Replicel Is On Fire Lately — Data In Feb.


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I don't hate replicel I just hate the fact that our biggest hope is a very small company with no proven track record and constant delays
Yeah... I try to mindfuck myself into thinking that this Company might be the Microsoft of hair loss treatment. But the chances of something like that are slim.

Still, the fact that they entered into a technology llicense agreement witha GIANT Corporation like Shesheido gives me a little hope..

Pepe with hair

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Yeah... I try to mindfuck myself into thinking that this Company might be the Microsoft of hair loss treatment. But the chances of something like that are slim.

Still, the fact that they entered into a technology llicense agreement witha GIANT Corporation like Shesheido gives me a little hope..

Yeah actually no one gives a sh*t about RepliCel,. Our hopes are on shiseido hands.


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I don't hate replicel I just hate the fact that our biggest hope is a very small company with no proven track record and constant delays

Yeah, very slow, they are going to end up getting beaten by some other company in Asia if they keep going this slow. Finding the cure to hairloss would truly make a country appear advanced (it would be) so that is another thing that can drive this research. It's the race to! It seems.

That Guy

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They stated on their twitter page in March, as I've pointed out before, that they don't expect it to be a "cure".

Now, that contradicts that video of theirs and some of the other things they've said, but all anyone should be expecting (and this is thus far what the trials indicate) is a permanent (or at least very-long lasting) alternative to finasteride and minoxidil with a currently known max of 20% regrowth if you're lucky.

For low norwoods, it likely will amount to a functional cure. Anything much past 3 and I suspect you'll be looking elsewhere.


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They stated on their twitter page in March, as I've pointed out before, that they don't expect it to be a "cure".

Now, that contradicts that video of theirs and some of the other things they've said, but all anyone should be expecting (and this is thus far what the trials indicate) is a permanent (or at least very-long lasting) alternative to finasteride and minoxidil with a currently known max of 20% regrowth if you're lucky.

For low norwoods, it likely will amount to a functional cure. Anything much past 3 and I suspect you'll be looking elsewhere.

Again though that is assuming that safety trials provided the treatment’s most effective results. So far it’s all we have to make assumptions from, but hopefully they can find a more effective way to dose this treatment to provide better results. We will find out hopefully in the coming year!


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Again though that is assuming that safety trials provided the treatment’s most effective results. So far it’s all we have to make assumptions from, but hopefully they can find a more effective way to dose this treatment to provide better results. We will find out hopefully in the coming year!

Well, it was stated many times that the safety trial did not aim for performance. Current trial under Shiseido was designed for performance, with multiple injections over some time span. All we can do is wait for SHISEIDO (not Replicel) results next year.


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That's not true. If you look at the clinical trial published on the Japanese FDA, you will se that they are testing 3 doses and a control group. But there is nothing about multiple injections.
This is a fact that is extended throughout most members of the forum but it isn't true.
The multiple injections were quoted by Replicel in their future Phase2 but not applied in the Sisheido trial.

Hum. Didn't know that.
Can you post the source?


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Sorry for the off-topic post, I didn’t feel like this warranted it’s own thread, is anyone else who comes to this site on mobile experiencing pop-up ads and being automatically rerouted to scammy websites? This particular thread has been a complete nightmare to read the last few weeks. Just wondering if it’s time to ditch my browser or a systemic issue. Thanks.


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Sorry for the off-topic post, I didn’t feel like this warranted it’s own thread, is anyone else who comes to this site on mobile experiencing pop-up ads and being automatically rerouted to scammy websites? This particular thread has been a complete nightmare to read the last few weeks. Just wondering if it’s time to ditch my browser or a systemic issue. Thanks.

Only on mobile.


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They stated on their twitter page in March, as I've pointed out before, that they don't expect it to be a "cure".

Now, that contradicts that video of theirs and some of the other things they've said, but all anyone should be expecting (and this is thus far what the trials indicate) is a permanent (or at least very-long lasting) alternative to finasteride and minoxidil with a currently known max of 20% regrowth if you're lucky.

For low norwoods, it likely will amount to a functional cure. Anything much past 3 and I suspect you'll be looking elsewhere.

Maintenance without side effects and between 5% and 20% is a big step.
We have nothing new currently.


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Thanks for the link!

They don't state when the trial will end.. :(

Considering replicell is expecting results by mid 2018 I would assume that is telling as to when I.t is intended to end. Unfortunately all we can do is assume tho...


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I'm losing track on the various players in this game. Are they going to wait on FDA approvals or subject to Japanese regulation after trials completion?

That Guy

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Even for higher norwoods after they got a transplant, it's a functional cure.

Well, this is where you start to get into semantics and a varying degree of subjectivity, but saying "it's a cure after you get a transplant" doesn't really justify saying that it's a functional cure if it requires something else to amount to such.

Secondly, I don't think most NW5s (as an example) generally have the donor to go back anywhere near NW1 to begin with, and with the presently-known efficacy, it's doubtful that this therapy would provide enough regrowth to bolster the effects of such a large transplant.

In my opinion, transplants are only a great option if you are low Norwood as high NWs generally don't get the density or any significant gains. I sort of roll my eyes when I see some poster who is like "I'm NW6 but now with my transplant and SMP I can look like I just have a buzzcut".

I suppose that's better than being bald to most, but I still hate the look and if you're just have a close buzzcut look, I don't see what the issue was with going bald since you're still ostensibly a "bald guy" to most others.


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Sorry for the off-topic post, I didn’t feel like this warranted it’s own thread, is anyone else who comes to this site on mobile experiencing pop-up ads and being automatically rerouted to scammy websites? This particular thread has been a complete nightmare to read the last few weeks. Just wondering if it’s time to ditch my browser or a systemic issue. Thanks.

Ditto for me, but only on mobile (or unless my security settings in Chrome on desktop are such that it's preventing the pop-ups/redirects. On mobile sometimes it happens several page loads in a row in different threads.


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Well, this is where you start to get into semantics and a varying degree of subjectivity, but saying "it's a cure after you get a transplant" doesn't really justify saying that it's a functional cure if it requires something else to amount to such.

Secondly, I don't think most NW5s (as an example) generally have the donor to go back anywhere near NW1 to begin with, and with the presently-known efficacy, it's doubtful that this therapy would provide enough regrowth to bolster the effects of such a large transplant.

In my opinion, transplants are only a great option if you are low Norwood as high NWs generally don't get the density or any significant gains. I sort of roll my eyes when I see some poster who is like "I'm NW6 but now with my transplant and SMP I can look like I just have a buzzcut".

I suppose that's better than being bald to most, but I still hate the look and if you're just have a close buzzcut look, I don't see what the issue was with going bald since you're still ostensibly a "bald guy" to most others.

This man can travel from normie to baldite world and back.