Report: Indisputable Proof That Finasteride Causes Sexual Side Effects In Forum Users

Have you experienced negative finasteride related sexual side effects?

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Lmfao, this butthurt tranny coping with his hormonal treatment can't deal with other people's opinion.

The fina cult is really something else.

But don't worry you will all learn in due time. And try to ignore the poll results, it might cause even more anxiety to your fragile ego princess.
I can deal with anyone's opinion and if i am in the wrong, i will apologize. I am not some narcissist dickhead who puts myself above and everyone below. BUT when you or someone starts spreading misinformation, and quoting parts that don't match the context of what you/they are portraying, we got problems here fam. Finasteride is a 20 years old drug more or less, anything you said or quoted has been read and is available to anyone with a seach engine. What i am learning right now is how my hair is thankfully and finally getting thicker and healthier after i demolished my DHT. If you can't deal with hormonal stuff, i don't blame you. Invest in some Saw Palmetto or RoseMary oil. But live, and let live.


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Like i have said before, this poll doesn't even take in to account the severity of the sexual sides, maybe it was just less semen volume or more watery semen, things like that. Just because someone voted yes doesn't mean the sexual sides were of any major concern to the person taking it. I think if you were to take a poll with this in mind the amount of people suffering from bad sexual sides that interfered with their life would be far lower. I for example would say yes dutasteride gave me sexual sides, but they are not major or have any impact on my life.
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Im just tired of all the hating on finasteride and dutasteride, it pisses me off majorly when i see the PFS gang trying to get finasteride banned etc it's one of the few ways we have to treat baldness and they want to take that away from millions of men. This constant bashing of it by some people just because they experienced very bad sides from it is a cause of concern for me because without my treatments i would be bald and suicidal.


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Friend, where did I misquote and spread misinformation? I always post the source of my claims. Finasteride is part of a transgender regimen, that's a fact. Do all Male to Female regimens use fina? No, of course not but many do. Hell, check the big wiki page of MTF therapy I linked here, there's a big section about transgenders using anti androgens like fina for their regimen. (Calling someone a tranny is banter btw...atleast for most)

And I'm happy you're seeing results for you hair but I believe most will experience side effects besides only a decrease in hairloss. Many users for example who are here for years have gone the same route and logic you new guys use, believing the studies and (whishfully) thinking DHT is a useless hormone...couple of years later they quit fina because of sides and some have persistent side effects even after quitting.

Btw, if I wouldn't care about hair I would not be on this forum. The ONLY thing I advocate for is trying other things before jumping on oral fina/dua.

Especially if you're a young guy that only wants maintenance. Try zix or minoxidil in combo with daily needling, if that doesn't work get on topical fina and if all those things don't work take oral fina if you are aware of all the risks.
I deleted my post where i requested the admin to ban you. It didn't seem fair and i was thinking of deleting it sooner, unfortunetly i fell asleep (sorry).

Look, i didn't say you quoted false studies or claims. They are very real, and they are all documented, but, the issue lies in the scare mongering holocaust. We all know you and countless other people (including me btw) got sides from these 5 ARIs and you valued your mental/sexual health more, therefore you made the decision of getting off the drug. That's completely fine and understandable. Now you are trying to raise awareness to other non-knowing forum members about these pills, and that's great. However, you do it in a non-rational way that if someone sees your posts and was contemplating on whether to start Finasteride or not, even though they knew about its side effects and read all there is available to read, then they would ultimately drop the decision. We don't want that, cause Finasteride has a chance to hurt you , but has a very high chance of saving your hair. Many hair specialists and dermatologists qualify 5ARIs to be the first line of defense against this disease. I do agree about trying other things before jumping into hormonal stuff though, but for aggressive balding and/or thinning, minoxidil and natural DHT blockers are nothing. Even now 5ARIs are very weak when it comes to people who go from NW1 to NW4 in a year, and you gotta work on your hair while the follicles are still fighting for dear life, or else they are permanently dead.


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And another cyring duta taking coper joins the party.

We're in a side effect thread, deal with the fact you will read about people not agreeing with the notion that fina is safe.

Are you retarded? Have you read my post? I never said fina does not have sides but to some people hair means more to them that sides decrease their quality of life.


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Pigeon do you know how many people take finasteride, to suggest that the majority or even close to get sides is to suggest millions of men are getting sides and not reporting anywhere. Nobody is disputing that finasteride gives sides, all drugs do. For a young guy balding to scare them off trying finasteride for a while is not fair as balding can have a serious effect on a persons mental health. Morethan 10million prescriptions in the us alone, if you think even sides are in double figures i think you are deluded.


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Yes agree to disagree is the best way forward. BTW im planning on getting off finasteride if breezula shows good effects but for now after my transplant it would be foolish not to take it every third day as i do as suggested my by my Doctor.


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Reckon shiseido is a bust in my opinion, think cassiopeia if they can find optimum dose could be effective maintenance.


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Pigeon do you know how many people take finasteride, to suggest that the majority or even close to get sides is to suggest millions of men are getting sides and not reporting anywhere. Nobody is disputing that finasteride gives sides, all drugs do. For a young guy balding to scare them off trying finasteride for a while is not fair as balding can have a serious effect on a persons mental health. Morethan 10million prescriptions in the us alone, if you think even sides are in double figures i think you are deluded.
Its not scaring, its warning. Some read about the consequences and still take the risk and start using finasteride. I'm very glad that I read forums before I started using it myself, so it kept me from taking a hormone altering tranny drug. I've seen a trichologist this summer, and she suggested to use minoxidil with finasteride, and said there are so side effects and that its not even a hormone medication, which is a complete lie. The hair loss doctors dont give a f*** about your overall health, and its you, not them who risk become impotent, infertile, feminized or whatever. And possibility of sides is for sure not 3% as claimed, by impression I would say at least 30%. How can someone think you can remove one of the most active male hormones without consequences? And on this forum, even those who defend finasteride and argue with those who's claiming sides - have side effects as well or are completely insane freaks like Ikarus or Peterson. Even that dude Derelict whites he's tired of the finastide hate, but has gotten giant tits from it. Especially young people like me should be scared of the fina sides. These sides are far more severe than a bald head and the users will still most likely get bald, just later. And if the consumers are aware of the consequences, why do they get so mad when they read about them?


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Man im not going around and around arguing but any guy who suggests 30% sides without any proof cannot be listened to, you are basing your estimates off an internet hairloss forum and your feelings and not any actual data, to suggest 30% sides is ridiculous.


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It’s not that it’s 30% or 99%. There are millions of men out there that are bald that might have tried finasteride and got sides - hence why they are still bald.

It’s highly likely that some of them got sides, stopped finasteride and shaved the dome.

The POINT here is that there is an absence of warnings.

If you’re a young nieve man being told to go on finasteride and not being told about the sides that’s equally wrong.

In this section of this forum there are plenty of real people that got sides who are sharing about those experiences.

If you don’t like that you can always f*** off.


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Wait.. so you are letting yourself go bald because some bros on a message board told you that your penor will fall off if you take finasteride, while ignoring the advice of your doctor to take it. My mind is blown. In all likelihood you would have maintained your hair without any side effects, and now you're going to go bald.

Or you would have got sides,

If you’re sensitive to drugs be especially careful.

As a person who got the sides I would still say try it on the basis that there are very few reported counts of people that did not recover from the sides.

And it’s perfectly okay to shave your head and rock bald if you don’t have a FUT scar. Some people here might be doing some research and decide the risks suck.

Remember this is a specific topic for people looking for alternative solutions. Not record players repeating the finasteride song.


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Man im not going around and around arguing but any guy who suggests 30% sides without any proof cannot be listened to, you are basing your estimates off an internet hairloss forum and your feelings and not any actual data, to suggest 30% sides is ridiculous.
Man i dont claim 30% is an exact amount, thats just my personal impression. But it's sure A LOT higher than 3%, even in this voting, more people expirienced sides, than those who didnt. And you have to use this stuff your whole life, so even if you didnt get sides at first years, you are still likely to get them after, and they probably gonna be nearly permanent if you altered you hormones by such a long time. Not all sides are easy to mention and connect to finasteride, like brain fog, or fat distribution changes. It comes very slowly and gradually, so if you get this, you might be convincing yourself its something else, because if you stop finasteride, you're hair will be gone, but the sides stay, so you will continue and then you're life is really fucked, and you will regret not listening to the warnings.


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Wait.. so you are letting yourself go bald because some bros on a message board told you that your penor will fall off if you take finasteride, while ignoring the advice of your doctor to take it. My mind is blown. In all likelihood you would have maintained your hair without any side effects, and now you're going to go bald.
Damn that was a complete scammy doctor in a cosmetological clinic in Russia. That doctor dont have any credibility at all. As I wrote, she said finasteride is not hormonal and when I argued, she said like "ok, then at least saw palmetto". I just came to do PRP, but luckily didnt spend my money on that sh*t, and didnt even have to pay for the visit. I could mantained my hair, and then get a limp dick, which is much worse then a bald head. And ok, those severy sides might be not happen to everyone, but loss of libido is surely very common and likely happens to the MOST. And that is also an important thing. But that is also not so easy to mention.


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It impacts hormones, but it's not really a hormonal drug like people claim. It would only be used very rarely in hormonal therapy. It's really no more a hormonal drug than saw palmetto, which I guess you're against that too. At least you didn't waste your money on PRP, it's a total scam. Anyways, you're very unlikely to get a limp dick on finasteride. I haven't had any loss of libido from either it or dutasteride. You see a lot of people complaining about it, but that's out of tens of millions of people who are taking the drug. The most vocal are always the ones who've had problems. Those who take the drug, maintain their hair, and then don't get side effects disappear and you never hear from them again because they are happy. The ones you see posting are the small but vocal minority who take the drug get sides and then come off it and keep balding. That's why they're here.
No, I'm not against saw palmetto, I even tried it for 3 month, but I didnt see any effect, and everyone on forums says its useless as well and I have no reason not to believe them. So why did you switch to from finasteride to dutasteride? My sitiation is shitty now and I reached the point where maintenance is not enough, I need regrowth from diffuse NW3 (can still hide it somehow but looks sh*t). But at the same time I dont want to mess with my hormones, and last step I would go, is topical finasteride, but not sure. Now i started using Ell-Cranell and NGF574, see what that does after 4 month. I have much hope on the future treatments, thats why I'm checking this section.
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the thing is really, really easy. DHT is a NATURAL hormone that is in the body. People that loose hair don't have higher cc of it. YOU CAN'T eliminate a NATURAL hormone in the body without side effects.


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What is even worst, we are not eliminating only DHT, we are eliminating more hormones, cause 5-alpha reductase, is part of many, many other reactions in the body.


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It’s not that it’s 30% or 99%. There are millions of men out there that are bald that might have tried finasteride and got sides - hence why they are still bald.

It’s highly likely that some of them got sides, stopped finasteride and shaved the dome.

The POINT here is that there is an absence of warnings.

If you’re a young nieve man being told to go on finasteride and not being told about the sides that’s equally wrong.

In this section of this forum there are plenty of real people that got sides who are sharing about those experiences.

If you don’t like that you can always f*** off.
And again plenty of people here who havent got sides and have only seen benefits and if you dont like that- f*** off.


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the thing is really, really easy. DHT is a NATURAL hormone that is in the body. People that loose hair don't have higher cc of it. YOU CAN'T eliminate a NATURAL hormone in the body without side effects.

Exactly. Engineering hair follicles without androgen receptors or at least with normal amounts of them (like the hair on the sides & back) would be a first step in the right direction. This is where companies like Replicel could really shine if they got this right.