Social phenomena are complex and multifaceted. For a given outcome, we might have two different explanations. These explanations might be contradictory, complementary, or in fact the same and we don't even realize it.
Time is a f****r. It gets us all. I am fascinated by it and I fear it. I am interested in chaos theory and the butterfly effect. Cold approach is a big f*** you to that notion of wait for the right one. Because women fall out of the sky. She is just waiting to get married lol
More like, aware that betas will propose regardless of her poor lifestyle choices. Scream misogyny in piss poor attempt to dismiss any self ownership or accountability.
I don't think there's any blanket statement for a solution. Given my experience, youth seems to be key. By that, a woman trades in her best years for a husband, marriage, motherhood, etc. It's just an expectation now a days. You as a man are a atm expected to provide resources whether or not she offers value or not.
One of the biggest game changers is a woman biological clock. Social engineering has pushed a narrative of not having children. Essentially, a lot of women acting and behaving like men. The same notion of gender being fluid coupled with a series of other delusional sentiments.
I am not sure what the solution is. I am working on it. I just know that I am further removed from marriage as time goes on. I am well aware it's the ideal path especially for children but, what marriage has become in the west is utterly insane.
A possible example is the evolving nature and "market value" of men and women. I think that one possible factor is that men might take longer to mature, on average. The best men at 20 don't necessarily correspond to the best men at 30. A female friend used to say that it's hard to tell how handsome a man is going to be prior to 30. That may be. I feel like my relative worth is much higher now than 15 years ago -- but I could be wrong.
I woukdnt doubt that. Society would have pushed you to raise some other man's baby with a woman your age or older. That or to marry the girl who pissed away her youth chasing douchebag and bad boys. She can do no wrong and be a shitty person. She can't cuck you and be a horrible mother and wife. Society will sing her praises and pedal to her victim narrative. Government will shower her in resources.
I credit you. Bide time. Seek self-knowledge. Explore conscious. Overcome fears. Step up as a man. Nobody can tell you how to live your life. Use apps and online but, definitely give cold approach a go. She cannot catfish or hide behind a filter. Her crazy will come out. If she's a space cadet it will be portrayed early in the interaction.
Dating younger is not trivial. Women sort by age on dating apps, as in the app tells them what age range to look at. If a woman lists 22-32 or something like that, then she will never match with a 33 year-old man.
I understand what you mean but, once a woman's SMV plummets, let's say crows feet, fat, single mom, etc yet, she still has her shity entitlement like when she was hawt, it's game over. I am not suggesting she can't fucjk, I am saying, the SMV make she acquires will be a significant date down. It's irrelevant regardless what a woman sets her parameters to date (I also suspect social engineering going on here btw but I digree). Irrelevant because new girls are turning 18/19/20/21 everyday. The hottest girl today cannot hold here own against tomorrow's crop on the way up. It's again why feminism and hookup culture cheers women off the cliff.
Any attempt to Shame a free thinking man for dating young goes to deaf ears. The same for any suggestion of proud single mom, for marrying the catered remains of declining youth and SMV. The good girl shtick gets a shot of steroids when Chad's stop calling. Girls put it on thick. Most guys checkout the first semi decent looking girl shows any sign of interest.
Have you seen his photos?
He is a good looking white man with a good frame in his early 20s. If he wants to do well with women, he can.
If he is crazy or had a series of poor experience with women, ones on which it's warped how he views women as a whole, he won't succeed regardless of his SMV. Of course all women are special snowflakes heavenly blessed beauties regardless of body fat and can do no wrong. Or so society would try to have you believe.
I suspect he's a bit fucked up psychologically. If I were to guess, I would question his home environment and the women he's dated.