Yeah, as time goes on, the more I become skeptical of this company.
Three posters on HLC recently had this conversation on the PolarityTE article and I think they raise some very serious points.
From a poster called "Jonathan":
"In terms of the commentary in the article, if we’re to assume what’s posted is accurate then it is very damning. The dilution, reverse mergers, and series of failed companies is definitely not a good thing. I don’t follow the pharma industry at all, but that level of dilution through convertibles is scary.
I think further research is warranted to look into the company’s claims, as a lot of the article’s concern surrounds a lack of information regarding the company’s intellectual property and the veracity of their claims."
From Michel:
"The lack of information regarding the company’s intellectual property (SkinTE) is what should have concerned us from the getgo.
Nobody knows what the heck SkinTE is, how it works, what it entails. All we have is a couple of pig pictures. That’s all. And that ain’t enough.
In comparison, we know a) that RCH-01 is a cell-based treatment, whereby cells are isolated from the back of a patient’s head, then amplified and injected into thinning or bald areas, b) that RAIN (Follica) is a combinatorial treatment, that entails microneedling(-wounding) and drug application (most probably minoxidil)."
That is an extremely good point. No one knows wtf a "SkinTE" kit contains. We don't REALLY know how it works, or any of that sh*t. By comparison, while some specific details regarding other upcoming treatments are left out of the public eye, we DO still have a pretty solid grasp overall of what exactly the therapy entails.
From Buyer Beware:
"The company still hasn’t disclosed any locations where it is being tested, and the last announcement merely pushed out the supposed release of data until sometime later this year. This looks a lot like the company is trying to “buy time”. In the meantime they are selling hope without hard data."
He/she is completely on the mark that we have no idea where it's being tested. So far, a lot of this is indeed lining up with the idea of it being a "story stock".
Further, they supposedly got FDA clearance under section 361 of the American Public Health Service Act. Thing is, the FDA lets you search its database, but I can't seem to find how to find Polarity (if they are even there).
However, they do let you email them to find tissue establishments. This is the Section 361 I mentioned.
I think I'm going to give them an email and see if they have any record of this company. Because if they don't, it means that PolarityTE's news update is bullshit and the company is indeed a farce.
@Tano1 I don't mean to sound like a dick, but we can't take his word for it even if he has spoke with the doctors. I'm not calling you a liar, but ultimately, what you say happened (without any tangible evidence) is just hearsay and amounts to no better than the whole fiasco the forum had with Beps63 in the Brotzu thread.
These questions have been raised before, but I think these posts on HLC stress the importance of it. Last time, you guys justified it by saying "Oh well, they have a real office and stuff!"
Yeah, so does Herbalife....
Update: I used the FDA's application for searching for Tissue establishments in the USA, registered, pending-approval, inactive, etc. and used all the relevant keywords and nothing regarding Polarity, Telogen Effluvium, or Skin has any record.
You can try your luck, if you want.