Quitting Masturbation - Hair growing thicker and thicker!


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i recently quit propecia cold turkey due to sides, i have cut down sexual activity from once every 2-3 days to one a week. only using nizoral at the moment but may add RU. the thing about quitting propecia before is i have huge sheds even a few days after i quit. but now i don't have much of a shed.


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i really can't believe people are still making this argument. the only people who try the no masturbating route seem to be the people who won't take finasteride cause they want their dick to work.
so you can either take a pill with a high success rate of helping people with male pattern baldness and it MIGHT stop you from having sex
you can definitely refrain from ejaculating and definitely not take finasteride...

i don't get it?


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I have too much sex, just like my brother, father and grandfathers before me. You can see it in photos as evidenced on the top of our heads. I feel embarrased at how much sex I have everytime I go out in public. Nothing worse than having a big ole "hey check out my sex maniac noggin" :shock:


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keepinthehair said:
I have too much sex, just like my brother, father and grandfathers before me. You can see it in photos as evidenced on the top of our heads. I feel embarrased at how much sex I have everytime I go out in public. Nothing worse than having a big ole "hey check out my sex maniac noggin" :shock:

The great thing about freedom…everyone can experiment in whatever way makes sense to them. :whistle:


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Instead of stopping masturbation you could take a zinc/copper supplement. I think the theory is excessive masturbation causes a zinc definciency which in turn promotes hair loss. I thought it had been a little disproven, that male semen doesn't contain a large amount of zinc. But if you really believed that.....


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fight_the_power said:
Instead of stopping masturbation you could take a zinc/copper supplement. I think the theory is excessive masturbation causes a zinc definciency which in turn promotes hair loss. I thought it had been a little disproven, that male semen doesn't contain a large amount of zinc. But if you really believed that.....

there are more physiological things happening before/during/&after ejaculation than just vitamins. The creation of the stuff that makes life is a truly remarkable process. not to be taken lightly or trivially


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monty1978 said:
I definately wouldn't consider the last 1/2 hour a complete waste of life lol!
if you take a half hour just for a wank then you must be the f*****g marathon man of sex haha


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Hahahaha, I thought he was talking about :jackit: too!!

Was gunna ask you to post a link Monty! Extremely appropriate for this thread


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monty1978 said:
I meant half hour reading this dumb thread.

hilarious :woot:


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I only can affirm everything that the OP has written.

It's like if it were 100% my own story, no joke.
And there are many others who at least at some point in time start(ed) to consider sexual activity (further refered to as SA) as a major trigger for their hairloss - in fact this topic seems to come up about every two weeks or so on any forum like this one.
And what happens everytime is that those people are mocked by the pack.

But this is no fiction folks, and only those who deny are the idiots.
And the simple reason for the mockery is: this (cause) must not be true. Because if it actually was true, this would be the worst possible news such people can imagine. And another simple reason: not every baldy may be affected.
Anyway most people would - if they had to - choose sex over hair. So, if your're one of those - fine, just do not deliberately deny.

But there apparently exist some misconceptions about this whole thing.. It is most likely not a deplation of zinc, or overproduction of testosterone or DHT, that subsequently will facilitate hairloss, nor is it the primary cause of hairloss (that is, it does not create hairloss 'out of thin air').
This problem will (apparently) only appear in those with a prediposition for hairloss; and amongst those only some seem to be affected, apparently not all. Remember that male pattern baldness is a multy-faceted disease, it's not just as simple as DHT vs hair. If the only culprit was DHT, then propecia (finasteride) would work for everyone; instead, there may be many more hormones and such involved, and many pathways to disruption to hair production.

I do not know the exact reason why in some people SA aggravates hairloss, I only can speculate.
So, regards most of you this is like to "cast pearls before swine", but who ever wants to read, I will write from my own experience.

From my own experience, SA seems to cause inflammation, possibly a stress response, possibly adrenaline is involved.
Howsoever, I'd say that it changes the hormonal setting, acutely and subsequently.
BTW, in my case not only hair is affected, but rather the skin in general, since it causes spots/pimples, preferably on the face. That is, it spurs sebum production.
The onset of this inflammation is instant and will last for some time (BTW, ever noticed the oiliness in face skin in some people engaged in sexual activity? I happened to observe this for example in some women, and usually they happen to have a 'less luxurious' mane). And further it starts a kind of cycle, this was refered to in a chinese study as 'seven day cycle' (this is only refering to men), where, if one abstains form SA, testosterone is gradualy rising up until the seventh day, and past this it basically will drop off or decline to baseline.
So, to get rid of the effect, one has to abstain beyond one week, in my case it is usually/initially (also) around the third week of abstinence when I would typically see considerable benefits, like, subsiding of inflammation (healthier hair), no pimples, and in general a relaxation/lift in mood/sense that everything is normal.

BTW, I am on finasteride and minoxidil; and I have used dutasteride and also spironolactone, and none of them were able to put breaks on that strange effect.
So, basically, if I would not abstain form SA, finasteride and friends simply would not do much for me. As they do not in many others.
Now, this would mean that since finasteride blocks the T->DHT path, a different mechanism of action is in effect here.
And let me tell you that I have observed this fenomenon in depth, as my male pattern baldness started at about the age of 17, and it was not before the age of 27 that I started finasteride and minoxidil; now I am 39 and still a NW2, although my male pattern baldness is quite aggressive, thanks to the knowledge of the connection between SA and hairloss in my case.
Otherwise I am sure I would be at a final stage of the Norwood scale.. I have discovered this connection shortly after the onset of male pattern baldness and have learnt to deal with it.
In my case this is the master principle in the fight against male pattern baldness. Basically I know that as long as I do not engage in SA, I will not go bald.
Besides that the most detrimental things to my hair are stress or any kind of feaze, and the lack of good sleep.

BTW, hi to everyone!


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I think it's more than just masturbation, I think sexual urges will have an effect as well. I know many of you will disagree automatically but this is what I believe. I'm currently trying this whole no masturbation process again while also staying away from things that would stir up sexual arousal like pornography. If this doesn't have any effect on hair then oh well but I would like to try it anyways because I realize it's on my mind constantly and this has caused me to judge others (girls) in a pretty disgusting way which I'm not very proud of.


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Those of you use refrain from sex, cut your balls off. It will be a win, win, win situation.

No sex for you, guaranteed to keep your hair (no testosterone) and more women available for us willing to scarafice a few follicles :wub: .

Please take this in as just good humor, we all need to laugh first, then think about losing hair second.


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RedWhiteBlue said:
Remember that male pattern baldness is a multy-faceted disease, it's not just as simple as DHT vs hair. If the only culprit was DHT, then propecia (finasteride) would work for everyone; instead, there may be many more hormones and such involved, and many pathways to disruption to hair production.

Great post


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Redwhiteblue, are you saying that you have not had SA for the last 20 years?
Or are you just limiting SA?


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What happens if your girlfriend wacks it for you, will she lose hair too?

We should remove this icon -> :jackit: just looking at it caused me to lose three hairs.


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monkey22 said:
what about doing a 40 days challenge?? if someone is IN, I will too!

I went 59 days last time. I'll join you but I'm probably not going to be strict about this challenge. I'm already a week in btw.


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So you guys feel that by abstaining from SA you can suppress as much DHT as finasteride/dutasteride. can, correct?