I must say that at first I too was quite skeptical of the negative attitudes towards going bald that you see here and on other similar forums. The only problem is that the social science studies that have been done in this area largely seems to bear the pessimists out. I gave a detailed account in
another thread about one study that showed mean scores for personal characteristics, as measured with a standardized questionnaire measuring perceived likability, intelligence et.c. being consistently lower for balding men vs. a non-balding control group. When the researcher controlled for perceived attractiveness most of the differences went away. The researcher concluded that the negative perceptions of the balding men were likely being caused by their diminished attractiveness in the eyes of the perceiver. The diminished attractiveness made the scores for other, unrelated personal characteristics go down as well. In psychology,
this is known as the "halo effect".
While the research on the social impact of balding is still quite spotty in my opinion (mostly informal research that backs up the pessimists), I would say that it's relatively uncontroversial that it is more likely to make you less attractive than not. And through the halo effect, being less attractive is statistically likely to make other perceive you as less fun, less interesting to be around, less successful et.c. This is an area where the trend in the research is really quite strong. How big an impact it has seems largely dependent on your ethnicity and headshape. Most of the people here are guys who look very bad bald. This category includes me: I foolishly tried to go sly a few years ago and it
really opened my eyes.
Your evidence so far consists of unverifiable anecdotes, and a to you prominent exception that is as good an example of the
availability heuristic as I can think of. It thus reflects very poorly on you so far that you are still making blanket statements about the impact baldness should or should not have on us. We likely (certainly) lead very different lives from you and are impacted by our condition differently too. For example, I am in a high-end corporate job where the meathead look you are indirectly advocating would get me fired, or at least off the short-list for promotion.
I will leave it to you whether you stick with your largely uninformed opinion or not, but I suggest you do one thing: come back when you have shaved it off. It would be interesting to get your perspective at that point. It certainly changed mine.