:
LookingGood! said:
Great hair recovery! I admire your diligence with the regimen.

As for the development of your physique over the last 2 years, impressive but it is clearly human growth hormone. HGH. Let's not be naive people. :dunno:

This sort of attitude fucks me off. If you train dilligently 6 days a week. Rest properly, don't over indulge, spend money on good food and protein then this is entirely possible.

I've changed my diet and trained hard for 5 months only on a few occassions in recent years when my work load and finances permitted and greatly altered my physique to a noticeable degree by all who knew me. I didn't do any steroids but remember a few twats murmuring the odd, must be steroids remark. #

Eat a sh*t load, do heavy weights, low reps with focus on eccentic movement 4 days a week. Do hard core cardio 2x a week (hill sprints, swimming as fast as you can etc) and get 8 or 9 hours sleep every night and unless you are genetically f***ed you will look very good in a matter of months!

End of!!

Sorry I disagree. I doubt you looked like this guy does Monty. Either he is a genetic freak, which is very possible, or he is on steroids. But very few people could achieve his size even with a a hardcore work out regimen.

Agree with Nene. I worked as a trainer for years. Seen bodybuilders come and go, some on gear, some off. Peabody, while a very cool and helpful poster, is either one of two things:

1) An exceptionally rare physical specimen who would have a better physique than 99% of the population even if he just stuck to pushups and pullups, or

2) He is using some type of performance enhancer, and I don't mean extra protein.

Just my opinion based on his video, photos, and posts about training.


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Youve never seen elite level genetics.

Its politically correct to think everyone is equal but in reality its nothing like that.

In technical sports like football, tennis, golf etc everyone is created equal and really its practice and your experiences below the age of 8 that define how good you can become

In bodybuilding, weight lifting, swimming, running... sorry its genetic
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