Should I buzz/shave it?



roki said:
you should go to the gym
the shaved head looks great on you but you cant do it without a bit of muscle
go to the gym
you really should

Yeah yeah I'm gonna start working out but you didn't really answer my question :) .


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i cant see you are balding from the picture its better shaved
it looks symetric as well so yes you are exaguratting
and i would tell you if i thought there was any problem and i tend to notice those things


Thanks for the comments, askas and roki. I feel better about it already. I could swear the asymmetry was a lot worse when I was little, it was visible even with normal length hair.


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and you shouldnt wear a white shirt it dosent complement your skin tone


askas said:
GrowHairGrow! said:
Thanks for the comments, askas and roki. I feel better about it already. I could swear the asymmetry was a lot worse when I was little, it was visible even with normal length hair.

Just to make you feel better, look at my alien head :lol:


And I have to deal with it, I have no choice.
There is always something worse.

Pretty much the same as mine although you got a flatter back. Not an alien head by a long shot.


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GrowHairGrow! said:
roki said:
and you shouldnt wear a white shirt it dosent complement your skin tone

What do you mean? Am I too pale? :freaked2: :)
weather you are too pale or not is a matter of taste but the fact is that you should choose colors that goes better with your skin tone


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GrowHairGrow! - I hate you, you look awesome with a shaved head, Im still putting off doing mine as Im so scared it wont suit me. My hair is thin and looks thinner than your hair in your picture(first one). I just dont know what to do!
Like I said you are a luckyB*stard, dont go on about symentry, or being too pale, it all comes down to, IT SUITS YOU


Itsonlyinmyhead said:
GrowHairGrow! - I hate you, you look awesome with a shaved head, Im still putting off doing mine as Im so scared it wont suit me. My hair is thin and looks thinner than your hair in your picture(first one). I just dont know what to do!
Like I said you are a luckyB*stard, dont go on about symentry, or being too pale, it all comes down to, IT SUITS YOU

Thanks a lot, dude. These positive comments are always so encouraging since I'm still adjusting to the look... it's hard since I've never had really short hair in my life and now I have like no hair at all :lol: . As for suggestion to you, you do realize that you're only delaying the inevitable? You had to do it sometime if you don't want to sport the full horse-shoe look. Just do it, it can't be that bad!


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Im just terrified that my gf will go off me, etc. Im terrified that she will anyway as Im losing my hair. I know its abit whiney and all that but hey Im human. I just dont know when Im going to start shaving my head. Its just that we all dont look that good with a shaved head


Itsonlyinmyhead said:
Im just terrified that my gf will go off me, etc. Im terrified that she will anyway as Im losing my hair. I know its abit whiney and all that but hey Im human. I just dont know when Im going to start shaving my head. Its just that we all dont look that good with a shaved head

So your gf hasn't even noticed your hairloss yet? Well you gotta tell her sometime aswell :lol: . If she dumps you for hairloss you know that it wasn't love for sure.


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'If she dumps you for hairloss you know that it wasn't love for sure.'

I think growhairgrow is totally right. Even if she dumped you for that then you can at least be content knowing that shes not the right one for you and can try to find someone who you think is, and who you are more secure with.
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shaved head looks good man, u can pull it off no prob

if i had to give any constructive criticism as far as looks go, id say get in teh gym. I think with some more muscle, u coudl totaly pull teh shaved head look off and look as good or better then u did before

good luck man


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Itsonlyinmyhead said:
Im just terrified that my gf will go off me, etc. Im terrified that she will anyway as Im losing my hair. I know its abit whiney and all that but hey Im human. I just dont know when Im going to start shaving my head. Its just that we all dont look that good with a shaved head

Unless your g/f is blind then she will have noticed your hair and it obviosly has'nt put her off. Most women dont mind a small degree of hairloss, its only when you get to nw4/5+ that the cosmetic appearance reaches a point of being a massive transformation. This is when general public really begin to consider you as 'bald'. IMO the point to shave is nw3+ thats when I finally gave in and buzzed it.


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SkipTracer said:
All this talk of shaving genitals.
wel as far as genitals goes i do prefer the shaved look


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yeah me too. I once encountered this spanish chick and she had this bush that just totally threw me, it was like an eclipse. I didnt even know where to begin looking. Shaved is better, chicks shave the rest of their bodies, so why leave masculine hair on the most feminine place of all?