Replicel Presentation in Toronto, Jan 29th 2016 - Japan Regenerative Medicine Market


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I'll post a recording after.


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Do you think they will share any updates on how the trial is going?

The trial in Japan in Shiseido hasn't started yet, and this is no fault of Replicel's, or anyone's really. It's all to do with the relatively new regulations Japan has to offer. As great as the opportunities are for Replicel, Japan is still ironing out all the details and the committees that approve the certain trails for biotechs, in which case, a committee is being put in place for Replicel's area of work, hence the delay. But, should be a matter of weeks before trials start.

I'm just at a Starbucks right now and finished up my quick meeting with Mr. Lee Buckler. I need to go home and work on some freelance projects for a personal client as well as some of my regular 9-5 work. I'll try to have all the info to you guys by tomorrow.


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The trial in Japan in Shiseido hasn't started yet, and this is no fault of Replicel's, or anyone's really. It's all to do with the relatively new regulations Japan has to offer. As great as the opportunities are for Replicel, Japan is still ironing out all the details and the committees that approve the certain trails for biotechs, in which case, a committee is being put in place for Replicel's area of work, hence the delay. But, should be a matter of weeks before trials start.

I'm just at a Starbucks right now and finished up my quick meeting with Mr. Lee Buckler. I need to go home and work on some freelance projects for a personal client as well as some of my regular 9-5 work. I'll try to have all the info to you guys by tomorrow.

Great! What was your overall impression on a scale from 0(=Snake oil, launch in 2083) to 10(=OMG CURE IN 2 YEARS!)


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Great! What was your overall impression on a scale from 0(=Snake oil, launch in 2083) to 10(=OMG CURE IN 2 YEARS!)

Ya, the information is cool and all, but this is really all I would get out of it - your impressions. Thanks!


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I think this is the presentation from the meeting, dig in, maybe you find something useful. I really hope if Shiseido is willing to invest a sh*tload of money for a facility in Kobe that is "Capable of handling all aspects of the RCH-01technology" then they are confident that they have something good in their hands. I can't wait for Hellouser's report.

BTW did you read this Hell? Maybe you won't even have to fly to Japan..

[h=3]GE Healthcare and FedDev Ontario put $40M into new CCRM-led centre
January 13, 2016[/h]Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spent Thursday, Jan. 13th at the Centre for Regenerative Medicine's headquarters in Toronto, ON, introducing FedDev Ontario and GE Healthcare's new CAD $40M investment into building a new centre to accelerate the development of regenerative medicine products in Canada. This is great news for the industry and RepliCel's plans for working with the CCRM in the near-term."[UNIQID]


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interested to find out what Hell's opinions are regarding Replicel since the first "results" we saw were depressing.
Hopefully , by pushing the release date from 2016 to 2018, they'll have more time in perfecting the technique etc ...

(thanks for the work , Hell)


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The trial in Japan in Shiseido hasn't started yet, and this is no fault of Replicel's, or anyone's really. It's all to do with the relatively new regulations Japan has to offer. As great as the opportunities are for Replicel, Japan is still ironing out all the details and the committees that approve the certain trails for biotechs, in which case, a committee is being put in place for Replicel's area of work, hence the delay. But, should be a matter of weeks before trials start.

I'm just at a Starbucks right now and finished up my quick meeting with Mr. Lee Buckler. I need to go home and work on some freelance projects for a personal client as well as some of my regular 9-5 work. I'll try to have all the info to you guys by tomorrow.

Bump. No worries if you're busy, but it would be great to hear if you heard anything interesting.


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Going to go out on a limb and say nothing of significance was said? He did say everything would be posted last Saturday though ...


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Going to go out on a limb and say nothing of significance was said? He did say everything would be posted last Saturday though ...

I've been slammed with work and on top of that, my work laptop died. I'll get on this ASAP....


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This technology can be applied in patients with severe hair loss it?

This technology can be applied in patients with severe hair loss it?

sorry my english.


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Exporting the presentations in two parts RIGHT NOW. I'll be uploading them videos immediately after.


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All done! First page of this thread updated as well. Lee Buckler starts speaking at 16:10 minute mark.


Part 1:
(I can't post two videos at one, forum limit!)

Question & Answers with Lee Buckler:

Q) Are actually able to culture the DSC without losing their gene-expression signature.
A) They are continuing to explore expression in regards to phenotype.

Q) Is there already a starting date for the Shiseido RCH-01 trials?
A) The trial in Japan in Shiseido hasn't started yet, and this is no fault of Replicel's, or anyone's really. It's all to do with the relatively new regulations Japan has to offer. As great as the opportunities are for Replicel, Japan is still ironing out all the details and the committees that approve the certain trails for biotechs, in which case, a committee is being put in place for Replicel's area of work, hence the delay. But, should be a matter of weeks before trials start.

Q) How long will the Phase II trial be for the Shiseido trials? Are they shorter than the European trials that are 39 months (!), since Lee Buckler said that he expects that Shiseido's treatment will be available in 2018/2019 in Japan?
A) 24 months by Shiseido in Japan, but may or may not be accurate.

Q) I'm guessing Replicel have been focused on their other products such as the RCI-02 injector, the trials for RCT-01 (tendoins) and RCS-01 (skin). Is the development and trials for RCH-01 more complex and therefore taking the backseat compared to the other products? And will focus be shifted more towards treating male pattern baldness when their other products have been launched?
A) It's not taking a back seat by any means. RCH-01 is still one of their major goals. It may seem like they've taken a backseat, but they haven't. Note from Hellouser; their major delay was from the growth medium. If you listen to the interview from 2015 Hair Congress, you'll notice that they had to come up with their own which took a long time. There was a possibility that they would have had to restart their trials but thankfully, that didn't happen. Full interview can be heard here:

Q) The whole dsc platform is based on the theory that the DSCs from the back of the head are dht resistant. This would lead me to believe that dscs from this region differ from dscs on the top of the scalp. Thus i am curious to see if they have ever fully examined the cells to see if that there is genetic differences between the two that could attribute to the dht resistance in one vs dht susceptibility in the other.
A) They're still exploring expressions of DHT in follicles. Note from Hellouser: I posted earlier today a speech on this from the Hair Congress. Have a listen to this:

Some photos from the seminar:

Many thanks to the Replicel team and Lee Buckler for taking time out of their day and having another chat with me.


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Thanks so much Hellouser! awesome contributor!! did you get a feeling for how effective it might be at all? could this be a cure conceptually?