Re growth 14 years balding . Skin/smooth on top.


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So this might explain why topicals don’t work when they should work.. something in the scalp/pores is blocking their efficacy. After much trial & error I don’t have a better theory. It makes perfect sense, but hasn’t been proven.
Yes make sense, would also fit into the reason that the use of heavy DHT blockers vary greatly for every person. Different levels of sebum and scalp build up blocking some peoples progress.

YouTube 'blackhead scalp removal', i dont think the guy has male pattern baldness but it's very interesting to see just how much hair he has hidden under the blackheads.


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I just steamed my scalp, put some solution to loosen up pores, Dermapored, suctioned device. Guess best I could do at moment. Yes suction or Dermapore don’t pull hairs so doesn’t matter.
I ordered a clarifying shampoo & scalp scrub product.


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I just steamed my scalp, put some solution to loosen up pores, Dermapored, suctioned device. Guess best I could do at moment. Yes suction or Dermapore don’t pull hairs so doesn’t matter.
I ordered a clarifying shampoo & scalp scrub product.
Going to invest in a dermapore or something similar. So far been using the pick etc tools like in the youtube videos, if you get it right it really works to remove a lot, but it's a bit time consuming and takes a bit getting used too.


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I have the tools too, but as you said hard to use..It makes perfect sense. The body is constantly forming sebum/oil/sweat.. but we neglect the scalp. Men form more than women.


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If you youtube search 'blackhead scalp removal' the first few videos are of a woman removing blackheads from the back of a guys head, along with a crazy amount of hair that was trapped underneath. This guys hair is healthy, and its probably not male pattern baldness related but it's insane to watch, and I would never have guessed there were SO many ingrown hairs underneath.

I'm not at all saying healthy hairs are trapped and forget to grow (although the youtube videos shows that this is possible) or that sebum causes hairloss... but what I'm suggesting is after hairloss has occurred and for whatever mechanism someone manages to reverse this (DHT blockers, microneeeling, minoxidil, massage, diet, vitamin deficiency etc) the newly revived hairs might have a hard time pushing through the old pathway which is now full of sebum.

Thanks for info regarding your experiment I'm looking at getting something similar.

Ive just purchased more extraction tools from amazon, the ones dermatologists use. So far I've managed to get a load of crap out the area in front of my hairline where I had hair 10-15 years ago followed by witch Hazel to keep the pores free. Maybe a bit ambitious to expect regrowth here but as my hairs long its very hard to get into main scalp area further back. So only time will tell if I get any results. I'm not on strong DHT blockers ( only saw palmetto and red ginseng) and not on minoxidil.

Do you think your device would work in amongst long hair or would you need to shave down to use it?
I think you're probably on the right track with your extraction tools. I dontbthink the device is very good. I can go over my nose and then still squeeze gunk out of it, so it's obviously only getting the superficial stuff.

But yeah, you'd definitely have to have your head shaved very short, either 0 or razored, to use it on your scalp.


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I think you're probably on the right track with your extraction tools. I dontbthink the device is very good. I can go over my nose and then still squeeze gunk out of it, so it's obviously only getting the superficial stuff.

But yeah, you'd definitely have to have your head shaved very short, either 0 or razored, to use it on your scalp.
So far my best method is - steam scalp for a few minutes or rinse with hot water and dead sea salt. Apply witch hazel then using a mirror and my phone camera on macro mode go in with the pimple tools. First pinch/pierce each blocked follicle (easy to see with camera but awkward) then glide the other side of tool over the area. This gets a lot of stuff out.

Then finish with more witch hazel to clean area.

Thinking of buying a good magnifying mirror to make things easier.

I think buzzing down would defnitely help too cheers, but it's catch 22. If I buzz down there is no hair for the sebum to absorb into so will be counterproductive in trying to get rid of it. Also if it's shaved right down identifying a blocked pore from a very short hair may be tough.

If I was you and had buzzed down already I'd consider using witch hazel or something similar to keep the oil/sebum as low as possible.
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I’ll have to watch more YouTube videos.
If I ever saw a hair underneath a blocked pore, I think it would be an Ahha! moment.
It has to be a win-win situation to keep scalp clean as possible. There is the caveat that: Even if you clean the pore of gunk, it will just fill up again. So lowering the stressors which cause the over abundance of gunk is another consideration. Like I said I’ve seen the gunk come out of my nose…It’s probably in my scalp too.
It’s a fascinating subject. Possible reason transgenders can grow back their hair, they are greatly reducing the sebum in pores. I’m not an expert, Just trying to check all the boxes.


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I’ll have to watch more YouTube videos.
If I ever saw a hair underneath a blocked pore, I think it would be an Ahha! moment.
It has to be a win-win situation to keep scalp clean as possible. There is the caveat that: Even if you clean the pore of gunk, it will just fill up again. So lowering the stressors which cause the over abundance of gunk is another consideration. Like I said I’ve seen the gunk come out of my nose…It’s probably in my scalp too.
It’s a fascinating subject. Possible reason transgenders can grow back their hair, they are greatly reducing the sebum in pores. I’m not an expert, Just trying to check all the boxes.
Yes the video on YouTube shocked me just how much damn hair was ingrown and I would never have known.

Even the blackheads on your nose are from blocked hair pores, exactly the same as on scalp except the scalp hair is of a different nature, they are both hair pores. So I think it makes perfect sense.

I also think it's a lomg term process and a big contributer to diffuse thinning over the years, I belive the pores are blocked over a long period of time. So maybe it's not necessary to block sebum just keep scalp clean once you get the stuff out.

I think cortisol and stress hormones increase sebum production though along with many other things.

Good point about transgenders, hairloss is not all down to DHT and hormones like some on here believe.


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So far my best method is - steam scalp for a few minutes or rinse with hot water and dead sea salt. Apply witch hazel then using a mirror and my phone camera on macro mode go in with the pimple tools. First pinch/pierce each blocked follicle (easy to see with camera but awkward) then glide the other side of tool over the area. This gets a lot of stuff out.

Then finish with more witch hazel to clean area.

Thinking of buying a good magnifying mirror to make things easier.

I think buzzing down would defnitely help too cheers, but it's catch 22. If I buzz down there is no hair for the sebum to absorb into so will be counterproductive in trying to get rid of it. Also if it's shaved right down identifying a blocked pore from a very short hair may be tough.

If I was you and had buzzed down already I'd consider using witch hazel or something similar to keep the oil/sebum as low as possible.
How exactly do you use a mirror and your phone on macro mode? I can't imagine what you're talking about ...


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How exactly do you use a mirror and your phone on macro mode? I can't imagine what you're talking about ...
I hold phone in one hand on close up mode (macro) with flash on and watch the reflection of the screen in mirror, and use my other hand to do the extractions. I don't actually take pictures just use the phone camera to get a zoomed in picture and watch it on mirror.

Not ideal, but it gives a very close up focused picture so I can see every single clogged pore, which is required if your using the extractions tools so you can pinch each one individually then glide over to remove the gunk.

Ideally I would get someone else to do it, even a dermatologists but for now this is manageable.

I can only do this about 1/3 other way back from my hairline.


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Awesome, I will give you guys a free tip, you can mix apple cider vinegar with olive oil and ginger/garlic left over night will dissolve hair sebum. I also pre wash my scalp with Dawn dish wash detergent and a scrubber on my scalp prior to using any shampoo or topicals.


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Awesome, I will give you guys a free tip, you can mix apple cider vinegar with olive oil and ginger/garlic left over night will dissolve hair sebum. I also pre wash my scalp with Dawn dish wash detergent and a scrubber on my scalp prior to using any shampoo or topicals.
Although I'd genuinly rather pour dishwash liquid on my scalp than shrink my ballsack with finasteride, no tips needed. Like I've said i'm already seeing progress. This is for the first time in 20 years of trying everything including the big 3.


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P.S. ... actually, cancel that ... I just gave myself a pretty intense scalp message as I described in the other "close up" pictures thread and check this out. See all that white stuff coming out of my scalp? Gross.

Still not convinced it's actually going to do anything for hair-loss or regrowth but I guess I'll find out. Nothing to lose.
Dude that’s exactly what I’m talking about . Although some of those look like demodex as well . And them damn mites ruin your hair. They claim they can lay up to 15-20 eggs in a single hair follicule ,,,,,, now you tell me that won’t cause hair loss ??? Pshhh hair will never come to surface with them follicules packed like that . That’s why a derma roller and pen work so good causer its killing them mites. Curious as hell how your hair growth is going


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I hold phone in one hand on close up mode (macro) with flash on and watch the reflection of the screen in mirror, and use my other hand to do the extractions. I don't actually take pictures just use the phone camera to get a zoomed in picture and watch it on mirror.

Not ideal, but it gives a very close up focused picture so I can see every single clogged pore, which is required if your using the extractions tools so you can pinch each one individually then glide over to remove the gunk.

Ideally I would get someone else to do it, even a dermatologists but for now this is manageable.

I can only do this about 1/3 other way back from my hairline.
Been a while but yes that’s exactly how I do it . On iPhone it has a magnifying glass app . When you open it up it will open your phone camera and you can turn the flash light on . Then just point the lense to your scalp, zoom in and adjust the distance while looking at the front of your phones reflection in the mirror . It gets very very very zoomed in and you can see everything . Crap you didn’t even know was on your scalp


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I know microneedling on the face is an approved method to reduce scarring. Hair follicles like you say are to deep to reach with a needle but penetrating the follicle root itself wouldn't be a great idea imo. No one knows for sure why microneelding works well with hairloss for some. People will say microneedling works to increase effectiveness of minoxidil, im I'm not arguing with that. But people also get good results without using topicals. Here's my opinion -

The sebaceous gland is closer to the surface, and more reachable to the needles. If a hair has gradually miniaturised over time the sebum produced continues to release at same amount which was required for a healthy hair strand thus trapping minuturised hairs in my opinion, hindering the chances of a newly revitalised follicle (through meds or whatever regime is helping) 'pushing through' the build up of oils sebum and other crap. Good hair transplants work because the transplanted follicle is implanted and there's no blockage.

Exactly the same way acne forms, it's all from blocked HAIR follicles on face and body. And one huge remedy for acne is to unblock the hair follicles on the face by reducing sebum using products aimed at oily skin.

Microneeding could be 'unblocking' these pathways on the scalp.

I'm not saying sebum is the cause of hairloss, people unaffected by male pattern baldness and DHT will be producing the same levels of sebum as someone who has heavy diffuse thinning, which is a huge problem for the diffuse thinner. So it's an accelerator to hairloss imo, and microneedling among many other things to reduce sebum can help for sure.
Nice !! Definitely agree . I like the hair transplant thing too . That’s why I believe derma pens are working so good as well . I’ve literally have opened up hair follicules again and hair popped out . I was like wth you little son of a gun . You were their just couldn’t come out .

Mr. Slap Head

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Dude that’s exactly what I’m talking about . Although some of those look like demodex as well . And them damn mites ruin your hair. They claim they can lay up to 15-20 eggs in a single hair follicule ,,,,,, now you tell me that won’t cause hair loss ??? Pshhh hair will never come to surface with them follicules packed like that . That’s why a derma roller and pen work so good causer its killing them mites. Curious as hell how your hair growth is going


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Hey I was wondering where your little pussy *** went . Do me a favor bro . Can you tell your mom that I left my belt on the floor by the bed last night !!! If you could be a little lamb and grab that for me . Thanks
Amy updates on this thread, or progress? Cheers