So I joined a dating site


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I won't say which one but I did it. I guess this is my new point of desperation to get a girlfriend. I guess I shouldn't feel to bad since I've found many pretty girls and just to do a comparison to the "competition" there are plenty of normal looking dudes as well. My problem is now is I cannot bring myself to message any of these women due to being terrified of being rejected or even worse a comment about my hairline. I lied and put my age as 2 years older thinking maybe older women wouldn't put as put off by it. They have a feature to see who has viewed your profile and in 2 days only one girl has viewed mine, she didn't write anything (she was attractive though).

I haven't had a serious girlfriend in 2 years and haven't gotten laid in 1. My confidence in my appearance is 0 which is difficult because when it comes to any other aspect of my life I'm borderline arrogant. I cant look in the mirror, when I'm riding the subway i look away from the window on the other side of the car to avoid seeing my reflection.

I started losing my hair when I was about 16 so that's 8 years now. 8 years of this crap can do a number on your self esteem. In my head I know there are women out there that don't care about my hairline but for some reason I'm a pussy when it comes to hearing comments about it and I just shut down. I have ended friendships over people commented about my hair.

I've gone way off topic but I guess the point is it seems unless I get over my fear of rejection I'll be alone the rest of my life. It's so ridiculous how vain society is, if society as a whole didn't have such a negative image of hair loss none of us would be here right now. Who's crazier, us putting magic potions on our heads, taking hormones, desperately waiting for some breakthrough to save us from this hell or everyone else for judging us? OR maybe it's just me who's assuming all the women are judging me, some are sure but it can't be ALL of them can it?


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Sounds like Plenty of Fish.

Once you accept yourself, it will be easier for others to accept you.


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I think that ^^ is very much true. If you can accept yourself, then everything else will become a lot easier. Accepting your new appearance is a lot easier said than done though (well for me it is).

How bad is the hairloss now anyway?


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about a NW3 but I have a high forehead which I think makes it stick out worse. Honestly I don't even care if I have a perfect hairline anymore, if I was a NW2 again I'd have so much more confidence and the hairloss wouldn't even bother me.


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I think that in your current situation you probably should be more concerned about helping your self esteem and building some self acceptance for yourself. Consider doing some exercise, man it helps a lot to get your mind away from hairloss.


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Good for you man, do some self-confidence and if she says "you're balding" just say "Well you have a big (nose, ***, thighs), guess it compliments one another."


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Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?


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IBM said:
Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?

Why would they need to? They're married.

There is nothing wrong with a dating site.

If you don't go to bars
Don't want to date someone you work with

Your options are extremely limited.


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I have lots of friends that got dates through dating sites. There is nothing wrong with joining a dating site. It makes the whole selection process easier and the chances of two like minded people finding each other are very high.


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Good for you man, do some self-confidence and if she says "you're balding" just say "Well you have a big (nose, ***, thighs), guess it compliments one another."

That's terrible advice. If someone says "hey, you're balding," make a joke out of it. Don't try and get even, then nobody wins, you need to disarm the situation.

"What?!" with an overly surprised face.
"No, my head is just swollen."
"Grass doesn't grown on a busy street!"
+ any other corney expresion.

Fake a smile long enough and eventually you'll find yourself smiling for real.


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Avery said:
Good for you man, do some self-confidence and if she says "you're balding" just say "Well you have a big (nose, ***, thighs), guess it compliments one another."

That's terrible advice. If someone says "hey, you're balding," make a joke out of it. Don't try and get even, then nobody wins, you need to disarm the situation.

"What?!" with an overly surprised face.
"No, my head is just swollen."
"Grass doesn't grown on a busy street!"
+ any other corney expresion.

Fake a smile long enough and eventually you'll find yourself smiling for real.

Screw that. If someone take a jab at me, I'm reciprocating. Especially if it was someone who knew it bothered me. I'm genuinely a nice person and I don't just walk around and start with people. I am not the type to make fun of a person if I know it would bother them. That being said, if someone says it to me, I'll say anything. I don't care if they lost their child to cancer, I'll bring that up. Yeah I know it's low but for people who think it's ok to just say things like that about someone, well I don't care about them.


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Cassin said:
IBM said:
Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?

Why would they need to? They're married.

There is nothing wrong with a dating site.

If you don't go to bars
Don't want to date someone you work with

Your options are extremely limited.

I saw the people on dating site and they are not atractive. Sorry i wouldnt join a dating site.


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IBM said:
Cassin said:
IBM said:
Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?

Why would they need to? They're married.

There is nothing wrong with a dating site.

If you don't go to bars
Don't want to date someone you work with

Your options are extremely limited.

I saw the people on dating site and they are not atractive. Sorry i wouldnt join a dating site.
And I am sure if they saw you IBM, they probably would feel the same way. Right? :shakehead:


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IBM said:
Cassin said:
IBM said:
Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?

Why would they need to? They're married.

There is nothing wrong with a dating site.

If you don't go to bars
Don't want to date someone you work with

Your options are extremely limited.

I saw the people on dating site and they are not atractive. Sorry i wouldnt join a dating site.

load of garbage. I have seen many attractive women on sites.


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IBM said:
Cassin said:
IBM said:
Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?

Why would they need to? They're married.

There is nothing wrong with a dating site.

If you don't go to bars
Don't want to date someone you work with

Your options are extremely limited.

I saw the people on dating site and they are not atractive. Sorry i wouldnt join a dating site.

Yeah riiiiiiight.....


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IBM said:
Cassin said:
IBM said:
Dating sites are depressing. Would Beckam or Brad Pitt join a dating site?

Why would they need to? They're married.

There is nothing wrong with a dating site.

If you don't go to bars
Don't want to date someone you work with

Your options are extremely limited.

I saw the people on dating site and they are not atractive. Sorry i wouldnt join a dating site.

You must have some high standards then cause I've seen some of the girls on dating sites and their very attractive.


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IBM said:
I saw the people on dating site and they are not atractive. Sorry i wouldnt join a dating site.

And you should remain single forever...

Avery said:
Good for you man, do some self-confidence and if she says "you're balding" just say "Well you have a big (nose, ***, thighs), guess it compliments one another."

That's terrible advice. If someone says "hey, you're balding," make a joke out of it. Don't try and get even, then nobody wins, you need to disarm the situation.

"What?!" with an overly surprised face.
"No, my head is just swollen."
"Grass doesn't grown on a busy street!"
+ any other corney expresion.

Fake a smile long enough and eventually you'll find yourself smiling for real.

The way I react will depend on the situation and the way it is said. The only person that told me I was balding was my hair dresser. I didn't like the way he put it, so I never went to him again. He said "Enjoy your hair while it lasts". He should have put it differently.


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ali777 said:
The way I react will depend on the situation and the way it is said. The only person that told me I was balding was my hair dresser. I didn't like the way he put it, so I never went to him again. He said "Enjoy your hair while it lasts". He should have put it differently.
Wow, what an a**h**. Should have said thanks and called him gay for being a hair dresser aka not smart enough to earn money another way.


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Two tips to get you a girlfriend again - #1 Shave your head. #2 Get your *** in the gym. Once you learn to forget about your hairloss, girls will too. Confidence speaks much louder than a head full of hair.