Hi everyone. Lot of talk about prolactin these days. But it is just so freaking promising. Prolactin might be responsible for keeping stem cells in a dormant state (credit to
@pegasus2 and
@ElToso for this find about dormancy). Which might be the reason why it is so hard to get regrowth even with a really potent WNT-agonist.
So let me introduce what I call "Prolactin Minitherapy". This is a novel way to potently inhibit prolactin locally in the hair follicle. This minitherapy protocol suggests using a really high concentrated topical with a prolactin antagonist. But use a low volume of it. In other words a strong solution of PRL inhibitor, on a small area. Treatment in the area continously for 3 months. To "wake up" the dormant stem cells, and then switch to another small area. Working through the whole scalp eventually.
By keeping the % high, but total volume low we minimize the risk for side effects if it goes systemic. The effects of BAY were lasting, so in theory it will be with this protocol as well. The high % of PRL inhibitor will absolutely flood the cells in the treated area with these antagonists, the intracellular level will be high. This concentration will be needed in order to compete with prolactin for the PL receptor. This is the same mechanism as CB uses, they leverage the sheer volume, and don't focus on pure binding affinity. Not that CB is an amazing treatment, but to be so weak in terms of binding affinity, it tells us this method work.
There is two small molecule antagonist of the prolactin receptor called SMI-1 and SMI-6. Minitherapy is an option with these.
PS! This is not medical advice. This is purely a hypotethical/theoretical discussions of treatment options.