Is Replicel's goal to bring us all back to a NW1 or is it just hair immunization against Androgenetic Alopecia? Can someone help me with this?First of all sorry for English knowledge.
So, according their website and their team, Replicel (RCH-01) is a Androgenetic Alopecia hair-loss cure, Not just another (upcoming) hair-loss progress slowing or maintaining treatment? I think few companies used this keyword "cure" before come into the market. but nothing couldn't cure Androgenetic Alopecia so far. Just wondering.
Cure should be a regrowth for any norwoods to NW0. if not this is another Scam. Just my thoughts.
Is Replicel's goal to bring us all back to a NW1 or is it just hair immunization against Androgenetic Alopecia? Can someone help me with this?