POLL on impact of hair loss: Girlfriends

How did\does hairloss affect your love life?

  • My girlfriend left me because i was\am less attractive

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Boondock said:
I'm aware of all this stuff already. All I'm saying is that appearance counts for a lot.

There have been stacks of studies on this.

Better looking people earn more, are less likely to be convicted in court, are considered as not only more sexually desirable but more honest, fun, intelligent.

Clearly it isn't everything. But it does matter. If it didn't good looking people (and that includes hair, for most people) wouldn't be earning more on average than worse looking people.

Yeah so?

The greater the challenge, the greater the achievement. What prevents you from working on yourself, your career, your life and achievements, and going out there and being more sexually desirable, honest, fun, intelligent and less criminally-inclined than all of those better-looking men? What prevents you from rising above your 'fate' and breaking away from the pack?

After all you have something that they don't - motivation. A person without complexes or insecurities to drive them rarely achieves much in his life in the end.

As for the studies, they can just as easily be interpreted in the way that I've suggested in my previous post; worse-looking people may have a more bitter outlook on life and lower self-esteem, and it may be this factor which leads to their lower performance in life, more so than their actual appearance.


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theShade said:
As for the studies, they can just as easily be interpreted in the way that I've suggested in my previous post; worse-looking people may have a more bitter outlook on life and lower self-esteem, and it may be this factor which leads to their lower performance in life, more so than their actual appearance.

You're telling me that ugly people are more likely to be convicted by the jury because they just don't have enough self-esteem? Seriously.


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Boondock said:
theShade said:
As for the studies, they can just as easily be interpreted in the way that I've suggested in my previous post; worse-looking people may have a more bitter outlook on life and lower self-esteem, and it may be this factor which leads to their lower performance in life, more so than their actual appearance.

You're telling me that ugly people are more likely to be convicted by the jury because they just don't have enough self-esteem? Seriously.

No, I'm telling you that ugly people are more likely to have issues with the way they perceive the world and others around them, more insecurities and as a result of these sort of factors; less happiness in life. Because of this lower satisfaction with their life and more bitterness towards others, they may well be more likely to turn to a life of crime.

It could also just as well be (or perhaps supplemental to my earlier explanation), that uglier people are more prone to have genetics linked to narcisistic, psychotic and/or greedy behaviour. Through whatever pressures of natural selection, this may well have turned out to be the case - perhaps uglier people have less to lose and more to gain through such behavioural strategies, and thus such traits have evolved to be more prevelant with them than with the better-looking lot. Although an explanation such as this would imply that better-looking people are more likely to have genes that influence them towards alturistic and group-survival type behaviour. I have never read any studies suggesting that this may be the case - and in any case all of this is just pure speculation.

Either way, none of any of this implies that a jury is more likely to convict you as a criminal if you are ugly (assuming that you're indeed innocent). It's simply more likely that more ugly people are criminals and that this is just the way it is. Although I will admit that such explanations, would certainly open the possibility that an association has socially or biologically evolved in humans that links ugliness to criminal behaviour.. but my opinion is that there is a lack of evidence to suggest this and that there are simply far too many variables and muddled waters to be able to get to the truth of the matter.

After all we would just be getting into a circle jerk:

Why are ugly people more likely to be criminals?
Because they are more likely to be rejected by society.

Why are ugly people more likely to be rejected by society?
Because they are more likely to be criminals.

This sort of failure of logic happens when there simply isn't enough factual information to be able to arrive at a conclusion.

somone uk

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like it or not the human race really is that shallow
we feel better around people and things that look better

why else do structurally sound 60's flats get demolished....other than the way they look, they are always described as "eye soars"
what attracts people to ditch windows 98 and move to windows vista, at first it's the way it looks, and that is a reason computers are becoming more resource hogging than particle
people add 1000's to their computer costs so they can run games in higher detail because it looks better

people like things that look good and it has a knock on effect
people are statistically more likely to convict an ugly person in court because they subconsciously want this eye sore off the street
when i went to London i noticed that most the people around the financial square earning 6 figure salaries are about 75% nw1 and people around the bad areas of bradford are about 75% bald


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theShade said:
Boondock said:
I'm aware of all this stuff already. All I'm saying is that appearance counts for a lot.

There have been stacks of studies on this.

Better looking people earn more, are less likely to be convicted in court, are considered as not only more sexually desirable but more honest, fun, intelligent.

Clearly it isn't everything. But it does matter. If it didn't good looking people (and that includes hair, for most people) wouldn't be earning more on average than worse looking people.

Yeah so?

The greater the challenge, the greater the achievement. What prevents you from working on yourself, your career, your life and achievements, and going out there and being more sexually desirable, honest, fun, intelligent and less criminally-inclined than all of those better-looking men? What prevents you from rising above your 'fate' and breaking away from the pack?

After all you have something that they don't - motivation. A person without complexes or insecurities to drive them rarely achieves much in his life in the end.

Looks I guess. Its easy to say all that, but when your swimming against the tide (rather than with it) :( Its like asking someone from the third world to break out of their cycle of poverty many try but 99% will fail. Think of the biggest celebrities in the world, most have made it largely because of their looks.


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You do realize the 5'5 bald guys running the show behind the scenes make more money than celebs, right


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somone uk said:
when i went to London i noticed that most the people around the financial square earning 6 figure salaries are about 75% nw1 and people around the bad areas of bradford are about 75% bald

Well from being a Londoner, I have seen many many city boys who are balding. Also met guys in finance who have notable temple loss.

Incidently, if you watch Dragons den, all those guys have hairloss of some degree. When it comes to business, I think tbh, people care about what you can do rather then what you look like, unless of course you plan to have a career modelling.

An employer will be stupid to turn down a guy, who has the skills they are looking for (and thus can generate them money) just because they are significantly balding. It just does not make "business sense".


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barcafan said:
You do realize the 5'5 bald guys running the show behind the scenes make more money than celebs, right
I bet they'd swap places with the lower earning celebrities though if they could.


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s.a.f said:
barcafan said:
You do realize the 5'5 bald guys running the show behind the scenes make more money than celebs, right
I bet they'd swap places with the lower earning celebrities though if they could.
Well, at the age most producers have, not many men (bald or not) can pull the girls they can get.
They switch from dumb bimbo to another dumb bimbo, and they get a lot of sexual favors from desperate actors.

Yes, start crying how they would turn to the first NW1 they see.

Criminal leaders live the same life, and the media and the people in general glorify the way they use their power to get women, who are obviously no interested in them and usually cheat on them as much as they do.
When a person with power who uses it to its to attract women has hair, then it is OK, but for some reason if he is bald then he is suddenly a pathetic loser around here


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s.a.f said:
barcafan said:
You do realize the 5'5 bald guys running the show behind the scenes make more money than celebs, right
I bet they'd swap places with the lower earning celebrities though if they could.

IDK, telling a member of a drug gang 'f*** your own face' and go 'scorched earthed on you' along with insulting everyone and getting away with it because you have power and money kind of sounds cool.


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Oknow said:
An employer will be stupid to turn down a guy, who has the skills they are looking for (and thus can generate them money) just because they are significantly balding. It just does not make "business sense".
Although what you say is perfectly reasonable, and I believe this is what happens most of the time, you probably missed the really disturbing Newsweek article I posted in another thread. Yes, people can be that superficial because looks do matter; it is a vicious circle.


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My Regimen
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Vox said:
Oknow said:
An employer will be stupid to turn down a guy, who has the skills they are looking for (and thus can generate them money) just because they are significantly balding. It just does not make "business sense".
Although what you say is perfectly reasonable, and I believe this is what happens most of the time, you probably missed the really disturbing Newsweek article I posted in another thread. Yes, people can be that superficial because looks do matter; it is a vicious circle.

I saw that.

I dont doubt it can be harder. But if say you are one of the unfortunant ones to be hit by significant hairloss, you have very little choice but to fight. Otherwise you'll be stuck in a rut.

With that said, you career choice will have an impact on this. Politics, PR, something sales based is probably more likely to suffer from this bias. However, that doesn't mean they will not hire you, if you are the right candidate for the job.


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I still think everyone here is overreacting, I mean I know for one that if you keep your body in shape, dress nicely, work or study hard and be somewhat an 'outgoing' person you'll be more attractive than 60 - 80 % of the 'normal' male population. Honestly, most of the people out there are retarded, fat and don't have any idea what they are wearing. I mean if you are going to compare yourself to a brad pitt or whatever other celebrity yeah well they are prettier but not every girl is a meagan fox either.

Even though I agree that going bald takes (for most people) quite some attractiveness away it is not like you will never have a girlfriend. If every girl was looking for a model it would be a lonely planet. For me the hard thing about balding is that I would have just looked so much better, it is like I can never hit my true potential. What strikes me the most is the fact that you cant really fight genes. I know that I am a very self-conscious (not alot of confidence) and vain person though. That personality is also why I got a pretty good figure and (if I may say so myself) dress good.

I am currently 1,5 years together with a great girl. (When I met her I seriously had the most retarded hairstyle ever trying to hide my temples) She knows about my hairloss since I often discuss it with her. I try not to do it as much though since we all know girls like confident guys. Ofcourse I do not know what will happen once I will go to that 'balding' look (Norwood 3 - 4) as I am currently a Norwood 2,5. I am still optimistic though, working hard in school and if the time comes when I look balding I will see what option is gonna work for me. May it be the shaved look or a hairpiece, I still count my blessings. Not to push the cliche in everyones ears again but I went to a poor country on a holiday and I think most of those people would gladly trade their hair for our wealth and opportunities.

Everyone has problems and if I could sign something that will make balding my only problem for the rest of my life well give me a f*****g pencil.


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to the op
i didnt have a girlfriend in the last 8 months or so, i wasn't attracted to the last girl i've been with, in the last month im on the look for a girlfriend, but seems i cant get the girls i want :dunno: im not after top 10s... i can only blame hair loss, 100% would find a girl already without my hair-loss, even a nice nw2/1.5 would make a huge difference, losing my hair only showed me how superficial girls are... so yeah, there's a huge impact when looking for a relationship, this came a surprise to me as i didnt believe a "quality girl", the one you want to bring home to your parents, would give THAT much about hair loss... girls are just as superficial as we guys are, if not even more...:/


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dudemon said:
At least none of you guys have gotten the old "It's not you, it's me" BS from some girl

lol i've got something better 2 days ago from a very close friend in my collage "our personalities dont fit", i didnt want to put her on the spot and tell her what i think because she made her mind about me already so nothing i can say or do to change her mind, so i nodded, faked a smile and swallow some sadness, not over her, but over my new situation i have to adapt to :shakehead:


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Boondock said:
"Our personalities don't fit" = "You're two Norwoods too high for me"
you got that one right! :dunno:

uncomfortable man

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Women are just hair-centric creatures. I overheard two women on the bus the other day talking about their hair for almost an hour.


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uncomfortable man said:
Women are just hair-centric creatures. I overheard two women on the bus the other day talking about their hair for almost an hour.

Well yes in terms of appearance hair is the most influencial and adaptable part of our bodies.