Quitting Masturbation - Hair growing thicker and thicker!


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biglemoncoke said:
i think less sexual activity definitely makes my hair thicker, there are still hair falling out but about 60% less. its definitely tougher than you think though.

How did you find that number? Did you wear a some kind of helmet who tok up all the hairs you lost while not masturbating, and when you did, and then got to the number 60 with math? Or used the higly inaccurate "hairs on hand in shower" method? Or you just got fooled by your own mind?
The mind is extremely powerfull, you can often thread people with placebo pills... It belive what it want to belive


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I`m already on it. I was a chronic masturbator for over an year and just about 2 months ago, i should say i had severe anxiety, depression due to personal problems and also had caught flu. Adding to all this, i was really foolish to strain myself and worked out 1 hour heavy each day while also masturbating all day long just thinking about my problems and hoping it would work as an anti-depressant. It DID! Masturbating worked as an anti-depressant, but I can swear that so much stress lead to me losing 50% of my hair over the crown and sides and back of my head. Every day several 100s of hair strands get lost just by rubbing or combing my hair. Then i realized what i have been doing to myself.

I used to visit the barber every 2 months regularly and never even had any concerns about hair loss until 2 months ago, July 20th when i visited the barber and the shock of a sudden huge bald spot (diffuse) over my crown extending towards my back made me think. I felt that i had depleted trace elements in severe quantities... to name a few: Zinc, Iron, Selenium, Magnesium, Phosphorous and Calcium. I did enough research and most suggest that masturbation increases DHT by T -> 5ar -> DHT process, which is INCLINED to hair loss for people who have the male pattern baldness gene.

All this made me feel that how good my hair would have been had i moderated the habit or at least had some sense to control it, since puberty. After all, by masturbating, i have lost lot of my time and bodily resources like vitamins and minerals for some one whom i never know or never would ever meet.

Besides, i came across a research paper recently about the optimum time to abstain for a peak of Serum Testosterone level which is 7 days. An interesting study...

Ref: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12659241

So, it is wiser to limit masturbation frequency to once every 7 days / 1 week. I would rather burn the Testosterone by doing good exercise.

I have abstained for 4 days since the 14th of September. I shampooed today and found that i had lost roughly about 1500-2000 hair in the 4 days with most hair today. I am keen on this experiment and i will include a photo of the 14th and today of my hair over the crown and also once every week of abstaining, so that people can get a better picture of the effects Abstinence on Hair Loss.

To summarize my experiment:

1. I`m abstaining from masturbating, completely. A few erections for 1 or 2 minutes are allowed.

2. I will do some vigorous workout session every 7th day starting 14th of sept.

3. I`m continuing my Multi Vitamin and Omega 3,6,9 consumption every day. No other supplements or medicines.

4. Normal diet as i used to have before the hair loss started... like about an year ago.

5. 15 minutes meditation each day without fail. Especially with Prithvi and Prana Mudras which are claimed to help with strengthening the nerves of thyroid gland and promoting over all well-being.

For more information about Mudras: http://www.mudravigyan.com/Mudra.html


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^^^Why would you do all that when the guy running the site himself is bald ? :gay2:


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Well, this is the 7th day of total abstinence for me, excluding some 2 minute hard erections which i can`t help anyway. Besides, i am applying coconut oil on my hair once every 2 or 3 days and shampoo once a week.

Below is the pic as of today, taken just a 15 mins ago...

I`ll keep posting photo whether there is improvement or no improvement, just so that the study is alive and disciplined.


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Your hair looks considerably thicker, it might be the lighting or angle of the picture but I don't think so. I would keep it up if I were you.


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Mjotter said:
Your hair looks considerably thicker, it might be the lighting or angle of the picture but I don't think so. I would keep it up if I were you.

I also feel that it could be due to lighting or angle of the picture. Moreover, i feel that my hair is not growing at the rate it used to grow earlier just a few months ago, besides the hair loss. I assume that it`s very much possible to kick the hair growth process once my hair loss problem is sorted.

Unfortunately, My goal of abstinence as a proper experiment threatens to fail due to lack of discipline. Even if i choose to abstain, the outside world has a lot of influence on me and thus i`m not able to control the urge which is synonymously the lack of self-control. If someone says "There is no connection between Masturbation and Hair Loss, what so ever", i feel i`m wasting my time abstaining and give in to masturbation.

Thus, i had masturbated on the 22nd and 28th. I really hope i`m not influenced by anyone to withdraw from the experiment any more and re-start the abstinence process afresh.

This time, i`m going to try and avoid any form of sexual thought which could lead to the urge. I really hope i stick to the experiment with great discipline.


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I do not know why or how i lost severe amounts of hair since 4 or 5 months ago. But, today, i tried brushing my hair several times and only a few dozens of hair fell out which i regard as a great improvement. Again, i do not know whether this will keep up nor am i really sure what is the factor that makes me feel slightly confident about...

whether the omega oil i started taking 1 month ago or the end of severe stress due to very high fever i suffered in the entire month of july 2010, or me, cutting back on masturbation or some placebo effect...

However, anything i would be glad if my hair starts growing as it did just an year ago.

Hoping to stay positive and recover patiently. I`m sure that once my hair loss stops completely, i can try something or the other to encourage hair growth...


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anti-masturbators would love this news. I shed like a b**ch today after ejaculating yesterday. I am in a shed period, but with 4 fluridil a day and twice RU I am down to shedding max 20 hairs. This morning I got about a hundred in the shower alone.

Better news for you: this experiment keeps repeating itself with me.

Theory: after masturbation some guys lose the ability to count.

Alternative theory: masturbation does indeed increase hair loss for some guys


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The hair growth process is indeed very complicated. One cannot claim that masturbation alone might cause hair loss. But, also note that sometimes, chronic masturbators experience severe thinning and balding due to obvious reasons backed by Testosterone - DHT conversion by 5-ar process. Though for some it might not seem significant, but over long periods of time, say several years, the results start showing up. We do not yet know completely about the impact of masturbation on Hair loss, nor can we claim that there is no connection between the two. Infact, popular hair loss/treatment drugs contain saw palmetto as an active ingredient that inhibits the T-DHT conversion. So, if frequent or over-masturbation had no connection with hair loss, why are these drugs always and most often based on sex hormone conversion inhibition?

Quote from wikipedia on why humans kept hair on head in the topic "Hair":

"Humans kept the hair on our head which reflects harmful UV rays, but our body hair was reduced. " - Does this mean that more exposure to sunlight will make the hair grow just as a natural protective measure?

Sometimes, drugs that are placebo might work. In such a case, you can never guess what was the cause and how the brain worked out a solution either...

It`s a well known fact that a average human loses 0.49mg of zinc each day. Also as much as 5mg of zinc is lost per ejaculation, more for some people. The role of zinc in semen is to help stabilize the fluid for a longer time until it reaches the egg, that`s just when the liquefaction of semen takes place. You can confirm this by looking at the amount of time it takes for your semen to liquefy and become transparent. And if you are a vegetarian and a very frequent wanker, imagine how much zinc you would have lost, or even worse in case of a vegan diet. We don`t base our diet on one particular mineral. So we obviously don`t get enough of a particular mineral within a short period of time. Hence, there is no other way but to take supplements, which may or may not have any side effects. Besides, zinc like other minerals, is poorly absorbed.

So in general, even if a planned diet consisting of RDA mg of a mineral is taken, there is no guarantee that it will be absorbed 100%. Even certain supplements compete for absorption such as Iron and copper alongside zinc. Hence, you never find a multi-vitamin with Iron and Zinc. If both were present, they would be in equal quantity.


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seaback said:
anti-masturbators would love this news. I shed like a b**ch today after ejaculating yesterday.

The hair cycle, 3 months for the human species, one single night for waynako...

I LOVE THAT !INDEED I DO ... what seaback said. It makes sense, hair cycle is long, but I wonder why no one says that to those guys (I am one of them) that report significant reduction in shedding on a daily basis when using fluridil, on a weekly basis using RU or whatever..

I would BET anyone to take 4 capsules of fluridil before he sleeps and not see his shedding reduced by at least 30% the very next morning.. This IS a puzzle to me, to the point I thought it might do with alcohol only and not an endocrine phenomenon.


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If people are that worried about it, couldnt they just swallow their own semen after ejaculating?

As much as that idea is a piss take, any nutrients lost through the act would be re-absorbed and probably do more good taken orally than sitting doing nothing.


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BrightonBaldy said:
If people are that worried about it, couldnt they just swallow their own semen after ejaculating?

I am sorry we do not share your hobbies. ( that might be your day job too actually). either way, i am sure you wrote that to fantasize about this while jerking off..


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lol are you taking the f*****g piss.?

that comment was a joke aimed at the entire topic, not you, if you take a non-personal jibe to heart on an internet forum then i seriously hope whatever it is youre attempting to do here works out.. as youll never be able to survive the real world of hairloss being so sensitive.

Bald Bigfoot

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"Humans kept the hair on our head which reflects harmful UV rays, but our body hair was reduced. " - Does this mean that more exposure to sunlight will make the hair grow just as a natural protective measure?

I wish that was the way natural selection worked.

I may join in on this experiment just for kicks. I'm also doing alot more cardio, as I have heard that reduces DHT levels (please correct me if I'm wrong).


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zapper said:
The hair growth process is indeed very complicated. One cannot claim that masturbation alone might cause hair loss. But, also note that sometimes, chronic masturbators experience severe thinning and balding due to obvious reasons backed by Testosterone - DHT conversion by 5-ar process. Though for some it might not seem significant, but over long periods of time, say several years, the results start showing up. We do not yet know completely about the impact of masturbation on Hair loss, nor can we claim that there is no connection between the two. Infact, popular hair loss/treatment drugs contain saw palmetto as an active ingredient that inhibits the T-DHT conversion. So, if frequent or over-masturbation had no connection with hair loss, why are these drugs always and most often based on sex hormone conversion inhibition?

Quote from wikipedia on why humans kept hair on head in the topic "Hair":

"Humans kept the hair on our head which reflects harmful UV rays, but our body hair was reduced. " - Does this mean that more exposure to sunlight will make the hair grow just as a natural protective measure?

Sometimes, drugs that are placebo might work. In such a case, you can never guess what was the cause and how the brain worked out a solution either...

It`s a well known fact that a average human loses 0.49mg of zinc each day. Also as much as 5mg of zinc is lost per ejaculation, more for some people. The role of zinc in semen is to help stabilize the fluid for a longer time until it reaches the egg, that`s just when the liquefaction of semen takes place. You can confirm this by looking at the amount of time it takes for your semen to liquefy and become transparent. And if you are a vegetarian and a very frequent wanker, imagine how much zinc you would have lost, or even worse in case of a vegan diet. We don`t base our diet on one particular mineral. So we obviously don`t get enough of a particular mineral within a short period of time. Hence, there is no other way but to take supplements, which may or may not have any side effects. Besides, zinc like other minerals, is poorly absorbed.

So in general, even if a planned diet consisting of RDA mg of a mineral is taken, there is no guarantee that it will be absorbed 100%. Even certain supplements compete for absorption such as Iron and copper alongside zinc. Hence, you never find a multi-vitamin with Iron and Zinc. If both were present, they would be in equal quantity.

heya zapper - tooyoung wanted to know your current progress on this :)

Cheers man ^^


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I went 6 months without ejaculating…but I did have a few nocturnal emissions. I actually ended it yesterday when I got really stressed over someone.

The thing is, I often masturbated without ejaculating. I hair is definitely better than before, but I think since my last stint ended yesterday, I'm going to try it without even masturbating. I know I did it as a crutch to avoid bad feelings. So, I guess I'll be a little stressed out for a while until I learn to deal with my emotions.

I, too, believe that my face gets oily while I'm having an erection, so we'll see how this goes.