POLL on impact of hair loss: Girlfriends

How did\does hairloss affect your love life?

  • My girlfriend left me because i was\am less attractive

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MrBastard said:
Some people here is way too negative... Sure it sucks bigtime to have hairloss, but its not the end of your life.
When it come to girls and hairloss they dont take it so hard as most guys here. There are ofc some girls who is completely turned off by hairloss but there is also some who dont care and some who think it is sexy with a bald man..

Me myself have altered my personalty being more confident the past 2 years due to things that happened in my life. I noticed a HUGE difference in how girls like me.

So you got hairloss, deal with it as good as you can and do stuff/acomplish goals in your life and raise your confidence. What dont kill you can only make you stronger! :)

Then why are you using all different topics/chemicals then? Just let your hairloss go all the way until you are bald like me.


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Because i still want my hair :) You got to controll the hairloss to the extent you can, not let the hairloss controll you...


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MrBastard said:
Because i still want my hair :) You got to controll the hairloss to the extent you can, not let the hairloss controll you...

Ahhhh so it's easy to sit here ad preach when your putting all those chemicals on and into your body.

Come back when you are bald, then you can preach about this subject. Thanks.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Come back when you are bald, then you can preach about this subject. Thanks.
I don't understand this logic. I am bald. NW7, neat. And I am here. So what? This site is a great place to exchange knowledge about everything on hair loss, either to ask some advice and support or just discuss.

By the way I told my wife about this site and the general attitude I see here, and one word came immediately to her lips: loosers. I tried to defend somewhat the situation but she insisted that the real problem she is seeing as a woman is lack of self-esteem and confidence. Baldness is minor to her (well this I knew very well, besides her best friend is NW6, but I wanted to see her reaction to what people say here).


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Just don't turn out like this bald chap right here folks...



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dudemon said:
theShade said:
Just don't turn out like this bald chap right here folks...


All he needs is a few one-liners, and he'd be a good stand-up comedy act. :mrgreen:

He surpasses most of his competitors already IMO :D

somone uk

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theShade said:
Just don't turn out like this bald chap right here folks...

sounds like evolution to me :whistle:


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My Regimen
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Last night I got approached by a girl, started chatting me up. I would say I am a pretty stylish guy, she thought I was 17.

Post hairloss.

Confidence fucked it up with her, and I think a lot of people on here have real confidence issues. Which is probably the root of the problem.


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Oknow said:
Last night I got approached by a girl, started chatting me up. I would say I am a pretty stylish guy, she thought I was 17.

Post hairloss.

Confidence f***ed it up with her, and I think a lot of people on here have real confidence issues. Which is probably the root of the problem.
If a girl thinks you are 17 she probably isn't interested in you sexually or otherwise. Not about confidence in that regard. I have been getting screwed by the same thing. I can't grow a single hair on my face and finasteride will probably delay me ever getting a beard for the next ten years. In addition to that some drunken broad decided to tell me how young I look and concluded that it was my "youthful" hairstyle. It wasn't even a conversation, she was just yapping at me, and I was like "OK?". And no I didn't have a shot with her, even though I'm 6'4 and in good shape with what appears to be a full head of hair it doesn't matter. Women want men not cute boys. Like seriously I'm at a bar with top notch security and she seriously thought they let a f*****g 17 year old in? I was even recently told that by a 18 year old that just graduated high school I look too young for her! Absurd. Hate this sh*t so much. Been trying to date online ever since my ex left me and failing massively. I used to suffer horribly from BDD and only recently have some what been able to function normally.. now I have to deal with this. I have gone from thinking that I was horribly ugly to hearing that I'm too young looking for girls my age and way younger.


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Oknow said:
Last night I got approached by a girl, started chatting me up. I would say I am a pretty stylish guy, she thought I was 17.

Post hairloss.

Confidence f***ed it up with her, and I think a lot of people on here have real confidence issues. Which is probably the root of the problem.
Dude, you look like you are 17.
You have a hairstyle I would associate with a 14 year old emo teen.

Yes, you have some sort of density loss in the frontal area. But I have friends who spike their hair and expose their very low density scalp and no one calls them bald.

You finally understood. You have confidence issues and BDD.
Get away from here and start enjoying life. You have a very very minor hair loss and already think you're being prosecuted for that


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OKnow's a Norwood 1


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theShade said:
And another baldy gets burnt @ 4.53!

http://scienceblogs.com/cortex/2008/01/ ... ssions.php

If you guys are so down about it then you should listen to the frog @ 4.41
He knows what's up: "she's quite pretty.. but so what?"

"I wouldn't talk to him. If he talked to me, I'd just ignore him."

This pretty neatly sums up why baldness is a problem.

People say first impressions matter, and they do. But it's more than that.

Your initial impression informs how you perceive and interpret that person's interactions over time. When a NW1 uses innuendo it becomes 'charming'; when a NW6 tries the same it becomes 'creepy'. The frame of meaning is shaped by what you perceive them to be like.

But it's even more than that. A person's reaction to you - based on the above - informs how YOU interact with them. They think you're charming and act nice around you, you act nice back; they think you're 'creepy', you sense that and act more distant.

The bald man gets shut out.

It's a sad reality, but it is what it is. Everybody knows it deep down, which is why we have to try our utmost to stay at Norwood 3 or better - by any means necessary.


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And what did you think of the girl when you first saw her? Probably the same as the other guys right? Quite positive thoughts I would imagine.

And once she said what she said, what did you think of her then? Shallow, immature, a little bit of a b**ch maybe?

Appearance-based impressions (note not first impressions) count for sh*t.

Plus there's the matter that women don't even know what they're talking about most of the time when it comes to other people; or rather they say something different from what they actually think. Happens even when they talk negatively.


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theShade said:
And what did you think of the girl when you first saw her? Probably the same as the other guys right? Quite positive thoughts I would imagine.

And once she said what she said, what did you think of her then? Shallow, immature, a little bit of a b**ch maybe?

Appearance-based impressions (note not first impressions) count for sh*t.

Plus there's the matter that women don't even know what they're talking about most of the time when it comes to other people; or rather they say something different from what they actually think. Happens even when they talk negatively.

Appearance-based impressions count for a lot.

In fairness, it's as much about your demeanour and 'vibe' as it is about the look. Some people might look great in a static picture, but make your skin crawl in person.

But appearance does matter. Anyone who says it doesn't is just deluded and, almost certainly, not that good looking and trying to make themselves feel better.


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Boondock said:
theShade said:
And what did you think of the girl when you first saw her? Probably the same as the other guys right? Quite positive thoughts I would imagine.

And once she said what she said, what did you think of her then? Shallow, immature, a little bit of a b**ch maybe?

Appearance-based impressions (note not first impressions) count for sh*t.

Plus there's the matter that women don't even know what they're talking about most of the time when it comes to other people; or rather they say something different from what they actually think. Happens even when they talk negatively.

Appearance-based impressions count for a lot.

In fairness, it's as much about your demeanour and 'vibe' as it is about the look. Some people might look great in a static picture, but make your skin crawl in person.

But appearance does matter. Anyone who says it doesn't is just deluded and, almost certainly, not that good looking and trying to make themselves feel better.

Of course it matters, but my point is that when taken together with your 'vibe', dress-sense & grooming, personality, social-skills and well.. how much of an interesting person you are and your achievements in life - genetically-defined appearance is only a part of the equation; even when it comes to first-impressions.

And please don't tell me about how all of that is 'compensating' for something. Most human-behaviours and social-interactions, 'compensate' for one thing or another; you may even not realise it but at any given time you are compensating for several things already.

A big part of why people who perceive themselves to be ugly, etc... have less success in a social setting (same sex and/or opposite sex), is because a lot of it is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once again, actual looks play some role, but so does your behaviour and the way you interact that come about as a result of the way that you perceive yourself.

Here's an interesting article: http://www.spring.org.uk/2009/08/the-ac ... es-you.php


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I'm aware of all this stuff already. All I'm saying is that appearance counts for a lot.

There have been stacks of studies on this.

Better looking people earn more, are less likely to be convicted in court, are considered as not only more sexually desirable but more honest, fun, intelligent.

Clearly it isn't everything. But it does matter. If it didn't good looking people (and that includes hair, for most people) wouldn't be earning more on average than worse looking people.