I understand why you'd write that given the context of this forum, but it doesn't really apply to me. I don't view women as very different from men.
I disagree, I think that it's fine, particularly as she was already giving me compliments herself. She was also very physical when we met, she did not hesitate to touch me.
When she liked me my behaviour was good, then when she lost interest it "did not make her feel like a lady". We get good and bad criticism in life, this is a case of the latter.
Women can be opportunistic vultures. Always on the look out for 'the bigger better prize.' love need not apply.
A woman I went out with is similar. Immediately upon meeting her, I hugged to break rapport. I noticed she complied but leaned out. My mind doesn't assume disinterest. It assumes she needs more time. Drinks turned into food meaning she enjoys the company. She definitely leaned in to kiss me. I hugged. Made out the next time. More recently, she went in to hug. I lost her number. Umatched and no contact. If I hangout a handful of times and it doesn't lead to sex, I drop her.
It's not something that can be bargained with or for. It's either there or it is not. She's a party girl. She's on the later side of twenty. She's a mess. History of heavy partying and no doubt promiscuity. The last vibe was wack.
I got drunk dialed that night from a different girl. I next another girl who again was cute, on later side of twenty, entitled, and just axed her from any future interactions. I progressed with two newer younger prospects and burnt off 'deadwood' as Jordan Peterson would say.
Keep going man. It's a zero sum game. Winner takes all. We play the cards we are dealt to the best of our ability. By the merit I hold value in dating younger, it's tricky. They are usually space cadets. Still, the alternative is to date spoiled milk.
The dating world is as every bit as dark and as hostile as E. R. says and then some. The reality is as it is. Divorce stats, cucking, high kill count when young and attractive but low libido for her husband. There's a reason why a man must step up. Going all psycho obviously isn't the ideal way. It's to adjust and proceed accordingly to the new values and beliefs system you operate in.
Even as a child from the nuclear family, seeing the value it offers, my eyes are open. The only way I would get married at this point is if I dated someone on the early side if twenty without any weirdness or sketchy stuff. I highly recommend you do the same thing.