Setipiprant Does Work, But Only On Really Really High Doses.


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I am honestly curious how people who do experimental treatments like this or RU or CB keep up with stuff that has to be prepared and compounded or even refrigerated. It's a little annoying for me to have to keep up with my Rogaine and finasteride pills whenever I want to go on trips and such.


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I can't be the only one who thinks spending hundreds a month on this is a collusal waste of time. My as well spend the funds on a proven solution aka hair transplant.

Mental masturbation ITT
If seti does come out it won't be that expensive and you would take it twice a day which really isn't. That big of a deal. If it wasn't for people like Weston we would never be able to get an insight on how new upcoming treatments are going to be like


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Trolls are coming out slowly haha ? Keep going with the 1.5g-2g and in waiting for Fevi Weston',bro actually you just need minoxidil to prove them wrong and you know it.
They don't know sh*t.


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Your ludicrous statement is easily refuted.

Do u have enough $$$ for 4-5 hair transplants(in addition to huge stores of donor hairs), cos u're still going to continue losing hair after having them.

And you can add donor area limitation and by what I can see,he could had 2 to 3 session of 1k grafts each.
And density in donor area will look awful.
So 5 to 6k hair. We need at least 20k to completely cover NW6-7 to 1-0. Truly insufficient.
Not everybody has enough hair with enough density in donor area to had the job completely done.


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Oh en I asked about the effects of salted form vs acid form. Response KANE:

"Seti salt or acid form both should act as a crth2 antagonist. Diffrence in Mass is small. You have to check literature for differences (if any) in biological Activity and solvebility in low ph environment for seti-salt form for your research purposes."


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Oh you dislike my comment?

You should be ashamed of yourself getting on a hair loss forum where a dude is spending his time energy and money trying to pioneer an avenue for the rest of us risking what we all crave. Will it work, maybe or maybe not. But I for one am open to an avenue that doesn't reduce what makes me a man by 70 f*****g percent.

Get the f*** out of here dude, you're lucky this sh*t is anonymous.

Bearded , I second your coment,. This kind of users must be banned . Their comments are useless and can cause a lot of damage on good people that try to help others. Why somebody will take the time to upload photos if others insult him ?
I am reporting this ***... comment, please do the same.


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Got a quote to have Seti testen for 250€. Kane is willing to pay 50%. Still have doubts about the costst because it only costs me money (can't use it anyway). I will think about it.


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When Setipiprant and Fevi will be available in
pharmacies to treat male pattern baldness?