Sandalore - Chemical Used In Perfumes To Mimic Sandalwood Triggers Growth?


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How much are you using? You may just be sensitive to it, like I posted earlier using too much can have reverse effects which is why it needs to be diluted.
1 drop per 10ml, which comes out to .5% concentration. I'll dillute it a bit. This shed is unacceptable.


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Shedding is a sign that a treatment is working. I've been getting good results lately, hair never would grow this long and seems to be coming in thicker. Will post new photos in a few weeks.

Either that or the dosage is too high. Based on the in-vitro paper most ppl used 0.01% because that was used there. We also know "too much" inhibits hair growth. At some point ppl just kept using more and more because of one person increasing percentage and the others unwillingness to read the full thread.


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Yeah, but my scalp is also inflamed.
Could be that you are using too much alcohol.
Either that or the dosage is too high. Based on the in-vitro paper most ppl used 0.01% because that was used there. We also know "too much" inhibits hair growth. At some point ppl just kept using more and more because of one person increasing percentage and the others unwillingness to read the full thread.
I think that's a misconception. "This clearly showed that – notably in the presence of high-dose Sandalore® ! – OR2AT4 knock-down exerted the opposite effects of agonist treatment alone and profoundly inhibited both, hair growth (i.e. OR2AT4 siRNA shortened anagen and prematurely induced catagen and up-regulated hair matrix keratinocyte apoptosis) and intrafollicular IGF-1 production"
What they are saying is Sandalore definitely increases hair growth through the OR2AT4 pathway and not some other means because once they completely inhibited that pathway through gene modification, Sandalore was no longer effective. That being said, we probably don't have to use a really high dose as the study was found to be effective at .01%. I use about a 1% solution since my scalp isn't bathing in the solution all day however.


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Could be that you are using too much alcohol.

I think that's a misconception. "This clearly showed that – notably in the presence of high-dose Sandalore® ! – OR2AT4 knock-down exerted the opposite effects of agonist treatment alone and profoundly inhibited both, hair growth (i.e. OR2AT4 siRNA shortened anagen and prematurely induced catagen and up-regulated hair matrix keratinocyte apoptosis) and intrafollicular IGF-1 production"
What they are saying is Sandalore definitely increases hair growth through the OR2AT4 pathway and not some other means because once they completely inhibited that pathway through gene modification, Sandalore was no longer effective. That being said, we probably don't have to use a really high dose as the study was found to be effective at .01%. I use about a 1% solution since my scalp isn't bathing in the solution all day however.

Well it increases igf-1 as well as increases calcium signaling in keratinocytes.

Reminds me honestly a lot of raspberry ketone which also was only effective at 0.01% and worked by stimulating trpv1. TRPV1, 3 and 4 were shown to inhibit hair growth. Usually full knock-out of trpv is also not beneficial from what I saw so far, but PGJ2 was also shown to induce TRPV1 in once study which is also known to induce itch and apoptosis.

Sadly the study didnt take a look at its relation to the TRPV channels.


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Maybe for the effect of microneedling you are using?
Usually my head is fine a few days after. But this time I felt my scalp was more sensitive in some areas, indicating inflammation.
In fact, it was sensitive over large areas. Healthy scalp should feel somewhat numb when you massage it with the brush without any inflammation.

The extent of sensitivity and shedding indicates this is not working right. Maybe dose is too high(1 drop per 10 ml). I'm stopping for now, maybe will try diluted later.


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Usually my head is fine a few days after. But this time I felt my scalp was more sensitive in some areas, indicating inflammation.
In fact, it was sensitive over large areas. Healthy scalp should feel somewhat numb when you massage it with the brush without any inflammation.

The extent of sensitivity and shedding indicates this is not working right. Maybe dose is too high(1 drop per 10 ml). I'm stopping for now, maybe will try diluted later.

I guess you're not going to suspend needling?
in that case, could you try reducing penetration depth?
I've got 0 irritation from Sandalore.


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I guess you're not going to suspend needling?
in that case, could you try reducing penetration depth?
I've got 0 irritation from Sandalore.
I was fine before sandalore. It is possible 2mm needling to blame, but i doubt it. I'll cut sandalore out and keep needling as before.


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I was fine before sandalore. It is possible 2mm needling to blame, but i doubt it. I'll cut sandalore out and keep needling as before.
then perhaps it's the organic solvent in the sandalore vehicle.
you could reduce (ethanol for example) down to 70% without affecting solubility


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then perhaps it's the organic solvent in the sandalore vehicle.
you could reduce (ethanol for example) down to 70% without affecting solubility
im using 50% ethanol, 30% pg, 20 polysorb80.
I can't afford to experiment with sandalore anymore. I need to regrow lost hair back first.


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im using 50% ethanol, 30% pg, 20 polysorb80.
I can't afford to experiment with sandalore anymore. I need to regrow lost hair back first.

Propylene glycol is much more irritant that ethanol. I use 96º ethanol as vehicle. I hope you get back on Sandalore in the near term.
We all need data on this. I currently have no detectable shedding but can't pinpoint if it is the Sandalore or the LLLT....