It’s pretty safe to assume that Replicel is in dire need of some capital - take a look at their share price over the last few years. If they had results of Shiseido’s RCH phase 2 trial, they would have released them by now. The only time their share price has jumped exponentially has been when good news regarding RCH 01 has surfaced.
This leads me to believe that Replicel do not possess the Phase 2 results and that they are in conflict with Shiseido over them.
But if data just got released last month internally, then it can't be any faster.
Also if we dive into their latest statement about the data sharing from Replicel
"Management maintains the position that any data produced from clinical trials of the technology will, by agreement, be made available to the Company." And since there haven't been any made any legal action between any of them, one could assume this are going as they are supposed too.
Also Replicel made a deal with the Chinese YOFOTO who bought shares for $5.000.000 and license rights