Positivity: God Of War. This Is The Only Look For Bald Men.


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Upcoming game with hyper masculine bald guy. Or, well, he is just clean shaven, not actually bald. Either way, this is the look and physique you MUST attain as a bald man. When women say "bald men are sexy", this is what they're thinking of.

If you can't look like this, it's time to end it.


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Bald AND ugly overides the build. Elevator straight down without emergency brake in female appeal.


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Yeah nobody would ever make fun of Kratos' baldness if they valued their life.


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View attachment 54695

This guy had a prominent role in one Blockbuster movie in India last month.
There wasn't a single joke on his baldness even when baldness is mocked every time before.
It's the beard. The beard gets you respect. Weirdly enough I used to get compliments off men more then women when it came to have a good beard. I think for women it can really polarise them - some think its hot as f*** and others think it is gross.

Respect the beard.



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View attachment 54685

Upcoming game with hyper masculine bald guy. Or, well, he is just clean shaven, not actually bald. Either way, this is the look and physique you MUST attain as a bald man. When women say "bald men are sexy", this is what they're thinking of.

If you can't look like this, it's time to end it.

Uhm woman here and that dude is NOT sexy.


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Unfortunately I am baby faced and can only grow a little bit of scruff in months of time, so I can't even fall back on my beard if I lose my hair up top.


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Unfortunately I am baby faced and can only grow a little bit of scruff in months of time, so I can't even fall back on my beard if I lose my hair up top.

TFW sh*t hair genes and sh*t beard genes

Same here


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I dislike the idea that if you're bald and don't look like a huge orange meathead with a huge ZZ Top beard, it's over for you.

And I find these threads to be gold because of the exaggeration and delusion sluthaters like OP want to spread around.

As I've said before, I'm nothing like that stereotype, quite the opposite: not muscular, not long-bearded, not tanned, not masculine, and yet I've managed to do quite well with women (and no they weren't fat ugo's).

My only undeniable compensatory feature is that I'm tall, and I guess that's what people will always use against me when I say that my dating life as a bald man was not a desert.

It's not ogre.

I see but surely this thread is parody? The way it's written I thought he was joking for sure, but I don't know this poster.


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I dislike the idea that if you're bald and don't look like a huge orange meathead with a huge ZZ Top beard, it's over for you.

And I find these threads to be gold because of the exaggeration and delusion sluthaters like OP want to spread around.

As I've said before, I'm nothing like that stereotype, quite the opposite: not muscular, not long-bearded, not tanned, not masculine, and yet I've managed to do quite well with women (and no they weren't fat ugo's).

My only undeniable compensatory feature is that I'm tall, and I guess that's what people will always use against me when I say that my dating life as a bald man was not a desert.

It's not ogre.
I definitely think you either need to have a model like face (Kelly slater and Freddie ljunberg) or be very athletic (Statham etc) to be 'hot' and bald.

I think you can look okay and be bald without the model face or athletic body, but I don't think you can be anything beyond a 6 in terms of looks.


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I definitely think you either need to have a model like face (Kelly slater and Freddie ljunberg) or be very athletic (Statham etc) to be 'hot' and bald.

I think you can look okay and be bald without the model face or athletic body, but I don't think you can be anything beyond a 6 in terms of looks.

This is just what I was thinking in the other thread and it's spot on, I can only hope to be a 6 bald, it won't get better than that. With a frame on my head I have sharp-ish aesthetics (chin might let me down) but bald, I can't hope to compete with the out-of-this-world side profile of a Kelly Slater, and I might even end up below average.

But yeah for 90% of even good looking guys, slightly above average is as good as it gets bald.