Sheesh It Never Ends - Always The Butt Of Jokes


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People need to stop using the word "nazi" here. That's a word the media decided to use. At worst, use neo-nazi (though still not recommended). I really hate the way language drifts.

I did not get Nazi from media

I got Nazi from my eyeballs with the symbols they use

My ears with The chants they sang

You want to be politically correct about Nazis

That's your prerogative

but to most rational people if you wave their symbols use their slogans and chants then you represent Nazis


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You are using the word "nazi" because you sheep-like follow the media definition of nazi. If they told you they were unicorns, you would be using the word unicorn. Furthermore, you even capitalize the name - you realise you are literally referring to (by definition) : "a member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, which controlled Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler and advocated totalitarian government, territorial expansion, anti-Semitism, and Aryan supremacy, all these leading directly to World War II and the Holocaust."

Many here are referring to the Nazis as nazis not just me

So you think all of us using the term are media fed sheep?

I notice you only single me out

You just insulted me I will give you 3 insults before I hit you back

So you got 1 so far.
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It wasn't about white skin per se, it was that "the Germanic peoples were the most racially pure existing peoples of Aryan stock." (source). Plenty of white skinned people were the enemy of the Germans, as we all know. The Nazis knew how to split hairs. It wasn't enough to have white skin. You had to have blue eyes and blonde hair. On the other side of the world the Japanese held similar beliefs about their own "race" (though they are not a distinct race at all). It shows the absurdity of it all that two distinctly genetic groups of people thought they were the "master race" and tried to take over the world - at the same time no less - and both lost.

edit: hairblues - yeah I get it - I comment, you dislike it automatically (don't bother to protest that point, we can see what you are doing). How very clever of you. Grow up and stop being so salty. You act like you're 15, not 45. Sure, we don't agree on much, but that doesn't mean you have to be spiteful. There's always a higher road to take. The view is much better from there.

You dislike all of my comments for a long time

Now you object when I do it back?

Now this is insult 2 telling me to grow up and that I behave 15

You get 1 more before I take my gloves off so better make it good


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I did not get Nazi from media

I got Nazi from my eyeballs with the symbols they use

My ears with The chants they sang

You want to be politically correct about Nazis

That's your prerogative

but to most rational people if you wave their symbols use their slogans and chants then you represent Nazis

You keep capitalizing that word which really doesn't help - you're referring to the National Socialist German Workers' Party of 1933 to 1945. If the media used "white nationalists" (as did NYT and some other newspapers) instead of "nazi" (a tabloid and incendiary word, wholly designed to provoke), you would not ever use the word "nazi" in your comments. It would not exist. It shows the power of the media and how people just follow in the wake of it.


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You dislike all of my comments for a long time

Now you object when I do it back?

Now this is insult 2 telling me to grow up and that I behave 15

You get 1 more before I take my gloves off so better make it good

The difference is - I will dislike comments based on the content, not on who is posting. Clearly, you've just blanket-disliked my comments in this thread, even ones that are merely repeating historical facts. Do as you please - but it's not a good look.


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The difference is - I will dislike comments based on the content, not on who is posting. Clearly, you've just blanket-disliked my comments in this thread, even ones that are merely repeating historical facts. Do as you please - but it's not a good look.

My dislikes are content based as well.
Why should this matter to you?

my comment pretty much explains the problem I have with your multiple postings on this subject
You could have asked me if it was unclear instead you act like a victim as usual as you insult me


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Just gave you another one


Obvious bullshit


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The difference is - I will dislike comments based on the content, not on who is posting. Clearly, you've just blanket-disliked my comments in this thread, even ones that are merely repeating historical facts. Do as you please - but it's not a good look.

Yeah apparently you did not get the memo about me

I don't post for how it looks to people


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For record



Radical Islamic terrorism


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I'm anti Nazi and KKK who show up with police batons and body shileds and guns
Which they did if you are unaware--which you seem be.

How many times have Nazis/KKK rioted in recent years?

Given tacit support of antifa by the local authorities, any group which is not liked by antifa now has to show up with body shields and batons. Common sense.


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They won't support him

But they would not kill him or not support him due to the color of his skin

They would just get me fired somehow because I don't adhere to their ideology. Given how ubiquitous BLM is, guess which group poses a bigger threat to me.


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Radical left = Marxists = communists.

You say that letting them speak isn't that bad because at least they don't want other people dead.

They do.

They would just get me fired somehow because I don't adhere to their ideology. Given how ubiquitous BLM is, guess which group poses a bigger threat to me.

True they might try to do this and it's a very bad thing.

But not equal to kkk and Nazi or white supremacy and how they feel just looking at you.


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It wasn't about white skin per se, it was that "the Germanic peoples were the most racially pure existing peoples of Aryan stock." (source). Plenty of white skinned people were the enemy of the Germans, as we all know. The Nazis knew how to split hairs. It wasn't enough to have white skin. You had to have blue eyes and blonde hair. On the other side of the world the Japanese held similar beliefs about their own "race" (though they are not a distinct race at all). It shows the absurdity of it all that two distinctly genetic groups of people thought they were the "master race" and tried to take over the world - at the same time no less - and both lost.

Thanks for the history lesson, I wasn't aware!

People say "nazis" because the word doesn't just mean the National Socialist German Workers' Party anymore. The fascinating thing about words is that they're fluid and their meaning can change over the course of the time. Why bother saying ultranationalist, anti-semitic, homophobic, racist when you can just say nazi? But nah its probably just the media brainwashing us. INFOWARS.COM!!!!!



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Because one group in this country was our enemy by war that many of our grandparents died fighting

The other has a long history of killing blacks, Jews, Catholics, Irish Italians and many other cultures in this country who have intergrated well.

I don't advocate punching people BUT I have no beef with it if it's Nazis and KKK or white supremacist militia

I don't consider that 'right wing'

If anyone punched
Anti abortion protestors
Anti LGBT marriage protestors
Anti union protestors
Anti Obamacare protestors
Anti illegal immigrants protestors
I would have a problem.

But Nazis and white supremacist? No I have no beef if they get punched.
Most people would not

Punching people for something that is legal: I have a yuge problem with this.
Either make Nazism/KKK illegal (like in Germany); OR live with the fact that it's allowed by law and hence cannot be targeted by violence.


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Radical left = Marxists = communists.

You say that letting them speak isn't that bad because at least they don't want other people dead.

They do.

Is the radical left self identifying as Marxist s?
As a whole gathering when they go to protests are they uniformally singing marxists songs? Communist chants uniformany?

Black lives matter chant is less than 10 years old and it has a lot of meaning for a lot of people. It's not one uniform signal as 'blood and soil' is

Who is it that would be speaking on their behalf Bernie sanders? Elizabeth warren?

Who are the leaders who speak on behalf of the left you consider to be radical?

Like I said Milo or Ann Coulter speaking should be allowed without violence

I would have to know who on left yoinequate with Richard Spencer or David Duke because I don't know any