Sheesh It Never Ends - Always The Butt Of Jokes


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In Australia mainstream news commentators literally say we should stop talking about Islamic terrorism because it might upset Muslims leading them to kill us. I've heard the same thing from retards and Muslims in my liberal arts degree.

They're such peaceful folk, that if someone says mean things they'll strap on a bomb and kill us.

Yes, lets take another 10000 Mooslem refugees please.
Come here and show me if you're killed. It would be a golden opportunity to kill you here, wouldn't it ? It's okay to talk about terrorism, but not to blame every f****r for terrorism. And about the refugees it's not really my country to decide if you can accept them or not. Just don't accept them and then make their lives living hell, refuse them from the beginning.


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Those losers in their mother's basement are university students, where do you think these loonies are bred?

They have an intelligent rationalization for what they're doing. And they know exactly why they're doing it.


Only young man I know still living with his mom at 25 is a Trumpster. He does not want to work because he has panic attacks and considers his music his job.

No he never went to university, he barely graduated HS

And he is actually really good looking. Gets laid all the time (but at his moms house)


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And doesn't see the irony:

"Come say what you say here, we'll beat you to death!"

I swear to god, you're one of the stupidest people i've ever seen in my life. And i don't mean it as an insult, you're truly stupid. It's an adjective. Retardation comes in all shapes and sizes.


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I swear to god, you're one of the stupidest people i've ever seen in my life. And i don't mean it as an insult, you're truly stupid. It's an adjective. Retardation comes in all shapes and sizes.

Yeah but you can't actually 'see' him.

He's not stupid he just gets super annoying and singular in his opinion


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Yeah but you can't actually 'see' him.

He's not stupid he just gets super annoying and singular in his opinion
He can't even understand what i'm trying to say. There have never been an argument with him, that he could disprove any of my points, just dislikes and typing useless sh*t. He takes advantage of having most people here agreeing with him on everything. At least i'm alone and neither one of them could disprove any of my sh*t.


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And you've run out of arguments I guess.

Too bad you can't beat me up through your screen.

But you're young, I don't blame you. I hope you learn and grow.
You can't understand what i'm saying, how can i not call you stupid ? Ever disproved any of my points ? Or you just call your people to dislike me and all make fun of me when you can't respond to sh*t. Never one debate anyone of you could respond to sh*t. Disliking and making fun and taking advantage of the number of supportive, brainwashed people is retarded.


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Maybe there's a reason for that.
Yeah, because all of you are from the same race and the same beliefs, of course all of you would be against what you consider "the inferior Arab Muslim". Weak as f***.


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^ This is where all our troubles with the Arab/Muslim population come from.

Inferiority complex leading to jealousy, leading to resentment, leading to wanting to burn our whole civilization to the ground.

Thank you for providing this insight.
HAHAHAHA. Inferiority complex. Fred, didn't i just show you your real history and you couldn't say anything, because of shame ? Funny to see the one whose ancestors were barbaric tribes calling me inferior.


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ayo hol up, so u sayin we wuz



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Yeah our ancestors committed some horrible sh*t and you know what? We actually learned from their mistakes.
Then for the second time i say, don't forget your real place. My country has been fucked for 60 years by the military, but it was one of the greatest countries in the world before that. 60 years of corruption compared to 7000 years of greatness is like 0.008%. But country like Belgium, 60 years of greatness and 2000 years of sh*t is like 0.03% of greatness compared to the rest of sh*t.


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He can't even understand what i'm trying to say. There have never been an argument with him, that he could disprove any of my points, just dislikes and typing useless sh*t. He takes advantage of having most people here agreeing with him on everything. At least i'm alone and neither one of them could disprove any of my sh*t.

A lot of people here don't get into the political debates because as you can see they are endless and can go in circles for days.

I debates 3 people at once today but no one is meaning it that way. It's not like they plan to gang up but I know it can seem this way.
People are getting notices of comments etc
It's not like planned or bullying


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A lot of people here don't get into the political debates because as you can see they are endless and can go in circles for days.

I debates 3 people at once today but no one is meaning it that way. It's not like they plan to gang up but I know it can seem this way.
People are getting notices of comments etc
It's not like planned or bullying
Yeah, but it's tiring. I can't have a debate with one or two people. Just as soon as i start the debate, i then find an organization coming out of nowhere to save the day. It's like we have a war or some sh*t and they came to backup their teammate. And it's not all about politics, i don't even understand politics that much nor interested in it, but it's rather history and logic.


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Yeah, but it's tiring. I can't have a debate with one or two people. Just as soon as i start the debate, i then find an organization coming out of nowhere to save the day. It's like we have a war or some sh*t and they came to backup their teammate. And it's not all about politics, i don't even understand politics that much nor interested in it, but it's rather history and logic.

History and logic play into politics though

They are not ganging up but we have ALL been on receiving end of multiple posters disagreeing at once. You can just ignore it when that happens or just stay focused on one person tune out OR try to take them all on
It's a choice
It's not on purpose and I think everyone has experienced so it's not a team