Receding Woman Demands Full Haired Men As Partners


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For privacy reasons I decided to Remove the photos.
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It makes it difficult to find a woman to date when even the balding chicks are declining to date you..

She probably doesn't want to pass on her faulty genes to future off spring.


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I am not an expert in female pattern baldness, but seems like she has a frontal fibrosing alopecia and it's only gets worse with age. There is no effective treatment for it besides hair transplant and forehead reduction surgery.
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IDK if she is receded or she just has a fivehead. Some women have large male like foreheads that may look like recession compared to other females.


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It's just a high forehead, no balding. Even has temple closure like most females.
I don't think she is balding

I also don't have a problem with her being attracted to fullheaded dudes. Why does she feel the need to include that line on her profile though? She can't just ignore the matches she's not interested in? has to let a certain disfigured population know they're not good enough for her?


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I don't think she is balding

I also don't have a problem with her being attracted to fullheaded dudes. Why does she feel the need to include that line on her profile though? She can't just ignore the matches she's not interested in? has to let a certain disfigured population know they're not good enough for her?
Imagine if a guy had written "Girls, only slim bodies."


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lol at your avatar. interestingly enough though pennywise from the 90s one was more bald lol
Actually Rick has a very embarrassing bald spot!
See? Not even a multiverse scientific can cure his own baldness.


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I don't think she is balding

I also don't have a problem with her being attracted to fullheaded dudes. Why does she feel the need to include that line on her profile though? She can't just ignore the matches she's not interested in? has to let a certain disfigured population know they're not good enough for her?

Yup, just reeks of entitlement and lack of manners/tact that she even felt compelled to mention it. It's like if I said "sorry, fatties need not apply" on my profile. Just classless.

It also ties in with another interesting phenomenon: the amount of women who will put "no hook ups" on their profiles. As if all men are rapists or something and women don't have the agency and the right to hook up or not hook up with anyone they damn please. I've never understood that. Virtue signalling, I suppose, but it sort of loses its force when EVERY girl says it. Even if you want to say that they do it so they can weed out the men who ONLY want to get laid, it's a useless strategy (and they're lying to themselves), as I've slept with several women who stated this on their profiles within the first 2-3 dates.